Ascension. A.S. Fenichel
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Название: Ascension

Автор: A.S. Fenichel

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Исторические приключения

Серия: Demon Hunters

isbn: 9781616505592


СКАЧАТЬ exuded masculinity. He had not touched her, but she sensed him just the same. “Bella.”

      In spite of her need to keep herself apart from him, her stomach clenched and moisture built between her legs. Her skin hummed with need and she wanted him to touch her. No, you have to get away from him. You have to protect him.

      She turned into him with every intentions of giving him a scolding for calling her Bella again but found herself wrapped in his arms. She kept her fisted hands pressed against her body. Still, the thrashing she intended for him, died on her lips. “Someone will hear you, Gabriel. You must go.”

      When he looked down into her eyes, rage had transformed into desire, but also sorrow. “I do not want to go, Bella. I want you. I spent most of the last four years between hellish battlefields and a French prison, dreaming of the moment that you would be back in my arms.”


      “I expected to come home and find you overjoyed to see me, but instead I found you changed. I do not know what has happened, but I intend to have you as my wife. I will not waver on this, Belinda.”

      Moving her hands to his chest, she pressed. He did not give way. Unless she was willing to harm him, she was trapped.

      “I am no longer certain that it is what I want.” She turned her head away from his mesmerizing stare.

      “I must try to change your mind back in my favor then.” He dipped his head and touched his lips to the sensitive skin where her neck met her shoulder.

      She couldn’t stop the moan from escaping.

      He traced his tongue along the side of her neck.

      A pleasant shiver ran down her back and her skin warmed. “Gabriel, someone will hear.”

      “Your father is in Scotland, and your mother is asleep on the other side of the house. Her ladyship has probably drunk herself into a very sound slumber, and we shall not be disturbed by your lady’s maid for several hours at least.”

      She pushed harder against his chest. This time he did give way. “You have thought this through.”

      Her stomach twisted and her heart pounded with either fear or anticipation. She didn’t care for either one replacing good sense.

      He didn’t respond, just watched her, and his gaze was part caress, part invasion. “Did you come here for the sole purpose of ruining me?”

      Finally, he closed those arresting eyes. “In all fairness, I thought you already a woman of less than stellar reputation.”

      “And now?”

      “You have said that you are a virgin, and I believe you. As I said, after all these years, I know when you are lying to me.” He strode toward her.

      She backed away until her knees pressed against the bed. “Yet you still intend to rape me?”

      “Rape? No. I will do nothing that you do not allow, Bella. I want you. I intend to have you either tonight or another night, but I will never hurt you.” He advanced until he pressed up against her, and she had nowhere to run.

      “I want you to leave.” Hollow words, but it was worth a try.

      His mouth curled up. His hand skimmed across the top of her chemise where the robe had fallen open. “Do you?”

      His touch was as light as a feather, but it cascaded down to her toes and caused a mewing sound to escape her lips.

      “Yes, I want you to go, Gabriel.” In her head, she cursed herself for not sounding more assertive. She sounded as if she was begging him to stay rather than demanding he go.

      To her surprise, he took a step back.

      She stood up straighter and met his gaze. A hint of disappointment ebbed through her body, but her mind sighed with relief. “Thank you.”

      “Do not thank me yet, Bella. I’m not leaving. I will make you a deal. I want you to let me touch you for ten full minutes without any protest from you. I promise at the end, you will still be a virgin. After the ten minutes, if you still wish for me to leave, I will go. I will not promise that I will stop my pursuit, but I will leave you for the night.”

      “Do I have a choice?” she asked.

      “No.” His lips grazed her ear. “But I promise you will not be sorry, my love. Even if you choose to send me home in ten minutes, I will be the only one leaving this night wanting for release.”

      Shivers ran up her spine. Damn him. She cursed her body for desiring him. There was no sense in answering since he would take his ten minutes regardless. Briefly, she considered the pistol nestled in her bedside drawer or the knife tucked into a clever holder behind her headboard. She needed neither, but it didn’t matter. She couldn’t harm Gabriel.

      A slow, sultry smile spread across his handsome face.

      Excitement bloomed in her abdomen.

      He lifted her and eased her onto the bed. Covering her, his heavy chest pressed against hers as if he were a pleasure blanket.

      Though she remained a virgin, the last four years had taught her quite a lot about the mating act. She had seen things in London’s bowels very few young ladies of the ton would ever dream of, so it was no surprise when his hard shaft pressed against her middle.

      He moved forward, rubbed himself against her and pressed his thigh between her legs.

      Her heart raced.

      He moaned and closed his eyes. His strained expression, the crease of his brow and shortened breath, warmed her from the inside.

      Her body ached at the sight of his arousal. She raised her hips, and he moaned again. So much power flowed through her. With every moan from his lips, her skin vibrated wanting more.

      Her breath caught on the jolt of pleasure. I need to stop him, send him home. She clung to his shoulders pulling him closer, lifting her hips higher.


      His eyes snapped open. He rolled to her side. “Too fast, Bella.”

      Immediately, she missed his weight on top of her. Stay focused. Do not get caught up in his web.

      He untied the ribbon on her robe and pushed both sides apart. His hand, tanned to a honey brown, skimmed over her cotton chemise.

      Everywhere he touched burned and she wanted more.

      He removed her robe and chemise quickly, leaving her completely bared to his watchful eyes.

      She had been raised a lady. Every instinct told her to grab a sheet and cover herself. But she really didn’t want to. Her body ached for more and if she allowed him, he would give her what she yearned for. Aroused and womanly, she grasped for control. But like a petal in a windstorm, it was impossible to find balance.

      “My god, Bella, you are beautiful.”

      His eyes traveled down her body to СКАЧАТЬ