Frontier Fury. Don Pendleton
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Название: Frontier Fury

Автор: Don Pendleton

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9781472085061


СКАЧАТЬ them, how would he then identify the parachutist, much less learn what brought him to the North-West Frontier Province?


      If possible, he needed to procure both men alive. Failing in that, at least the jumper had to be captured and interrogated.

      That decided, Naseer made his choice.

      “The bridge,” he told Zohra. “As fast as you can reach it!”

      “Yes, sir!”

      Zohra never disputed orders, though he might suggest alternatives if he believed Naseer—twelve years his junior, and with only eight months as an officer—had made the wrong decision. In this case, however, it was clear they only had one way to cross the river and approach their targets.

      Which, unfortunately, gave the enemy more time to spot them and escape.

      But first, the watcher had to meet his comrade, who was still at least two hundred feet from contact with the ground.

      Naseer picked up the compact two-way radio that lay between the driver’s seat and his, half-swiveled in his seat as he thumbed down the button to transmit, and called out to the APC behind him.

      “Lance Naik Shirazi!”

      “Yes, sir!” the APC’s gunner replied.

      “Prepare to fire, at my command. Take no action without direct orders.”

      “Yes, sir!”

      Behind Naseer’s Jeep, the young crewman—ranked on par with a lance corporal—rose through a hatch atop the APC’s cabin and readied the vehicle’s machine gun, clearing its belt, jacking a round into its chamber.

      Naseer still hoped he would not have to kill the strangers, but he would disable their SUV if they tried to escape. Short bursts aimed at the tires, perhaps, or at the fuel tank.

      Though the risk of blowing up the vehicle existed, bullets rarely started gasoline fires in such cases. It happened much more frequently in films than in real life.

      Naseer clenched his fists as Zohra swung the Jeep away from their targets, accelerating toward the bridge that now seemed more distant than before. Each yard they traveled in the opposite direction felt like a concession to the enemy, as if they were retreating, rather than advancing by the only route available.

      He mouthed a silent prayer—Don’t let them see us—but would Allah hear him and respond? He couldn’t help but wonder if such a trivial request, offered in haste, would even concern Him.

      Naseer tried again: for Your great glory and the safety of our nation, let us stop them!

      Better, but he could not let the matter shift his focus any further from the mission set before him.

      It had been a bland, routine patrol in search of rebels, finding none, until Naseer had heard the distant droning of an aircraft far above their heads. It seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere, all at once, like the infuriating whine of a mosquito buzzing past his ear, while he lay hoping merely for a good night’s sleep.

      Even with his binoculars, the plane proved difficult to locate, flying at an altitude of two miles, maybe higher. When the parachutist separated from it, Naseer barely glimpsed him, and the jumper’s terminal velocity—around three feet per second, if Naseer recalled his jump-school training accurately—made the falling object difficult to track through field glasses.

      The sky-blue parachute, clearly, had also been selected to fool watchers on the ground. More evidence that Naseer needed to interrogate the jumper.

      But he had to catch him, first.

      “Faster!” he told Zohra.

      “Yes, sir!”

      The Jeep surged forward, pressing Naseer back into his seat.

      He watched the SUV and hoped its driver would not notice them.

      Hoped that they would not be too late.

      BOLAN TOUCHED DOWN within fifty feet of the waiting vehicle, flexing his knees without pitching a full shoulder roll. Before his contact had covered half the intervening distance, the Executioner was stripping off the chute’s harness, hauling on the suspension lines and reeling in the nylon canopy.

      “I’ll help you,” the Pakistani said, fumbling for a set of lines, snaring them on his second try.

      “We ought to bury it,” Bolan replied—then glanced across the river toward a pair of speeding military vehicles and added, “But I guess we won’t have time.”

      His contact turned to stare in the direction Bolan faced, and blurted out what sounded like a curse.

      “Leave it,” Bolan ordered. “We need to go right now.”

      They dropped the tangled lines, leaving the parachute a plaything of the breeze, and ran back toward the SUV. Bolan was faster, got there first, ignored the shotgun seat and climbed into the rear.

      The Pakistani threw himself into the driver’s seat and reached for the ignition key as Bolan asked him, “Do you have a weapon?”

      Reaching for his hip, where Bolan had observed a pistol’s bulge beneath the Windbreaker, the man reconsidered. “Underneath the hatch in back,” he said. “A rifle.”

      Bolan found it, recognized an older model of the AKSM he was carrying and passed it forward. His companion dropped it on the empty shotgun seat and put the SUV in motion, fat tires churning dirt and gravel in their wake as he accelerated from a standing start.

      How long before the soldiers reached the bridge, then doubled back along the route to overtake them? Bolan made the calculation in his head and guessed that they had five minutes to put more ground between themselves and their pursuers now, before the race turned into life or death.

      Five minutes wasn’t much.

      He doubted it would be enough.

      “Where are we going?” Bolan asked his driver.

      “North, eventually. If we are not killed or captured.”

      “Let’s avoid that, all right?”

      “I will do my best.”

      And Bolan wondered whether that was good enough.

      His plans hadn’t included taking on the Pakistan army—which, with some 700,000 personnel and another half million in reserve, outnumbered that of the United States. However, since the rulers in Islamabad permitted terrorists to hide in Pakistan and operate with virtual impunity from Pakistani soil, he had anticipated opposition from the military.

      And he’d come prepared.

      Bolan’s AKMS assault rifle came equipped with a stubby GP-25 40 mm under-the-barrel grenade launcher, and he carried a variety of munitions to feed it. His 75-round drum magazine gave him extended firepower for the Kalashnikov, backed up for closer work by a Belgian FN Five-seveN semiauto pistol, chambered for the high-powered 5.7 mm cartridge tailored СКАЧАТЬ