Library Of Gold. Alex Archer
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Название: Library Of Gold

Автор: Alex Archer

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9781472085610


СКАЧАТЬ The look of irritation that crossed the girl’s face when Doug distractedly took the envelope didn’t go unnoticed, either. Neither did the way she shut the door too hard in her wake.

      Annja stared at the closed door a moment, then turned to Doug and asked, “Why are you Mr. Morrell and I’m just plain old Annja?”

      “Because you’re the star of the show.”

      “Exactly. Shouldn’t that be worth a little more respect?”

      Doug shook his head. “Not when I’m the one paying her.”

      That was, she had to admit, a good point. Putting aside office politics for the moment, she turned her attention to the envelope Doug handed to her.

      It was made from a thick, richly textured creamy paper that practically shouted money the minute she laid her hands on it. The ribbon was a classy affair, as well—a wide swatch of red velvet tied in an intricate bow. Untying it, she laid it aside, opened the envelope and withdrew a small white card.

      Sir Charles Davies requests the honor of your company for dinner this evening. Gascogne, 7:00 p.m.

      There was a phone number underneath for her to RSVP.

      Annja sighed. After working all day on the voice-overs, all she wanted to do was to go home and relax. Maybe grab some dark chocolate and red wine, then lounge in the bath. She certainly didn’t have the energy to be out entertaining someone she didn’t know, especially someone with the stature and notoriety of Sir Charles.

      “Sorry, not tonight.” She dropped the invitation into the trash can next to Doug’s desk.

      Doug, of course, freaked.

      “Are you insane?” He snatched the card out of the trash and thrust it back at her. “You have to go!”

      Annja put her hands behind her back, refusing to take it. “I don’t have to go. And I don’t want to.”

      Doug stared at her in horror and disbelief. “But…it’s Sir Charles!” he sputtered.


      She didn’t care if it was the Queen of England. She was tired and didn’t want to spend the evening trying to be gracious and putting on a show. And what kind of notice was that? A few hours? He could at least have had the decency to plan in advance.

      Doug clearly disagreed and, in fact, looked ready to pull his hair out.

      “So?” He brandished the invitation in front of him like an exhibit in a court of law. “So? You’re not talking about some fan off the street, Annja. This is Sir Charles, one of the richest men in America, for heaven’s sake.”

      Actually, one of the richest men in the world, she thought to herself. She didn’t dare say it aloud, however, knowing it would just fuel Doug’s argument. Davies hung around with men the likes of Carlos Slim, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett—self-made billionaires who could do anything they ever wanted to given the vast size of their personal fortunes.

      She was a little curious, she had to admit. It wasn’t every day a man like Davies came knocking on her door and she found herself wondering just what it was he wanted from her.

      Doug took a deep breath and visibly calmed himself.

      “Think about this for a minute, Annja. What show do you work for?”

      “Chasing History’s Monsters.”

      “Uh-huh. And what channel airs that program?” he asked in an exaggeratedly patient tone, like a parent talking to a slow-witted child.

      Annja didn’t care for it. “You know well enough what cable channel we’re on, Doug.”

      He acted as if he hadn’t heard her. “I’m sorry, what channel was that again?”

      Annja glared at him for a long moment. Doug could be as stubborn as she could at times.

      But he wasn’t about to budge.

      He finally flashed a phony smile at her. “Now here’s the big one, Annja. Who owns the network that airs our little cable TV program?”

      She didn’t even have to think about it. She saw the name every time she cashed one of her paychecks. None other than Sir Charles Davies.

      The invitation had come from her boss’s boss’s boss. Which meant she could no more ignore it than she could sprout wings and fly on command.



      Grinning in triumph, Doug picked up the phone on his desk, dialed a number. When it was answered, he said, “This is Doug Morrell, executive producer of Chasing History’s Monsters. Please inform Sir Charles that Miss Creed would be more than happy to join him for dinner this evening.”

      He listened for a moment, jotted something down on a piece of paper and then said, “Excellent. She’ll be expecting you,” before hanging up.

      Annja was not happy with the situation, not at all. “Why don’t you go in my place?” she suggested.

      “He didn’t invite me. He invited you.” He frowned as he said it and Annja abruptly realized that he was actually jealous of her. While she was content being a cohost for the show, Doug had ambitions of moving up the corporate hierarchy, perhaps spinning off a few program ideas of his own. A meeting with Sir Charles was the kind of thing that could change a career overnight.

      For just a moment she debated asking him to accompany her for the evening, but decided against it. As much as she’d welcome the company, Sir Charles probably wouldn’t appreciate someone unexpected crashing that party.

      Again, she found herself wondering what Davies wanted. Given what she knew about him, she couldn’t picture him even watching the show, never mind being one of her fans. Which meant it had to do with some other aspect of her life. She’d been approached by rich individuals and organizations in the past, usually to investigate the provenance of a particular collection or item, so perhaps that was it.

      Heaven forbid it had anything to do with a new position at the network. Her current role left her time to pursue her first love, archaeology, while responding to the call of the sword.

      Only one way to find out.

      Doug handed her the piece of paper with a phone number on it. “Sir Charles is sending a driver to pick you up at your loft in Brooklyn at six. Call that number if you’re running late. And please, Annja, best behavior while you’re with him. Don’t say or do anything rash.”

      An impish grin crossed her face. “Doug. You wound me. Would I do anything like that?”

      The sour expression that crossed his face was answer enough.

      She was still laughing as she headed out the door.

      Chapter 3

      Having resigned herself to going, Annja decided that she’d pull out all the stops and at least wear СКАЧАТЬ