The Darkest Corners. Barry Hutchison
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Название: The Darkest Corners

Автор: Barry Hutchison

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Детская проза


isbn: 9780007493425


СКАЧАТЬ bubble welled up inside me. It tightened my chest and pushed down on my stomach. I tried to speak again, but the pressure inside me made it impossible.

      Ameena knelt beside me. Without a word, she wrapped her arms round my shoulders and pulled me in close. We sat there rocking back and forth, my tears coming in big silent sobs.

      When the tears finally stopped I just sat there, feeling nothing but empty. But then even that moment passed. I pulled away from Ameena, unable to look at her, and stood up.

      Billy cleared his throat. ‘You OK?’

      I nodded quickly to hide my embarrassment. ‘Fine.’

      Ameena got to her feet and I realised she had a smear of my snot on her shoulder. I couldn’t quite bring myself to tell her.

      ‘So, what are we going to do?’ Billy asked.

      ‘I told you. I’m going to find my dad and then I’m going to kill him,’ I said.

      ‘Right. So we’re sticking with that one then, are we?’ he asked. ‘You know you’re playing right into his hands, don’t you? He wants you to do your… magic, or whatever.’

      ‘Well,’ I said. ‘Looks like he’s going to get what he wants.’

      ‘Then he wins,’ Billy said. ‘And you’re right, he does get what he wants. Whatever he’s done to you – your mum, your nan – he did it all to make you do what he wants. He’s manipulating you, and you’re going to let him.’

      ‘Check out the voice of reason,’ said Ameena.

      ‘I’m right, though. If you keep doing your thing then the barrier breaks down and suddenly we’re up to our eyes in monsters.’

      ‘We’re already up to our eyes in monsters,’ I reminded him.

      ‘Yeah,’ Billy conceded. ‘But you and I both know there are worse things waiting over there. We’ve seen them. If they get through, they’ll kill everyone.’

      ‘Everyone important is already dead.’

      A thud against the front doors cut the argument short. A muffled screech filled the church. A few seconds later there was a chorus of them howling out there as they hammered and pounded against the doors.

      ‘They’re going to get inside,’ Ameena said. She released Billy and he stumbled out of her reach, nursing his arm. ‘Decision time, kiddo. What’s it to be?’

      The sounds of the screechers seemed to be inside the church now. I could almost picture them, their deformed heads forcing their way through the splintering wood, their teeth chewing hungrily at the air. It was Billy who made a decision.

      ‘Help me block these,’ he said, hurrying along the aisle to the inner swing doors. ‘It’ll buy us some time.’

      Ameena looked to me. I nodded, and she headed off after Billy. There were two large tables by the doors, one stacked upside down atop the other. They grabbed each end of the top table and began moving into position in front of the doors.

      They were right in front of the doors when they began to open. Teeth flashed in the gap. Billy and Ameena leapt back. A hundred thousand sparks filled my head and an invisible force pushed the door closed.

      ‘Stand back,’ I told them, and they darted over to join me. The table moved with just a thought from me. It tilted and fell so the top was up against the doors, which I was still holding closed.

      Next I pictured the back pews sliding across the floor. The metal bolts holding them in place groaned, then snapped. I felt my brain tingle as the heavy wooden benches fell into place behind the table. Only then did I let the sparks fade away.

      The doors swung inward a few centimetres then hit the barricade with a loud thud. Screeches of frustration came at us through the wood, but the barrier held steady for the moment.

      ‘Nice work,’ Ameena said. ‘That was close.’

      ‘Uh, guys.’ Billy’s voice was a low whisper. I turned to find him nodding at a spot several metres behind me.

      Something stood there. Or rather, something flickered there. It was faint, like the outline of a ghost. A large ghost, with too many limbs. We watched it pacing towards us, then it faded away completely.

      ‘OK,’ Ameena muttered. ‘So what the Hell was that?’

      I turned, casting my gaze around the dimly lit church. There were half a dozen or more figures dotted about, half appearing and fading before my eyes. I recognised some of them as the things that had surrounded me in the Darkest Corners.

      ‘It’s happening,’ I realised. ‘Like he said. The barrier’s weakening. They’re going to come through.’

      ‘Not necessarily,’ Billy said, although he didn’t sound convinced. ‘I mean, you can just stop, right? If you don’t do your mojo any more, they can’t come any further.’ He glanced from me to Ameena and back and swallowed nervously. ‘Right?’

      ‘Yeah,’ I said, but the doubt in my voice was obvious. ‘If I don’t do anything else, the barrier will stay standing.’

      A soft hissing and crackling noise began to echo around the church. I looked up to the source of the sound and saw a speaker mounted high on the wall behind the pulpit.

      The next sound I heard made my skin crawl.

      Fiona, it’s time to get up now.

      That was my dad’s voice. My dad’s voice from the recording he had played me earlier.

      ‘No,’ I said softly. ‘N-no, please.’

      The hospital machines beeped on the soundtrack. I heard my mum rouse and my dad smile. Even on the tape, I heard him smile.

      That’s my girl. Open your eyes now. Open your…

      My mum gave a groan. Ameena reached for me, but I pulled away. I stared at the speaker, and I stared, and I stared.

      Wh-where am I? My mum’s voice, shaky and weak.

      Look at me, Fiona. Look at me.

      On the tape, my mum gave a gasp. ‘No,’ I whispered. ‘Don’t.’

      As if echoing me, she cried out, and I could hear all the fear and the panic in her voice. I raised my hands, stabbing them towards the speaker. N-no. Please, no, don—

      ‘Kyle, no!’ Billy cried.

      ‘Do it,’ Ameena urged. ‘Shut it up.’


      The speaker exploded before the gunshot had a chance to ring. Before he had a chance to kill her again. The sparks buzzed across my head, then receded again, leaving only the charred remains of the speaker behind.

      ‘What did you do?’ Billy groaned. ‘What have you done?’

      ‘Leave it, Billy,’ Ameena said, СКАЧАТЬ