Labyrinth. Alex Archer
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Название: Labyrinth

Автор: Alex Archer

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9781472085603


СКАЧАТЬ Annja shrugged. “Don’t know him.”

       “But he apparently knows you. He’s made his cooperation with my clients conditional on meeting with you.”

       “And where is he? In Manhattan?”

       “Western Massachusetts.”

       Annja looked closely at Jackson. “Did you just hear me say not a minute ago that I am on vacation?”

       “I did hear that, yes.”

       Annja stood. “I think this meeting is now at an end, Mr. Jackson. When I come back down, I don’t want to see you on my stoop or I’m going to get angry.” She leaned over him. “I’m not sure how much you know about me, but you don’t want to see me get angry.”

       Jackson stared at her. Annja finally turned and walked inside, taking the stairs up to her loft. She dumped the remains of the latte in the sink and let the faucet run for a few seconds to wash it down the drain.

       Western Massachusetts. She shook her head. Like that was going to happen anytime soon.

       “Miss Creed.”

       Annja turned. Jackson stood in her living room, with two other men behind him. If Jackson had a slight military bearing, Annja’s instincts told her these two were total danger.

       “I thought I told you I don’t like being bullied.”

       Jackson nodded over his shoulder. “I apologize, but my clients are quite insistent.”

       One of the men stepped out from behind Jackson. “My name is Scott Greene. Have you ever heard of me?”

       There was something familiar about that name. Annja racked her memory and then the face clicked. Greene was an environmentalist. But on the lunatic fringe.

       Wonderful, she thought. What did he want with her?

       “You’re a militant environmentalist,” Annja said. “You here to police my apartment and tell me how I’m destroying the planet?”

       Greene sniffed. “I could spend hours yelling at you for using those crummy old-fashioned lightbulbs instead of CFLs.”

       Annja nodded. “Yeah, I haven’t had much time lately to reduce my carbon footprint. Speaking of which, if you don’t leave my place immediately, I’m giving serious thought to reducing yours—to nothing.”

       Greene didn’t move. “Hear me out.”

       “I don’t want to talk to you, Greene. This is me giving you one last chance to get the hell out of my place.”

       Greene looked at the third, yet unnamed man and nodded. The guy took out a silenced pistol and leveled it on Jackson’s right temple. As Jackson’s mouth dropped open, Greene said to Annja, “Cooperate, or I can have my associate blow a nice hole in the side of the good Mr. Jackson there.”

       Annja shrugged. “He works for you. I just met him. I don’t care if you kill him or not.”

       Jackson’s eyes bulged but he didn’t move a muscle.

       Greene smirked. “Ah, nice try, Annja. But we’ve done some research on you. And I know for a fact that seeing an innocent man killed—in your apartment, no less—would drive you insane.”

       Annja’s heartbeat raced. She could draw the sword and be done with these three idiots before they could even react. She wondered how the cops would view it. Could she argue home invasion? That she’d felt threatened? They did have a silenced pistol, after all. And there were three of them.

       But what if they didn’t believe her?

       Annja leaned against the sink. “Jackson already told me something about a Reginald Fairclough. I don’t know the name.”

       “He’s an antique book dealer. Quite a famous one,” Greene said. “His collection of works is without peer.”

       “So, what’s he want with me?”

       Greene shook his head. “Old Reggie has something I want—quite badly—and in order to retrieve it, I must first get you to his house. He wants to talk with you.”

       “About what?”

       Greene looked pained. “I don’t know.”

       Annja shrugged. “Listen, I can’t help you. I’m dead tired. You tell Reggie to call me. That’s about the best I’m going to be able to do for you.”

       “That’s not good enough, Annja.”

       Before Annja could react, she heard the small pop, and Jackson crumpled to the floor beside her love seat.

       Greene hadn’t even hesitated. And Jackson was dead.

       Annja watched a thin trail of smoke issue from the end of the suppressor on the pistol Greene had whipped out from his holster, beating his colleague to the punch.

       “I think it was a good idea that you see how very serious I am about this, Annja. I don’t like being told I can’t do something.”

       “Apparently,” she said.

       “You’ll come with us now,” Greene said. “Otherwise I’ll have my associate here shoot you.”

       “And how would that help you with Fairclough?”

       Greene smirked. “I’d find another way. I always do.”

       And somehow Annja didn’t doubt that.

      Chapter 2

      The body of Jackson sprawled on her floor made Annja acutely aware of her predicament. Greene didn’t need to shoot Annja, despite his threat to do just that. He’d already placed Annja in one hell of a pickle. How was she going to explain the corpse in her home?

       The pair could leave her right now and all she’d be able to tell the police was that Greene had been here. But would they believe it?

       Greene gave her a moment and then cleared his throat. “I take it you’ve run through all the alternatives before you?”

       Annja glanced at him. “You didn’t give me very many to choose from.”

       “Why would I? I need you, Annja.” Greene scratched his goatee. “The sooner we’re out of here, the better.”

       Annja shook her head. “We can’t just leave Jackson. Eventually, he’ll start to decompose and the smell will bring the cops.”

       Greene shrugged. “Don’t worry so much, Annja. I’ve got that handled. I’m not a complete monster.”

       “I think I’ll wait before I make up my own mind on that one,” Annja said.

       Greene’s associate stepped up and produced what looked like a large garbage bag. He unrolled it and spread it around Jackson’s body. Annja looked СКАЧАТЬ