Wicked Kiss. Michelle Rowen
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Название: Wicked Kiss

Автор: Michelle Rowen

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Детская проза


isbn: 9781472009326


СКАЧАТЬ over my head and a mother who loved me. I’d met homeless people who had nothing and nobody.

      It was the most important lesson of my life. Be grateful for what you have, since it can be taken away at any time. Sometimes fate steps in to pull the rug from beneath your feet whether you’re prepared or not—and we all fall differently.

      I now regretted my month of shoplifting, and not just because I’d been caught. I knew it was wrong and I’d done it for stupid reasons. Not that there was ever a good reason to steal.

      But I still hated this mall. I usually shopped at the one on the north side of the city. Took longer to get there, but at least the floors weren’t tiled with my shame.

      Past Macy’s and a lineup of other stores that at one time would have been calling my name were the escalators up to the fourth floor. I wasn’t a fan of the elevators due to my claustrophobia. I didn’t even like wearing turtlenecks.

      At the moment, I didn’t need any more anxiety than I already had.

      The railing curved in a circle around the open center of the fourth floor and looked down into the main floor food court a hundred feet below. A massive chandelier of crystal birds hung from the glass ceiling, a piece by some artist that had cost a ton of money when the mall opened twenty years ago. When the sun from the skylights hit it just right—it was magic.

      I gripped the railing and gazed down nervously at the food court. Despite my big breakfast, my stomach grumbled. Sundays were a busy day at the mall. There were thousands of people here, and I swear I sensed the press, the heat and the scent of every one of their souls.

      I couldn’t stay here for very long. Already, I felt the need to escape.

      “You’re here.”

      Stephen’s voice bit through my concentration and I tensed, turning slowly to see him leaning against the railing six feet to my left.

      This was real. He was here. I’d finally found him.

      Or, rather, he’d found me.

      Stay calm.

      But that was a losing proposition. I couldn’t be calm around Stephen Keyes.

      A very short time ago I thought he was the hottest guy I’d ever seen, in Trinity or anywhere else. Black hair, cinnamon-colored eyes with a slight exotic slant to them thanks to his Hawaiian-born mother.

      Stephen only dated the most beautiful girls. I never expected to be one of them. I preferred to admire him from afar and keep my heart safe from being trampled on. But...then he kissed me. And he’d hurt more than just my heart.

      For a fleeting moment, I’d honestly thought the boy I’d always had a crush on had been into me. Instead, he’d been on assignment for my aunt to remove my soul and free my nexus abilities so they could be used for her gain.

      I had no interest in someone like Stephen who would lie to me, use me and steal something so valuable from me. And I never would again. While Bishop had sworn to help me, and I did believe he meant it despite my many doubts and questions about him, the only person I completely trusted was the one I saw in the mirror.

      My grip on the railing tightened painfully as a group of teens moved past, way too close, the scent of their souls brushing into my orbit of hunger.

      “So here we are,” Stephen said.

      “That’s close enough,” I said when he got four feet away.

      He stopped. “I’m not planning to hurt you. I’m not the one who carries around a sharp golden dagger, remember?”

      “No, you’re the one who helped my aunt nearly kill me.”

      “I don’t think she would have killed you.” There were dark shadows under his eyes, which made it look as if he hadn’t slept in days. I’d noticed the same circles under my eyes this morning, thanks to my nightmare-induced tossing and turning. “Besides, she’s gone.”

      A stomach-churning image of the Hollow grabbing hold of my aunt after Carly had stabbed her with Bishop’s dagger flashed through my mind. “Are you upset about that?”

      He gave me a grim look. “No.”

      I didn’t want to take my attention off him in case he disappeared in a puff of smoke. This is what I’d wanted. I’d searched the city for him for a week and now he was standing right in front of me. “I don’t want to talk about my aunt, Stephen. I’m here for one reason and one reason only.”

      “Your soul.”

      “And Carly’s. Give them back to me.”

      He looked down at the food court, his jaw tight. “Look at all of them. It’s hard to believe they have no idea what’s happening in Trinity right now. Right in front of their eyes. Humans.” He said it with barely contained disgust.

      He was trying to change the subject. I had to stay calm and not make any huge demands. He had all the power here, but I didn’t want him to know that. “You’re human.”

      “I was.”

      “Now you think you’re more than that?”

      He didn’t answer my question. His gaze flicked to me. “You were already more than human before this.”

      I tried not to grimace. He knew I was a nexus, thanks to Natalie. My little secret that nobody was supposed to know. “Other than the hunger, I don’t feel any different than before.”

      Stephen studied my face, as if searching for some clue there. “You will.”

      I still gripped the railing as if it was the only thing keeping me from tumbling over. “No, I won’t.”

      He shook his head. “Things are changing...ever since Natalie’s been gone.”

      “Is this another recruitment speech or a warning?”

      He snorted a little, and I could have sworn he looked a bit nauseous.

      I frowned. “Are you all right?”

      That earned me another dry laugh. “Do you really care about my well-being, Samantha?”

      My hands were sweating as I forced myself to stay calm and not start shrieking demands. “You wanted to talk to me. So talk. What’s changing?”

      He kept his eyes forward, not looking directly at me. “It wasn’t like this when Natalie was still around.”


      “It starts with the cold. Like...worse than normal. Worse than the cold we feel from not having a soul. And the hunger...” His expression tightened. “You can’t ignore it even if you try. It’s there...a constant need that doesn’t leave for a second, driving you to feed from someone...anyone. And it doesn’t get satisfied when you give in to it...it—it just gets worse.”

      I think I stopped breathing. This wasn’t what I’d expected him to say—not at all. “What are you talking about?”

      He СКАЧАТЬ