The Selection series 1-3. Кира Касс
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Название: The Selection series 1-3

Автор: Кира Касс

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Детская проза


isbn: 9780008106089


СКАЧАТЬ the team to get them all done, by the end of which the dust would find its way past the palace walls and cling to the clean glass, and they’d have to be washed all over again. There were also jewelers hidden away, making pieces for the family and gifts for visitors, and teams of seamstresses and buyers keeping the royal family—and now us—immaculately clothed.

      I learned other things, too. The guards they thought were the cutest and the horrid new design of a dress the head maid was making the staff wear for the holiday parties. How some in the palace were taking bets on which Selected girl might win and that I was in the top ten picks. A baby of one of the cooks was sick beyond hope, which made Anne tear up a bit. This girl happened to be a close friend of hers, and the couple had been waiting so long for a child.

      Listening to them and joining in when I had something worth saying, I couldn’t imagine anything more entertaining happening downstairs and was glad to have such company. The mood in my room was a quiet and happy one.

      The day had been so nice, I stayed up there the day after as well. This time, we kept the doors open to both the hallway and the balcony, and the warm air filtered in and wrapped itself around us. It seemed to do particularly wonderful things for Lucy, and I wondered how often she actually got to step outside.

      Anne made a comment about how this was all inappropriate—me sitting with them, playing games with the doors open—but let it drop almost immediately. She was quickly getting over trying to make me the lady it seemed I ought to be.

      We were in the middle of a game of cards when I noticed a figure out of the corner of my eye. It was Maxon, standing at the open door, looking amused. As our eyes met, I could see that his expression was clearly asking what in the world I was doing. I stood, smiling, and walked over to him.

      “Oh, sweet Lord,” Anne muttered as she realized the prince was at the door. She immediately swept the cards into a sewing basket and stood, Mary and Lucy following suit.

      “Ladies,” Maxon said.

      “Your Majesty,” she said with a curtsy. “Such an honor, sir.”

      “For me as well,” he answered with a smile.

      The maids looked back and forth to one another, flattered. We were all silent for a moment, not quite sure what to do.

      Mary suddenly piped up. “We were just leaving.”

      “Yes! That’s right,” Lucy added. “We were—uh—just …” She looked to Anne for help.

      “Going to finish Lady America’s dress for Friday,” Anne concluded.

      “That’s right,” Mary said. “Only two days left.”

      They slowly circled us to get out of the room, huge smiles plastered on their faces.

      “Wouldn’t want to keep you from your work,” Maxon said, following them with his eyes, completely fascinated with their behavior.

      Once in the hall, they gave awkwardly mistimed curtsies and walked away at a feverish pace. Immediately after they rounded the corner, Lucy’s giggles echoed down the corridor, followed by Anne’s intense hushing.

      “Quite a group you have,” Maxon said, walking into my room, surveying the space.

      “They keep me on my toes,” I answered with a smile.

      “It’s clear they have affection for you. That’s hard to find.” He stopped looking at my room and faced me. “This isn’t what I imagined your room would look like.”

      I raised an arm and let it fall. “It’s not really my room, is it? It belongs to you, and I just happen to be borrowing it.”

      He made a face. “Surely they told you that changes could be made? A new bed, different paint.”

      I shrugged. “A coat of paint wouldn’t make this mine. Girls like me don’t live in houses with marble floors,” I joked.

      Maxon smiled. “What does your room at home look like?”

      “Um, what did you come for exactly?” I hedged.

      “Oh! I had an idea.”


      “Well,” he started, continuing to walk around the room, “I thought that since you and I don’t have the typical relationship that I have with the other girls, maybe we should have … alternative means of communication.” He stopped in front of my mirror and looked at the pictures of my family. “Your little sister looks just like you,” he said, amused by this observation.

      I walked deeper into my room. “We get that a lot. What was that about alternative communication?”

      Maxon finished up with the pictures and moved toward the piano in the back. “Since you are supposed to be helping me, being my friend and all,” he continued with a pointed look at me, “perhaps we shouldn’t be relying on the traditional notes sent through maids and formal invitations for dates. I was thinking something a little less ceremonial.”

      He picked up the sheet music on top of the piano. “Did you bring these?”

      “No, those were here. Anything I really want to play, I can do from memory.”

      His eyebrows rose. “Impressive.” He moved back in my direction without finishing his explanation.

      “Could you please stop poking around and complete an entire thought?”

      Maxon sighed. “Fine. What I was thinking was that you and I could have a sign or something, some way of communicating that we need to speak to each other that no one else would catch onto. Perhaps rubbing our noses?” Maxon ran a finger back and forth just above his lips.

      “That looks like your nose is stopped up. Not attractive.”

      He gave me a slightly perplexed look and nodded. “Very well. Perhaps we could simply run our fingers through our hair?”

      I shook my head almost immediately. “My hair is almost always pulled up with pins. It’s nearly impossible to get my fingers through it. Besides, what if you happen to be wearing your crown? You’d knock it off your head.”

      He shook a thoughtful finger at me. “Excellent point. Hmmm.” He passed me, continuing to think, and stopped near the table by my bed. “What about tugging your ear?”

      I considered. “I like it. Simple enough to hide, but not so common we could mistake it for something else. Ear tugging it is.”

      Maxon’s attention was fixated on something, but he turned to smile at me. “I’m glad you approve. The next time you want to see me, simply tug your ear, and I’ll come as soon as I’m able. Probably after dinner,” he concluded with a shrug.

      Before I could ask about me coming to him, Maxon strolled across the room with my jar in his hand. “What in the world is this about?”

      I sighed. “That, I’m afraid, is beyond explanation.”

      Friday arrived, and with that came our debut on the Illéa Capital Report. It was something that was required of us, but at least this week СКАЧАТЬ