Passion for Fashion. Coleen McLoughlin
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Название: Passion for Fashion

Автор: Coleen McLoughlin

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Книги для детей: прочее


isbn: 9780007365647


СКАЧАТЬ fun a catwalk show can really be.”

      “A sleepover?” said Mel slowly. “We haven’t had one of those in ages.”

      Lucy and I looked at each other in excitement. Mel liked our plan!

      “It’ll be totally brilliant,” I said, feeling enthusiastic all over. “Lucy will do the soundtrack. We might even get your mum to dress up in something too!”

      “Mum does have some pretty cool outfits,” Mel said. “She’s kept loads of stuff from the eighties in the back of her wardrobe. She might even let us borrow some.”

      “Oh Mel,” I said happily, pulling my friend into a big squashy hug. “It’s so great to see you smiling again.”

      “And even if your mum doesn’t change her mind about the school fashion show, we’ll still have a great time,” Lucy added.

      Mel had her old positive face on again. “Who knows what Mum’ll say by the time we’ve finished?” she said mischievously. “Pigs can fly – sometimes. Erm…maybe?”

      Somehow, the rest of the week zoomed by. Em had an after-school football match on the Wednesday that we all went along to watch. Then I had to walk Rascal after tea and believe me, I did some walking. I was literally dragged to the park on my knees. Then Nan came over for tea on the Thursday. Finally, I was so busy planning which accessories I was going to take for Friday’s sleepover at Mel’s that I didn’t even rise to Em’s teasing about how I might end up wearing hideous purple dungarees at the school fashion show.

      I have a billion and one accessories. They drive Mum mad, because most of the time they are scattered around the house. You know – a scarf draped over the post at the bottom of the stairs, an earring under the settee – that kind of thing. But accessories are brilliant – and they’re cheap, too. You can make the same old tee look totally different: dress it up one day with a red patent belt, then dress it down the next with a bunch of funky badges. Ta-da!

      By the time Friday came, I had whittled my accessory selection down to four boxes. Then, remembering that I was going straight to Mel’s after school that day and would have to carry everything on the bus, I reluctantly cut it down to an extra rucksack and a carrier bag. But hey – those two bags carried some serious fashion power!

      Mel and Lucy helped me carry everything from the bus stop on Friday afternoon, all the way up the stairs to Mel’s place on the third floor, along with my rucksack of pyjamas and clean clothes for the next day. By the time we reached number thirty-six, I was feeling quite glad that I hadn’t brought four boxes after all.

      I like Mel’s place. Her mum has painted it bright colours, and there are gauzy scarves hanging over all the lamps that make you feel like you are in Aladdin’s cave or something. Her mum has a thing about elephants too. They are everywhere. Little ones standing on the window sills. Big ones printed on the cushions. There’s pictures of elephants on the walls too, and – get this – even an elephant-shaped sponge in the bathroom!

      “OK,” said Mel. “Let’s get ourselves a drink first. What would you like?” She walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge door. “Looks like we’ve got orange juice, or there’s Coke too.”

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