The Naughty List Bundle with The Night Before Christmas & Yule Be Mine. Fern Michaels
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СКАЧАТЬ end of the week, we can have a productive, comprehensive meeting that will launch us into the next phase of this exciting time of growth and prosperity for you and your fellow businessmen and women.”

      He smiled broadly to the audience and clicked the photo on the big screen back to the one of the huge Hamilton Industries logo. “The information packets are stacked on the tables outside the auditorium doors as you exit. Thank you all for your patience, your participation, and your enthusiasm in getting in on the ground floor of what is going to be the most exciting thing to ever happen in Hamilton village.”

      He listened to the applause, gauging whether it was enthusiastic or merely polite, and was, overall, quite happy with the tone of what he was hearing. But just as people started to rise from their seats, a strident voice rang out, freezing everyone for a moment, then returning them to their seats.

      “Mr. Gallagher, isn’t it true that rather than capitalize on the unique features of a town—I’m sorry, village—you simply remodel it into your own vision of the place? I realize that things are different in old-world countries like England, Switzerland, and Italy, where I understand you’ve had enormous success.

      “But Hamilton is not some fourteenth-century village in need of sprucing up, Mr. Gallagher. We don’t need people coming here looking for a theme park resort, five-star hotels, and a championship golf course. We’re already a thriving community, happily capitalizing on the successes of Hamilton Industries and our own individual business acumen. If you’re merely interested in making Hamilton Industries more successful, thereby giving us greater opportunities, then we’ll all rejoice and give you our undying support. More prosperity is never a bad thing. However, it appears you’re looking to fix a part of us that isn’t broken.

      “I think I am speaking for the majority here when I say we like who and what we are, and what we’ve become, through the hard work and sweat that comes with building our own business from the bottom up. In many cases, for multiple generations. Your own family can speak to that, Mr. Gallagher. Certainly that’s something you can identify with, right? If you would focus all your growth potential energy, of which you seem to have an endless supply, on increasing the bottom line of Hamilton Industries, the rest of us will still stand to profit and prosper. But also keep what makes us unique. Otherwise, Mr. Gallagher, our ‘village’ doesn’t need your help.”

      There was a moment of stunned silence, as the rest of the folks in the audience shifted their gazes between himself…and Melody Duncastle.

      Of course it was her.

      Griffin knew the next few seconds were critical in keeping the edge he’d worked so hard to gain. But before he could open his mouth to rejoin Miss Duncastle, and jovially charm the townspeople into continuing to give him their open-minded attention, someone put their hands together and began to clap. He couldn’t make out who it was, but the sound came from the other side of the auditorium, drawing the gazes and glances of the audience as they, too, shifted to see. Then someone else started clapping, and another, and yet another.

      The throbbing in Griffin’s temples returned with a swift vengeance as he watched all of his carefully calculated work dissolve. The herd was turning against him. Or, at least, toward Melody Duncastle.

      “Miss Duncastle,” he said into his mouthpiece, loudly enough that for a moment, the clapping paused. He pounced on that single moment, knowing what came after would make his life easier…or a bloody living hell. “Miss Duncastle,” he repeated, and the clapping stopped completely as everyone’s attention shifted from her…back to him. You’ve got the floor, Gallagher. Better use it wisely. “I’m sorry our initial meeting this morning didn’t go well.” He paused to allow the murmuring to begin…and build.

      “Mr. Gallagher, this has nothing to do—”

      “Please, kindly allow me to respond to your statements just now,” he interrupted, careful to keep his smile wide and his tone jovial. And if his accent deepened just a little bit, well, they’d just think it was because he was feeling the moment. “I’ve no desire—or I should say, we’ve no desire to cloak or mute any of the wonderful qualities that make Hamilton the special place it is to all of you. We’re aware and deeply respectful that this isn’t simply where you’ve started your businesses, but where you’ve chosen to live your lives, raise your children. Hamilton Industries has never done anything to thwart your growth potential, quite the opposite.

      “You’ve trusted us with your livelihoods, your families…you have no need to doubt that your trust is still well-placed.” He turned to the audience in general. “I urge you all to read the information and to bring any and all concerns and questions to our full town meeting. Not only will there be Hamilton board members there but also your very own town councilmen, whom you’ve put into office. We’ll all answer every question you have.”

      He saw Melody raise her hand, knew she was going to take back the floor, so he preempted her next strike. “And Miss Duncastle,” he went on, turning on every bit of charm he had. “I’d like a private meeting with you, directly, if possible. It’s important to me, especially after this morning, that you feel comfortable and confident about the plans for Hamilton.” He flashed a wider smile. “I promise I’m no’ the bad guy here, Melody.”

      The crowd’s attention shifted from him to the baker. There was a collective holding of breath. The use of her first name had created an almost palpable intimacy, despite their location. The power was firmly back in his hands.

      As his gaze locked on hers, he knew he’d have felt a lot better about his chances if that same palpable intimacy hadn’t affected him as much as it did the crowd. He’d have thought her outburst would have cured him of any kind of attraction toward her. But while his mind saw her as an adversary, and a more worthy opponent than he might have thought, his body had completely different ideas about the best way to handle Melody Duncastle. With the handling part playing a prominent role.

      “Everyone, thank you for coming,” he said, breaking the silence. “Miss Duncastle, we’ll talk.” And with that, he removed his mouthpiece and left the stage. Some might have viewed the move as a cowardly retreat. He viewed it as a preemptive strike. Concluding the meeting while he was still in control gave him time to regroup before they reconvened. Of course, he had no doubt at all that she’d be regrouping as well.

      That thought shouldn’t have made him grin.

      But it did.

      He was still smiling that evening when he approached the door to her shop just as she was flipping the sign to CLOSED. That hadn’t happened by coincidence.

      She paused in mid-flip, her distracted expression changing swiftly when she spied him. Her expression was smooth, polite even, but there was a distinct chill in her magnificent deep blue eyes.

      He could live with that.

      She pulled the door open, but blocked his entry with her body planted directly in the doorway. “I believe we discussed your patronage here.”

      “I’m merely here to set up a convenient time for us to meet.”

      “I don’t believe I agreed to any such thing.”


      “Miss Duncastle to you.”

      He chuckled at that, and could have sworn he saw the slightest lift at the corner of her mouth. So perhaps he had more of an opening than he’d thought. She’d given him his edge with her comment about his accent. He’d used it quite shamelessly at the meeting. Oddly, he found СКАЧАТЬ