Killing Trade. Don Pendleton
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Название: Killing Trade

Автор: Don Pendleton

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9781472085122


СКАЧАТЬ went off. The gunman yelled in pain as Ruiz slashed deeply into the wrist of his gun hand, kicked him low in the shin and followed him down with the blade, stabbing again and again with sewing-machine strokes.

      Bolan grabbed Ruiz by the head and peeled him off, twisting and hurling him sideways. Ruiz shook it off and wheeled on the soldier, his bloody knife held before him.

      “Now, you bastard,” Ruiz hissed, “now I carve off a piece of you!”

      Bolan drew his SOG Pentagon knife left-handed. Ruiz narrowed his eyes as he took in the double serrated blade. The soldier crouched low, the knife reversed in his hand. “You don’t have to do this,” he told Ruiz. “That man—” he nodded to the fallen gunman “—is the shooter who killed your boss.”

      “I know!” Ruiz spit. “And I have taken revenge for him!”

      “You have,” Bolan said evenly. “You’ve even done me a favor.”

      “And now,” Ruiz said, advancing with his blade before him, “I shall kill you and then the policeman, for luring us into this ambush.”

      “I don’t know how they knew to take out Caqueta,” Bolan said, slowly circling as Ruiz rounded on him, “or who they were protecting to do it. You can help.”

      “Help?” Ruiz laughed. In the distance, the first sirens wailed. “Why would I help you?”

      “Your boss was going to help us find the source of the DU rounds,” Bolan told him. “He knew it was in his best interests.”

      “He was wrong!” Ruiz lunged with the knife. Bolan sidestepped and slashed, scoring Ruiz lightly on the arm. The cartel killer snarled and backed off a couple of paces. “He never should have trusted the police. You see where it got him!”

      Bolan could see the first uniformed officers closing on them through the park. He was running out of time. Ruiz glanced back and then to Bolan again. “They will take me,” he said, “but not before I take you!”

      When the thrust came, Bolan was ready. He slapped Ruiz’s wrist with his right hand while drawing the Pentagon’s blade over the top of the man’s forearm, slicing deeply through the arm. Ruiz howled as Bolan followed up, slapping and trapping to the outside, moving to his opponent’s right outside his weapon. With a stomp he broke the killer’s ankle under the heel of his combat boot. Ruiz folded, wailing.

      “Don’t move! Drop the knife!” The uniformed officers were closing in, guns drawn.

      For the second time in as many days, Bolan slowly raised his hands and did as he was instructed.


      Mack Bolan sat on the bed in his hotel room, lacing up his combat boots. He wore his combat blacksuit, which to the casual observer would look like a black mock turtleneck and black pants tucked into his boots. The slit pockets of the blacksuit bore some of his gear, leaving room for much more. On the floor before him was a large shipping crate, delivered by special courier from Stony Man Farm early that morning. The Executioner was in the process of unpacking the crate when his secure phone vibrated.

      “Striker,” he said.

      “Good morning, big guy,” Barbara Price said brightly. “I take it you got Cowboy’s special delivery?”

      “Unwrapping it now,” Bolan told her. “Did Bear and his crew have any luck with the photos I sent?”

      “Transmitting now,” Price confirmed. “The shooter in West’s apartment was Basil Price, forty-eight. British, with a sheet that goes back a ways. A veteran merc with two years in Rhodesia, SAS, to his credit.”

      “Just the sort of person a private security firm might employ?” Bolan said.

      “Possibly,” Price said. We’ve queried NLI and their contractor, Blackjack Group. If they’ve got anything in their files, it’s squirreled away where Bear can’t crack it. Officially, Blackjack never heard of the man.”

      “Not surprising,” Bolan said.

      “It gets more interesting,” Price said. “Your other body is John Paul Reynolds, thirty-six. Gulf War veteran, Marines, with some contract security work after that.”


      “The work was with Blackjack Group,” Price told him, “and it was while he was in Blackjack’s employ that he died on the job, supposedly, a year ago in Baghdad.”

      “So he’s been off the books for a year, playing dead, most likely doing black ops for Blackjack.”

      “Seems so,” Price said.

      “Then NLI is involved up to its board members’ necks,” Bolan concluded. “They’re actively trying to sever links leading back to them, using Blackjack as muscle.”

      “Striker, if they took out West and sent someone else to destroy his records, then somehow keyed into your meet with Caqueta, they’ve got the city wired or they’ve got someone inside, maybe both.”

      “The thought occurred to me,” Bolan said grimly. “Any luck with the hard drive I got from West’s apartment?”

      “Not much yet,” Price said. “Bear has Akira working on it, but he says it’s in pretty sorry shape.”

      “Have him keep at it,” Bolan said. “It’s the only lead I’ve got after Ruiz, who isn’t going to talk on his own. Listen, Barb, I need you to contact Hal for me and let him know it’s going to get heavier. I’ll need him to run interference for me so I can do this my way. I’m done playing it subtle. I’ve got to put a stop to this. It’s going to get a lot bloodier before it gets better.”

      “I’ll tell him. And, Striker?”


      “Watch your back.”

      “I will.” He closed the connection.

      From the closet where he’d left his windbreaker the previous evening, Bolan took his long, charcoal-colored canvas duster. The lightweight overcoat was perfect for the autumn temperatures, so he wouldn’t be too conspicuous. More importantly, the long coat would hide a multitude of sins, as the saying went. Draping the coat over the hotel-room chair, he turned back to the crate Stony Man’s couriers had dropped off.

      The Farm’s armorer had outdone himself. Cowboy Kissinger had sent Bolan’s usual equipment with a few added bonuses. Bolan first removed the big Desert Eagle .44 Magnum pistol from the box. Kissinger had sent a tactical thigh holster, which Bolan strapped to his right leg. It bore pouches for several spare magazines. He loaded them from the boxes provided and tucked it into place.

      In addition to his Beretta 92-F Bolan now had his familiar Beretta 93-R machine pistol. Kissinger had included a custom leather pistol rig that would accommodate the 93-R with its attached suppressor vertically under his left arm. The 92-F he placed inside his waistband in its holster, which he repositioned for a reverse left-hand draw behind his left hip. He moved the SOG Pentagon knife closer to the midpoint of his back, where the knife could be drawn with either hand. He also distributed several loaded magazines for the Berettas in the pockets of his blacksuit. Finally, he clipped СКАЧАТЬ