Blood Red Tide. James Axler
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Название: Blood Red Tide

Автор: James Axler

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9781474000949


СКАЧАТЬ Miles seemed pleased. “Wake up old Bonesaw and tell him he has a new temporary saw mate until proved otherwise or signed.”

      Forgiven wrote in the ship’s book. “Aye.”

      Miles gave Mildred the evil eye. “And listen to me, bitch. You steal meds or let a man deliberately die on the table, you’ll kiss the blaster’s daughter while every man aboard takes you.”

      A woman with hair as red as Krysty’s, but six inches taller and two hundred pounds heavier, held up a huge callused hand and made a fist. “And woman!”

      The crew cheered. Miles rolled his eyes. “Sweet Marie to have firsts.”

      Forgiven entered Mildred’s name and made a check by it.

      Miles nodded in approval at Jak and Ricky. Ryan started to speak. “They’re—”

      “They’re young, light and tight, and this ship is short of top men.” Miles nodded at a mutie who looked like a six-foot, shaved gibbon with bright pink skin and golden eyes. “Mr. Movies, I want Whitey and Softboy here able in the rigging ASAP.”

      Movies put a pink knuckle to his brow and spoke in a soft voice that sounded like it was unused to human speech. “Aye, Commander Miles.”

      Manrape looked at Ricky with open lust. “What is your name?”

      Ryan gave Ricky credit for scowling at Manrape as if he were shit he had scraped off his shoe. “Ricky.”

      Manrape closed his eyes. “Ricky Softboy, young, light and tight...”

      Ricky made a Puerto Rican hand gesture that had been ancient in Doc’s time. “Mama bicho!”

      The crew laughed at Ricky’s bravado. Manrape smiled beatifically. “Oh, my soft Rickito.”

      “Manrape wants a new wife!” someone called from the rigging. The catcalls resumed.

      “Ship’s business!” Miles thundered. The increasingly horrible suggestions and bets died down. The commander ran an appreciative eye over Krysty. “And her, Mr. Ryan?”

      “She’s mine,” Ryan stated.

      Sweet Marie called out lustily. “We’ll see how long that lasts, Cyclops!”

      The crew whooped.

      “Write Red into the log and rate her lubber, powder monkey, gopher and the like, until proved otherwise or signed.”

      Forgiven scratched in the log. “Aye.”

      The commander weighed and measured Doc and found him wanting. The knockout drug, the beating and the rude awakening had left the time-trawled man staring at his shoes. “And this?”

      “Doc is—”

      “Doc?” Miles perked up. “He’s a whitecoat?”

      Ryan sought for anything that could save his friend. “No, but he’s educated. He’s—”

      A thatch-headed young man shouted happily, “He’s just a fucking old stick!”

      “Shut up, Wipe!” Miles snapped. Wipe flinched and stood at attention. Miles sighed at Forgiven. “Old Stick, rate him lubber, let him pull a rope until he proves himself ordinary seaman or breaks.” Doc seemed completely oblivious to his sentencing.

      Forgiven made a derisive noise and a note. “Aye.”

      The commander gave Ryan a smile that held not an ounce of warmth. “And you, Mr. Ryan, word is you can pull a rope, heave harpoon and lance and fight a boarding action.”

      Ryan knew what was coming. He was the leader of a group of the shanghaied aboard a ship in dire straits. He was mostly likely to be worked until broken or made an example of. “I can.”

      “Rate One-Eye lubber, until proved otherwise or signed.”


      “Mr. Manrape! I don’t want any of the new fish together in number on deck until proved otherwise or signed. Let them mess together but separate their hammocks. Clap Red, Whitey and Softboy in irons until the next watch. Put Ryan to work now.”

      Manrape sneered openly at Doc. “And this one?”

      Commander Miles laughed. “Put Old Stick to work immediately. Let Mr. Ryan have him as a comfort.”

      * * *

      RYAN WORKED LIKE a slave. The knockout drug and the beating did him no favors as he hauled on ropes to bring fresh spars and sails aloft. Small boats brought casks of water, and by the crew’s grumbling, far too little bush meat from the forest. Ryan staggered beneath their weight to bring them down into the dark depths of the hold.

      Their complaints and worry about the food situation were nearly constant. Ryan was treated like a pariah, a pressed man and probably rebellious if given any chance. No one talked to him except to scream about how he was doing his every task wrong. Crewmen laughed when he threw up or fell, but some gave him grunts or nods as he rose again and again and returned to his tasks. If there was any solace in the situation, it was that every other member of the crew was working just as hard as he was. The ship had been in a battle and barely escaped. The urgency among officers and crew to get the vessel seaworthy and under sails again was palpable.

      Doc was not doing as well.

      The knockout drug had addled him. He had been put to work picking apart torn rope and rigging for caulking material. Doc was spending more time talking to the rope scraps than picking them. Manrape stalked the decks with a knotted rope end of his own and it fell upon Doc again and again. The old man whimpered and looked to be spiraling into a genuine episode. Ryan tottered beneath two wooden kegs roped to his shoulders. The ships bell clanged the hour and the commander called out, “Miss Loral!”

      A lanky, grinning, raven-haired beauty in officer’s blue produced a pewter whistle on a chain from her ample cleavage and piped the change of watch. The crew put away its equipment and gear and began filing down the hatch. Miss Loral looked at Miles, who shook his head.

      Miss Loral shook her head at Ryan. “Not you, Ryan! Watch on watch! And you, Old Stick!”

      Ryan had already worked straight through two four-hour watches, and now it would be twelve hours without rest. He was handed hard bread at intervals, and he was given as much water as the rest of the crew, but Ryan could see his sentence written on the wall. They were going to break him and destroy Doc. The new watch filed up. Ryan hadn’t seen J.B. or Mildred, but he saw Krysty, Jak and Ricky with each change of watch and they shot him increasingly concerned looks. Jak and Ricky filed by. Jak hesitated, but Miss Loral’s voice cracked like a whip. “Into the tops, Whitey!”

      Jak was without his Colt Python and his smorgasbord of knives. He knew he would only get Ryan and himself punished if he tried anything. He frowned and moved toward the port rigging. Ricky shot Ryan a grin and tossed a piece of salted mystery meat the size of a deck of cards between two buckets by Ryan’s feet.

      Ricky shot Ryan a wink.

      Manrape appeared out of nowhere СКАЧАТЬ