The Golden Elephant. Alex Archer
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Название: The Golden Elephant

Автор: Alex Archer

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9781472085764


СКАЧАТЬ back onto her current favorite subject. “I’m still miffed at what happened in Ningxia,” she said.

      “ You’re miffed? I have had to answer to certain creditors after the shortfall in our accounts. Which was caused by your incompetence, need I remind you?”

      “No. And anyway, that’s not true. I got the seal. I had it in my hands.”

      “Unfortunately it failed to stay in your hands, dear child.”

      “That wasn’t my fault! I trusted her,” Annja said.

      “You trusted a strange voice which called down to you through a hole in the ground,” Roux said. “And you style yourself a skeptic, non? ”

      Annja sat back. “I was kind of up against it there. I didn’t really have a choice.”

      “Did you not? Really? But did you not eventually save yourself by following that vexatious young lady’s suggestion, and waiting until the water floated you high enough so you could climb the rest of the way out?”

      “Only to find the witch had flown off in my helicopter. My. Helicopter, ” Annja said.

      “Oh, calm down,” the old man said unsympathetically. “She did send a boat for you. Which she paid for herself.”

      Annja sat back and tightly folded her arms beneath her breasts. “That just added insult to injury,” she said. The tomb robber had even left her pack. Without the seal. “Whose side are you on, anyway?”

      “My own, of course,” Roux said. “Why be mad at me? I only point out things could have gone much worse. You might have seen Miss E. C. Ngwenya’s famous trademark pistols, for example.”

      Annja slumped. “True.”

      “And it never occurred to you,” Roux said, “simply to wait until the water lifted you high enough to climb out the hole directly, without handing over the object of your entire journey to a mysterious voice emanating from the ceiling?”

      Annja blinked at him. “No,” she said slowly. “I didn’t think of that.”

      She sighed and crumpled in her metal chair. “I pride myself in being so resourceful,” she said almost wonderingly. “How could it have deserted me like that?”

      Roux shrugged. “Well, circumstances did press urgently upon you, one is compelled to admit.”

      She shook her head. “But that’s what I rely on to survive in those situations. It’s not the sword. It’s my ability to keep my head and think of things on the spur of the moment!”

      “Well, sometimes reason deserts someone like you,” Roux said.

      For a moment Annja sat and marinated in her misery. But prolonged self-pity annoyed her. So she sought to externalize her funk. “It’s just losing such an artifact—the only trace of that tomb—to a plunderer like Easy Ngwenya. She just violates everything I stand for as an archaeologist. I’ve always considered her nothing better than a looter.”

      She frowned ferociously and jutted her chin. “Now it’s personal.”

      Roux set down his cup and leaned forward. “Enough of this. Now, listen. Your secret career is an expensive indulgence—”

      “Which I never volunteered for in the first place!” Annja said.

      “Details. The fact is, you have been burning money. As I have alluded to, certain creditors grow—insistent.”

      Annja frowned thoughtfully. She could see his point. There was no denying her recent adventures had been costly. The rise of digital records and biometric identification hadn’t made official documentation more secure—the opposite, if anything. But full-spectrum false identification was expensive. And Annja relied greatly on fake ID to avoid having her secret career exposed by official nosiness.

      She leaned back and crossed her legs. “Has Bank of America been making nasty phone calls?”

      “Think less modern in methods of collection, and more Medici.”

      “You haven’t been borrowing from Garin again?” Annya asked.

      His lips compressed behind his neat beard. “It’s…possible.”

      Garin Braden was a fabulously wealthy playboy. He was also Roux’s former protégé and he feared the miraculous reforging of the sword threatened his eternal life.

      “I bet you’ve just had a bad streak at the gaming tables,” Annja said accusatorily. “Didn’t you get busted out of that poker tournament in Australia last month?”

      “All that aside, we must improve what you Americans charmingly call cash flow.”

      She sighed. “Tell me,” she said.

      “Somewhere in the mountainous jungles of Southeast Asia there supposedly lies a vast and ancient temple complex. Within it hides a priceless artifact—a golden elephant idol with emerald eyes. I have been approached by a wealthy collector who wants it enough to pay most handsomely.”


      “One who treasures anonymity,” Roux said.

      “That’s a promising start,” Annja said, not bothering to hide the sarcasm in her voice. “So I take it all this mystery likewise precludes your at least running a credit check?”

      “Sadly,” Roux said, “yes.”

      He spread his hands in a dismissive gesture. “However, our client—”

      “Let’s hold off on this our business until I’m actually signed on, shall we?” Annja said.

      “ Our client has offered a handsome preliminary payment, as well as an advance against expenses.”

      “The preliminary, at least, needs to be no-strings-attached,” Annja said.

      Roux raised his eyebrow again.

      “What?” Annja said.

      “That would require substantial faith on the client’s part,” Roux said.

      “So? Either he-she-it has faith in me, or doesn’t. If they’re not willing to believe in my integrity, then to heck with it. And why come to me, anyway, if that’s the case? If I’m not honest, there’s ten dozen ways I could chisel, from embezzling the expense account to selling to the highest bidder whatever it is this mystery guest wants me to get. There isn’t any guarantee I could give that could protect against that. If I’m a crook, what’s my guarantee worth?”

      Roux looked as if he were bursting to respond. She glared him into silence.

      “While we’re on the subject,” she said, “there’s not going to be any accounting for expenses incurred. For reasons I really hope you won’t make me explain out loud.”

      He sipped his coffee and pulled a gloomy face. “You don’t ask for much, my dear child,” he said, “beyond the sun, the moon and perhaps the stars.”