Maximum Chaos. Don Pendleton
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Название: Maximum Chaos

Автор: Don Pendleton

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9781474006873


СКАЧАТЬ Marchinski saw something in our organization that made him decide to strike.”

      “Or someone,” Tsvetanov suggested.

      “You think one of our people sold out?”

      Tsvetanov shrugged his broad shoulders. “Perhaps an offer was too good to refuse.”

      Bulin waved a slim hand. He was of average height, whip-thin with a lean, almost gaunt face. He wore his dark hair down to his collar and always dressed sharply in handmade suits. His mind worked quickly.

      “I would rather go with this being a preemptive strike by Marchinski. Not one of ours selling out.”

      “You trust them that much?”

      Bulin nodded. “Yes. I don’t believe they would betray you, Drago.”

      “Comforting to know.” Tsvetanov was silent for a moment. “Is Sergei going to be all right?”

      “Doctor Danton says he will live. He’s going to be indisposed for a few months.”

      “Good. A pity about the others. Three dead. One badly injured. A full consignment destroyed. That was a great deal of money, Lexi. And we have no idea who this man was?”

      “Sergei described him, but he doesn’t resemble anyone we know who works for Marchinski.”

      “An outside triggerman? It has to be. The man knew what he was doing. He came equipped for the job and he did it. He knew the location—just walked in and took our people down. He must have been primed by Marchinski’s men.”

      “Sergei said he was efficient. Didn’t miss a thing.”

      Tsvetanov walked around his desk and sank into the leather swivel chair. It was a large item of furniture—the most expensive chair he’d been able to get—but Tsvetanov was not dwarfed by it. He topped the six-foot-three mark and was solidly muscular. While Bulin always dressed formally, Tsvetanov preferred expensive casual: a soft cotton, open-necked blue shirt and cream chinos, hand-worked leather loafers. Yet on his wrist a plain, fifty-dollar watch with a leather strap and a black face.

      “This doesn’t go unpunished, Lexi,” he said, calm now. His anger had burned off and a cold, calculating mood sat in its place. “We’ll get our revenge, but we’ll take our time. If we go after Marchinski like a street gang, this will turn into a bloodbath. I don’t want that. If it’s forced on us we won’t turn away, but until then, let’s consider.”

      Bulin nodded. “What’re your thoughts? Start with some short, sharp hits just to let Marchinski know we’re still on the ball?”

      “Exactly. But first get some of our boys on the streets. Check things out. See if there are more of Marchinski’s people around than normal. Let’s put our ears to the ground and listen. Someone has to know something.”

      “I’ll get some of the guys to spread some cash around. See what the snitches have picked up.”

      Tsvetanov nodded. “I’ll leave that in your hands, Lexi. In the meantime, I need to talk to Dushka. Have a replacement consignment organized and find a new place to store it.”

      Bulin made for the door.

      “Have the kitchen send in some breakfast,” Tsvetanov called.

      The door closed behind Bulin, leaving Tsvetanov alone in the silent office. He sat for a moment, considering. It had been a bad start to the day, but he needed to look ahead. In the long run, Marchinski may have done him a favor. The confrontation that had been simmering in the background looked as if it was about to erupt. That would mean a busy time ahead. Leopold Marchinski, lounging in his jail cell while his mob ran around doing his bidding, was about to have another problem heaped on his shoulders.

      Drago Tsvetanov had built up his organization from nothing. In Moscow he’d worked for his Uncle Vassily, eventually taking over the family business. But Tsvetanov had always wanted to go to America, and ten years ago he had achieved that ambition.

      Once he’d arrived, Tsvetanov organized his own team, surrounding himself with loyal and smart people. Tsvetanov expanded whenever an opening occurred—there was nothing he would not handle if it promised financial rewards. His childhood in Russia had been deprived, with little money and poor living conditions; he vowed never to let himself suffer those things again. Already wealthy when he moved to the U.S., Tsvetanov’s fortunes expanded greatly. Moving into drugs and prostitution helped. And when he eased into human trafficking, he realized he’d found his place in the sun.

      He surrounded himself with the best lawyers money could buy, and they worked unceasingly on his behalf. An oft-quoted saying had proved true—in America, money could buy anything.

      Tsvetanov was aware his business required a ruthless attitude. There was no avoiding the fact that violence was an integral part of his life. It was needed to keep unruly people in line, and that applied to his own men as well as rivals or clients who stepped over the line. He’d never been repelled by violence. Tsvetanov himself had used force when necessary. It gave him a feeling of power...close to pleasure. That feeling of dominance over another human being was as exciting as a drug rush.

      But for all his brutality, Tsvetanov had never allowed himself to be compromised...which brought his thoughts back to Leopold Marchinski. The man had slipped badly by letting himself be caught on camera as he handed out a savage beating. True, the man had attempted a clumsy robbery. Stealing from his employer and getting caught had been inexcusable. Marchinski’s own mistake had been beating the man to death with a baseball bat in full view of security cameras. It had landed Marchinski in a cell, awaiting trial, and it was a given he would be convicted.

      Tsvetanov was pleased to have Marchinski locked away. They were rivals. Marchinski even had a similar history to Tsvetanov; he was as close to being a clone as was possible without genetic connections. His organization operated in the same businesses, and while there were ample opportunities, the two men resented each other strongly.

      It had been a shock when Bulin had informed him that the man behind the attack on the warehouse appeared to be working on behalf of Marchinski. It was a slap in the face. One he could not—would not—ignore.

      With his main rival behind bars, Tsvetanov had the best chance to make a decisive strike. It needed some thought. Once started, gang war was likely to be bloody and savage.

      * * *

      LEOPOLD MARCHINSKI SAT patiently waiting for his lawyer to arrive. He was seated at the steel table in an interview room, his cuffed hands attached to a short chain manacle fixed to the top of the table. He wore prison garb—a bright orange jumpsuit that had the penitentiary logo printed across the back and his inmate number on the front. Marchinski hated the prison uniform. It was baggy, made of coarse material and had that institutional smell he despised. Even though he’d been in jail for almost five months, he still couldn’t get used to it.

      Marchinski, though, was a man blessed with great patience. He’d known from day one that he wasn’t about to get out of this easily, so he’d sucked it up and become a model prisoner. He had planned to stay that way until it suited him to change.

      And now he wanted change.

      He wanted out of jail.

      Marchinski was no caged animal. He needed his freedom, but he understood the position he was in. The СКАЧАТЬ