A Cold Touch of Ice. Michael Pearce
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Название: A Cold Touch of Ice

Автор: Michael Pearce

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9780007441150


СКАЧАТЬ they found a total of fifteen rifles and six revolvers; numbers which Owen found puzzling. Gun-running or gun-using? The numbers were too small for the former and large for the latter – there were assassination attempts all the time, but they seldom involved more than two or three people.

      And then there was another puzzle: where they had been found. In the house of an Italian. Gun-running in Egypt at the moment was from the Sinai peninsula to Tripolitania, from the Turks to their allies fighting against the Italians. What sort of Italian was it who would be arming enemies against his own kind? He could think of plenty of people who might for one reason or another, for profit or for patriotism, be running guns; but the one national group that wouldn’t be, just at the moment, was the Italians.

      But then, neither would they be smuggling guns in order to prepare for some armed raid or assassination attempt. It wasn’t from foreign nationals that such attempts came; it was from nationalistically-minded Egyptians.

      One thing, however, was clear.

      ‘It looks,’ he said to Mahmoud, ‘as if I’ll be joining you in your investigations.’

      Sidi Morelli had been an auctioneer. For some reason that Owen could not fathom, many of the auctioneers in Cairo and Alexandria were Italian. The counting at auctions was often done in Italian: uno, due … Strangely, that was not always so at the auctions conducted by Sidi Morelli himself, whose business included both an up-market end, based upon hired premises in the Europeanized Ismailiya Quarter, and a down-market end held in a tented enclosure close to the Market of the Afternoon, where proceedings were conducted totally in Arabic.

      When Owen went there the following day he found a few people poking round the various lots stacked at one end of the enclosure while the sundry Levantines who normally assisted Sidi Morelli stood about uncertainly. An auction had been scheduled for that morning but then, since instructions had been lacking, had been abandoned.

      ‘No, I don’t know when it will be held.’ one of the Levantines was saying to a rather crumpled-looking Greek. ‘Yes, I know you’re looking for cotton, and, yes, we do have some in our warehouse, but the Parquet are crawling all over it and I don’t know when they’ll be finished.’

      ‘It’s raw cotton, is it?’ said the Greek.


      ‘And slightly damaged? That’s what the man told me last week.’

      ‘Yes, it’s slightly damaged. That’s why we’ve got it and why it’s not going to the cotton market.’

      ‘Do you think I could go to your warehouse and take a look at it?’

      ‘I wouldn’t if I were you. Not just at the moment. As I said, the Parquet are all over the place –’

      ‘The Parquet? What are they doing there?’

      ‘I told you. Our boss has just died and –’

      ‘Do you think there’s any chance of a reduction?’

      ‘For the cotton? Look –’

      ‘Yes. You know, to get rid of it. Not have it hanging about on your hands. While they’re working out the estate.’

      ‘Look, he’s only just died!’

      ‘Yes, but –’

      ‘No!’ said the Levantine in a fury. ‘No!’

      The Greek moved away.

      ‘These bloody Greeks!’ the Levantine said to Owen. They’re so bloody sharp, they cut themselves!’

      An Arab dressed in a dirty blue galabeah came in under the awning.

      ‘Louis,’ he said to the Levantine, ‘is there any chance of the angrib?’

      He pointed to a rope bed in one of the lots.

      ‘Sidi said I could have it if you didn’t sell it this time, and I’ve got a customer waiting.’

      ‘I don’t see why not,’ said the Levantine. ‘If it’s not gone twice there’s no reason to suppose it would go the third time.’


      The Arab called a porter, who picked up the bed and walked out with it across his shoulders.

      The Arab hesitated.

      ‘If I sell it, you know –’

      ‘That’s all right,’ said Louis.

      ‘I wouldn’t like the Signora –’

      ‘That’s all right.’

      ‘We let the stallholders have the stuff we can’t sell,’ the Levantine said to Owen.

      The Greek returned.

      ‘I’m looking for a baby-chair, too.’ he said.


      ‘You know, one of those high chairs that kids can sit in.’

      ‘We don’t have any baby-chairs.’

      ‘It’s for when they get big enough to sit up at table.’

      ‘Yes, I know what a baby-chair is. But we don’t have any. Not here. We wouldn’t have any. People around here sit on the floor. Babies too.’


      The Greek seemed cast down.

      ‘Maybe our other place –’ said the Levantine, relenting.

      ‘Other place?’

      ‘We’ve got a place up in the Ismailiya. That’s where we put the better-quality stuff. It’s brassware, antiques, mostly, but occasionally we get some European furniture. You could try there.’

      ‘Thanks,’ said the Greek gratefully. He hesitated. ‘You don’t think they’d have any cotton?’

      ‘No!’ The Levantine almost shouted. ‘It’s only the better-quality goods. Everything else comes here. Cotton comes here.

      ‘Yes, I see. And when –?’

      ‘Look,’ began the Levantine again, desperately.

      Owen went out into the huge square beneath the Citadel in which the Market of the Afternoon was held. All round the edges of the square camels were lying and among the camels were great cakes compounded equally of dates and dirt. The Market itself was up on a raised platform. You climbed the steps and found yourself in a kind of giant village market, where the stalls were often mere pitches, with the owner sitting on the ground and all his goods spread round him in the dust. Potential customers would crouch down and finger the goods; and the dust came in handy for writing out the bills.

      The goods in the Market of the Afternoon were different from those in the bazaars. They were for the most part copper or brass and almost entirely СКАЧАТЬ