Oblivion Pact. Don Pendleton
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Название: Oblivion Pact

Автор: Don Pendleton

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9781472084521


СКАЧАТЬ the chemical sensors in the Apache gunships, Charlie Wing easily located the exhaust fumes from a large petroleum refinery, and took out the main storage tanks with a salvo of 35 mm rockets, and then a single air-to-ground missile. Ripped wide open by the devastating combination attack, the colossal storage tanks burst, and ignited into gargantuan fireballs that registered as a nuclear explosion on the Keyhole and WatchDog satellites in orbit.

      Following the coastline, David Wing easily found the main NASA facility, and spread out to hammer the base with multiple salvos of rockets and missiles. The multiple explosions formed a wall of fireballs before the Daylight gunships, and they charged straight through with their machine guns firing. Civilian cars were ripped apart under the barrage, windows shattering, hoods flying up and the older models burst into flames. People were scurrying everywhere, shouting, praying, cursing and firing handguns at the armored gunships. Ruthlessly, the Daylight pilots gunned down everybody.

      Unexpectedly, a single antiaircraft rocket zoomed up from the ground, and a Black Hawk was blown out of the sky, flaming debris and bodies raining back down across the base.

      A thousand people on the ground began to cheer, until all of the remaining gunships cut loose with everything they had. Rockets, missiles, bombs and chain guns strafed the base, detonating massive storage tanks of liquid hydrogen. The stentorian explosion shook the entire base as if a volcano had erupted. The noise was almost beyond description, and a mob of screaming people were blown away like dry autumn leaves.

      Caught in the initial blast, the armored gunships were buffeted about, several of them taking damage, and two Apaches coming so close to each other that their spinning blades threw off sparks at the fleeting touch. But the Daylight armada survived, and did the same thing again to another underground storage tank of liquid oxygen. Prepared this time, they were hardly bothered by the hellish detonation, and continued their Draconian rampage across the base, delivering swift and unremitting death in every way possible.

      Protected by the expanding ring of bloody chaos, David Wing landed on the unprotected roof of the NASA administration building. Pouring out of the helicopters, the terrorists stormed down the stairwell, executing anybody they encountered. Smashing into a lab, they gunned down the terrified scientists and blew open a safe. Inside were neat rows of electric components nestled in the soft gray foam normally used for transporting high explosives.

      Gingerly loading the devices onto hand trucks, the terrorists returned to the roof, loaded them onto the waiting Black Hawk and immediately departed.

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