Sacred Ground. Alex Archer
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Название: Sacred Ground

Автор: Alex Archer

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9781472085689


СКАЧАТЬ of my children.”

      Annja looked back from the window. “You have kids?”

      “Two of them. A boy and a girl. Eight and ten. Great kids. They live in California with their mother.” He shrugged again. “We’re divorced. She didn’t approve of my line of work.”

      “What does she do?”

      “She’s an advocate for Greenpeace,” he said, laughing.

      “Wow, how the hell did you two even get together in the first place?”

      Derek smiled. “I wasn’t always a corporate lackey. Before I sold my soul I was a lobbyist for the environment on Capitol Hill. We met at a luncheon or a dinner or something in Washington. We were young. Idealistic. We had plans at one point to start a utopian community in the Canadian wilderness.”

      “So, what happened?”

      “I came north to scout a location and somehow fell in with the mining corporation. They appreciated my zeal for causes near and dear to my heart. I thought Canada would be the best place to raise our children. The government at the time in the U.S. was something of a joke.”

      “Your wife didn’t want to move to Canada?”

      “Nope. Turns out she was still a bit of a patriot. She insisted that we raise the kids in the States.”

      “And around that time, the corporation got their hooks into you—is that about right?”

      “Yes. They offered me a public-relations job helping them get government approval for a project that didn’t pan out. I figured they’d let me go once it became obvious that we were digging in the wrong location. But that didn’t happen. Instead, they recognized what I’d been able to do for them and they promoted me.”

      “They must have seen something they liked,” Annja said. “One of those lucky breaks in life, huh?”

      “Well, it came with a big pay raise and now I get to spend lavishly on my kids, much to the dismay of their mother. But I don’t get a lot of time with them, so it’s my prerogative to do what I choose with my money. And, like I said, it helps me sleep at night. If anything happens to me, they’re set for life.”

      “I suppose that’s what it’s all about, huh?”

      “Anything for my kids,” Derek said. “Absolutely.”

      Annja nodded and went back to looking out the window. “I wouldn’t know about that yet.”


      “Yeah. Maybe someday.”

      “You’re attractive. I don’t think you’ll have a problem finding a husband if that’s what you want.”

      She glanced at him. “Did your files tell you about my personal life, as well?”

      Derek grinned. “Our information tends to be very complete. We need an accurate picture if we’re going to commit serious money to working with a certain person.”

      “I’m not sure I’m all that crazy about how much you seem to know about my life.”

      “It’s nothing personal, Annja. We take this approach with everyone we work with. The corporation is very concerned about the people it lets in on its secrets. News of this drill site isn’t even something that most people know about. At least not yet. Once we strike pay dirt, it will make headlines.”

      “There’s that much riding on this?”

      ““Even more,” Derek said. “If our figures turn out to be correct, and there’s every indication they will, then this mine will make Ekati look like a lemonade stand.”


      “We think we could double their annual yield,” Derek said. “If not triple it.”

      “A billion dollars a year.” Annja whistled. “That would be impressive.”

      “With a substantial bonus for everyone involved.”

      “Even a contractor like me?” Annja asked.

      Derek shrugged. “Just do your job and get us the clearance we need from the Araktak elders. At that point, anything’s possible. Even for a contractor like you.”

      Annja nodded. “I’ll remember that.”

      “Please do. But just as certainly remember that you’ve only got four weeks. After that, no one wins. Least of all you.”


      The SUV came to a stop in front of a long, squat building with a wooden sign twisting about in the stiff wind. Annja could just make out the name of the inn as The Breton. “This is where we’re staying?”

      Derek nodded. “I imagine it will seem quite luxurious, especially once you see the dig site.”

      Annja frowned. “I’ve stayed in worse.”

      “I’ll bet the Philippines jungle was terrible by contrast.”

      “You know about that, too, huh?” Annja shook her head. “Just know that for all your information, I’ve still got more than enough secrets to keep myself warm at night.”

      “I don’t doubt that,” Derek said. “But we aren’t looking to pry all of your secrets out of you. If that was the case, we’d be using something a lot more painful on you.” He smiled. “Just joking.”

      “I’ll bet.”

      Derek opened the door and a brisk gust of wind greeted them as they stepped out of the vehicle. He nodded at their driver. “Godwin will see to our bags. Let’s get inside.”

      Annja glanced at the driver. Godwin? It was an unusual name. She hadn’t actually been introduced to the man. But she shrugged and followed Derek inside.

      He pushed through the heavy door and a wall of heat met them, scaring off the thunderous cold wind. Derek took a deep breath. “Toasty in here.”

      The man behind the counter smiled. “Welcome, folks.”

      Derek smiled. “You’ve got some reservations for us, I believe. They should be under the name Mr. Smith.”

      Annja cocked an eyebrow. Derek waved her off and then turned back to the man. “Should be three rooms in total.”

      The counterman nodded. “Yep, got ’em right here.” He winked. “Not like we’d be full up or nothin’. Don’t exactly get ourselves a bumper crop of tourists this time of year.”

      “We’ll just be here for the night,” Derek said.

      “Pushing on in the morning, are you? Fair enough. Just sign in. It’s cash only, mind you, so if you’ve got anything plastic, there’s a bank machine down the road at Terry’s Trading Post.”

      Derek СКАЧАТЬ