Dying Breath. Wendy Corsi Staub
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Название: Dying Breath

Автор: Wendy Corsi Staub

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9780786044559



      Chapter Twelve

      Chapter Thirteen

      Chapter Fourteen

      Chapter Fifteen

      Part IV: August

      Chapter Sixteen

      Chapter Seventeen

      Chapter Eighteen

      Chapter Nineteen



      New York City


      It always begins with the dizziness.

      In her office high above East 46th Street, Camden Hastings is editing yet another inane fashion article, “Not Your Grandmother’s Belts and Brooches,” when the words begin to swim on the page.

      Light-headed, she looks up warily. The desk lamp is glaring, the small room distorted and tilting at an impossible angle.

      Oh, no.

      She braces herself.

      Here it comes.

      It’s been awhile—a month, maybe more—since the last episode.

      Sometimes after that much time has passed, she actually allows herself to relax a little. She’ll lower her guard, wanting to believe she’s free and clear, that she’ll never have to deal with the unsettling visions again.

      But they always come back.

      Cam’s fingers involuntarily release her pencil. It rolls off the desk onto the floor. Ignoring it, she rolls her chair back slightly, just enough to rest her elbows on her lap and lower her face into her hands to stop the spinning sensation.

      She can hear her heart beating, hear her own rhythmic respiration…then someone else’s.




      Cam’s head is filled with the sound of erratic, shallow breathing, in some kind of bizarre syncopation with her own.

      “Please, you have to let me go.”

      The thin, uneven pitch of the voice is typical of male adolescence, but she can’t see the speaker yet. Can’t see anything at all; her eyes are tightly closed against her palms and her mental screen remains dark.

      “Why are you doing this? Who are you?” she hears the boy ask brokenly.

      He’s so afraid, she senses, so terribly afraid, it’s all he can do to just stay conscious, keep breathing…



      Cam’s own lungs seem to constrict with the effort.

      But that’s crazy. You can breathe. You know he’s only in your head, like the others.

      All of them—all the characters she alone can see and hear—are figments of an exceptionally vivid imagination Cam’s English teachers liked to call “a gift,” back when she was in school.

      Ha. A gift?


      But then, her teachers didn’t know about the strange visions she’s endured for as long as she can remember. If they knew, they might have understood that a vivid imagination can be—more than anything else—a curse.

      They’d have suggested a shrink for her, instead of creative writing courses. Because that’s what you do when you hallucinate on a regular basis, right? You see a psychiatrist.

      That’s what her sister Ava did at college.

      But no one in Cam’s world ever realized that she had stumbled across the truth about beautiful, brunette Ava. About her mental illness. For all she knows, Pop never even knew about Ava’s troubles in the first place.

      In any case, no one in her life has ever suspected that Cam is aware she might have more in common with her older sister than an uncanny physical resemblance. She might also have the genetic potential to go stark, raving mad, just as Ava so obviously did twenty years ago.

      Why else would a person—perched twelve stories in the air—take a headfirst dive to the ground?

      You don’t kill yourself just because your mother abandoned you when you were a teenager, or because your college course load is overwhelming…do you?

      Okay, some people might. But Cam found her sister’s diary years ago. She’s suspected, ever since, what was going on with her. She’s come to believe the voices in Ava’s head told her to jump.

      The voices in Cam’s aren’t anything like that.

      For one thing, they’re invariably laced with fear. Terror, even. They never speak directly to Cam; they’re always addressing someone else, some shadowy person who intends to hurt them.

      And most of the time, those voices belong to children.

      Cam knows that because she can usually conjure their faces if she focuses hard enough.

      Funny…even though she’s the one who dreams up these tortured characters in the first place, she can never quite anticipate what they’re going to look like, or whether she’ll even get to see them at all.

      For instance, this boy today, the frightened boy with the cracking voice, sounds like he’s small, and pale.

      But when he begins to take shape in Cam’s mind’s eye, he’s older than she expected. Dark-skinned, too—Hispanic, maybe, or Native American. He has a mop of curly dark hair and big brown eyes.

      He’s huddled in a confined space—she can see carpet, and metal, and a small recessed light, as if…

      Yes, it’s a car trunk. It’s open. Broad daylight. Dappled, fluid shade spills in, as if trees are gently stirring overhead.

      Then a human shadow looms over the boy; someone is standing there, looking down at him.

      Cam’s heart races, her throat gags on the boy’s panic.

      Calm down, she tells herself—and him. Even though he’s not real. Even though he exists only in her head.

      Is he wearing some sort of uniform? Boy Scouts, maybe? Khaki shirt, badges, and pins. A kerchief is tied around his neck. On his sleeve, a couple of sewn-on numbers, but Cam can’t make them out.

      Which doesn’t make sense because she’s the one who made him up—so she should know which numbers he’s wearing, shouldn’t she? She should know his name, and his age, and, dammit, she should be able to make him stop sounding so helpless.

      But СКАЧАТЬ