Warrior Spirit. Alex Archer
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Название: Warrior Spirit

Автор: Alex Archer

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9781472085870


СКАЧАТЬ be in Antarctica or at a Star-bucks coffee shop. Annja sighed.

      “Hello, Garin,” she said.


      “It does sound as though I woke you. My apologies,” Garin said.

      Annja stretched out in the bed. Her toes touched the footboard. Still, she enjoyed the lengthening of her body. She exhaled in a rush and let herself go slack.

      “It’s late. I was headed off to dreamland when you called. What can I do for you? How did you—?”

      “Please, Annja, let’s not waste time on such trivialities. Technology being what it is today, and money always the most powerful enabler, it was no obstacle to uncover your whereabouts on your supposed vacation.”

      “So much for anonymity.” Annja frowned. She was going to splurge and invest in a fake passport and credit cards one of these days.

      “You feeling better after your competition?” Garin asked.

      Annja sat up. “You know about that, too?”

      “Certainly. Nice side kick, by the way.”

      Annja glanced around her room. “You’re starting to annoy me now, Garin. I don’t like the thought of people poking into my personal affairs. In fact, if it keeps up, I’m liable to be pretty damned cranky the next time we meet. I don’t need to tell you what that would entail.”

      “I can guess.” Garin chuckled on the phone. “Which brings me precisely to that very point. We need to meet.”

      “Why? Last I heard you were on an extended journey to reclaim some degree of secrecy so Roux doesn’t track you down and kill you for trying to kill him while he was trying to kill you for…whatever. I don’t even know how you two keep score of that silliness.”

      “Yes, well, certain matters preclude me from worrying about my personal safety at this point.” He paused. “It’s important that I see you.”

      Annja shook her head. The darkness of the room embraced her. She felt a little cold and pulled the covers up higher. “I’m not leaving Japan yet. Possibly not for a while yet, in fact.”

      “Oh? Why not?”

      “I’m involved in something here. Something that interests me a great deal. Not that such things are any of your business.”

      “Something? Or is it someone , Annja?”

      “Mind your own business, Garin. I won’t tell you again.”

      “As I recall, you owe me your life. That’s not exactly the kind of grateful attitude I’d expect from someone like yourself.”

      “This conversation is boring me. I’m in Japan. You want to meet up, come and find me. Otherwise don’t bother. I’m busy.”

      Annja hung up the phone and then unplugged it from the jack in the wall. That would at least guarantee that she’d be able to sleep through the night without Garin ruining her rest.

      Unless he called her cell phone, too.

      Annja groaned and clambered out of bed, padded to the small stand by the door and shut off her cell phone. Now she was cut off. Completely.

      Unless Garin happened to knock on her door.

      Annja stopped. Was it possible that Garin was the one who’d been in her room earlier? Had he sneaked in when she was bathing? But she knew Garin was enough of a jerk that he would pick the perfect time to do whatever he wanted to do and still grab an eyeful of Annja soaking naked in the tub.


      She climbed back into bed and pulled up the covers. In moments, she was fast asleep. And not once did she dream about Garin.

      T HE FIRST THING SHE SAW in the morning was the folded slip of paper someone had slid under her door during the night. How had she not heard that?

      She sighed and got out of bed. Perhaps her run-in with Nezuma yesterday had dampened her senses as much as it had her body.

      Unfolding the slip of paper, she read:

      “Come down for breakfast in the lobby. G.”

      “So much for being halfway across the world from him,” Annja said. “Figures.”

      Twenty minutes later she’d showered and applied the minimal makeup she normally wore. Dressed in jeans and a white blouse, she chose a pair of black flats rather than heels. Somehow, time spent with Garin always contained the potential for gunfire, car chases, explosions, bodies and lots of running.

      Annja rode the elevator down to the lobby and when the doors parted, she could look right across into the restaurant. Garin was immediately noticeable. And not just because he stood a foot above anyone else in the area. Garin was damned good-looking. As she entered the eatery, he looked up and smiled.

      He stood as she approached and kissed her on the cheek. “How is my favorite historical descendant?”

      “Is that what you’re calling me now?” Annja sat and ordered a cup of black coffee. “I would have thought you had other names for me.”

      Garin shrugged. “There are some, but I wouldn’t use them in mixed company. You know, I’m nothing but a complete gentleman.”

      “How nice.” Annja sat back and crossed her arms. “You look good for dodging Roux’s repeated attempts on your life.”

      Garin waved his hands. “That gets rather mundane after all the time I’ve been alive. We’ve been after each other for so long it almost gets routine. Then we have our cease-fires and our détentes, and then something happens and we go at it again. Blah, blah, blah. Silliness.”

      “Yeah, those bullets are really overrated.”

      Garin leaned forward. “And not at all the reason I wanted to see you, my dear.”

      The waitress brought coffee and Annja ordered two eggs, toast, orange juice and melon slices. Garin ordered an aged Scotch whisky.

      Annja grinned. “That’s some breakfast you’re getting.”

      He shrugged. “I’m on another time zone. And where I’m at, it’s perfectly acceptable to have a drink to take the edge off.”

      “You just got in, then,” Annja said.

      “Something like that.” He spread his arms. “Besides, I’m in phenomenal shape. For five hundred years old? You wish you’d look this good when it happens to you.”

      “I have no desire to live that long.”

      Garin frowned. “I said the same thing. Funny how fate just flips you the bird any time she feels like it.”

      “Such talk. Where were you before this?” Annja asked.

      “I’m a man of many places СКАЧАТЬ