Gambling On a Heart. Sara Walter Ellwood
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Название: Gambling On a Heart

Автор: Sara Walter Ellwood

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Colton Gamblers

isbn: 9781616504823


СКАЧАТЬ smile grew stiff. He remembered their conversion over the wedding dinner. The little wheels in Mandy’s head were working. She hadn’t included Tracy and Bobby into her prayer without considering possibilities Zack didn’t even want to think about.

      “That’s nice. Bobby is your friend,” he said past the dry tongue sticking to the roof of his mouth.

      She yawned and shrugged under the hideously pink bedspread. The ruffle must have tickled her chin, because she pushed it away. “I like Miz Tracy, too. She’s your friend, isn’t she?”

      Tracy and him friends...fat chance. He hoped he never had to deal with her again. “I suppose.” He patted her covered chest. “Nighty-night, baby girl. I love you.”

      “Nighty-night, Daddy.” She grinned at him. “I love you more.”

      He leaned over her and kissed her forehead. “I love you ’til the cows come home,” he whispered, and into her arms placed the stuffed bunny Lisa had given to her when she was a baby.

      “We aren’t missin’ any cows.” She giggled and hugged the raggedy stuffed animal. “So, none of ’em needs to come home.”

      It was an old ritual. He chuckled and stood, giving her one last kiss on her forehead and feathered back her black hair. “Then I’ll have an even longer time to love you. Now go to sleep.”

      She nodded, yawning again. He tucked the sheet and comforter around her. For several moments after he’d turned out the light, he stood by the door until her breathing evened into sleep.

      He snagged a beer from the fridge, then made his way into the big master bedroom next to Mandy’s room. His grandparents had built on the master suite when they’d married. He’d completely gutted the bathroom and modernized it, much as he had the kitchen, when he’d moved in almost two years ago. He’d never be as good at carpentry as Dylan Quinn was. Dylan had practically rebuilt the old house on Butterfly Ranch, but Zack had learned from trial and error and called in the experts when he got in over his head. The work had helped him come to terms with living in a house he’d always dreamed of sharing with Tracy.

      Like the rest of the house, the walls of the room were off-white and the wood trim aged oak, but the flooring was plush forest green carpet, which his feet sunk into as he crossed to the sliding glass door leading out onto the patio. He looked out over the darkened land. A horse whinnied in the distance, and from somewhere out on the ridge, a coyote howled for its mate. Stars twinkled overhead and the last of the season’s fireflies flickered in the tall grass, which he really had to find the time to mow.

      He drank from the longneck bottle. How many times had he and Tracy lain on the bank of the lake out in the pasture with fireflies dancing around them?

      He gulped down more beer and turned away from the yard. What the hell was wrong with him? She’d cheated on him with his best friend. Regardless of what Mandy was planning in that precocious little mind of hers, he was never falling in love again. It hurt too damn much when it all fell apart.

      Setting the bottle on the patio table, he pulled his smart phone from his pocket and checked his voicemail. The only message was from his mother-in-law wanting to know if he’d considered coming to Wyoming for Thanksgiving.

      He supposed he should think about it. The Fosters had only seen their granddaughter a half-dozen times since Lisa’s death two years ago, and for all of those times, they’d come to Texas. But he wasn’t ready to go back. He’d sworn he’d never set foot in Wyoming again after Lisa’s death.

      Surprised not to have a call from his second in command, he dialed Dawn Madison’s cell number. She answered and he asked, “Madison, what’s going on?”

      “Sheriff, it’s your day off. Why the hell are you calling me?”

      “Because I am the sheriff and figure it’s my duty to know if the people who elected me are safe.”

      “Well, other than watching Simms get fatter with each creampuff he stuffs into his mouth and listening to Grant complaining about not getting any, all’s well in Dodge.”

      He winced and looked up at the starry heavens. Larry Simms was on his way to clogging his every artery. Zack tried to promote good health among his deputies, but Larry didn’t care. Zack only prayed the man didn’t croak on county time. The paperwork would be a bitch. Doug Grant wasn’t the only one not getting any, but Grant’s reason–his wife had just had a baby–was a temporary one. There was definite light at the end of his forced celibacy tunnel. Zack’s was a black hole.

      “So, are Kennedy and Timmons out on patrol?” he asked, even though he already knew the answer. “Those cattle rustlers are getting bold.”

      “Boss, do you take me for an idiot?”

      “Of course not.”

      “Good. I wouldn’t want to think you doubted my abilities because I’m a woman.”

      He laughed and shook his head. He was sometimes slow on the uptake, but he got the point this time loud and clear. “Madison, you and I both know I don’t think that.”

      “Then why the hell are you calling on your night off?”

      He sighed and picked up the beer. Because, besides my daughter, my ranch, and my job, I don’t have a life. “Take care, Dawn. Call me if you need backup.”

      “Goodnight, Zack.” She hung up.

      He slipped the phone into his pocket and finished off the beer.

      As he glanced out over the last of the summer fireflies, Tracy drifted into his mind like a phantom. The huskiness of her voice, the sexy whisper of her laughter, the way she bit her lip when she was unsure of herself. With her heels, she was almost as tall as him. Could he still fit his hands the entire way around her waist as he had back when they’d dated? He clenched his hand at the surge of desire to try it sometime.

      The dance they’d been obligated to share had been pure torture. The short blue dress showed off her long, long legs and the flawless, creamy skin of her shoulders. She smelled like sunshine and honey. He’d purposely held her away from him and refused to look at her. If he hadn’t done both, he honestly wasn’t sure what would have happened.

      He’d convinced himself he hated her. Then, last year, he’d called her to come down to the jail to pick up her brother after a drunken binge. As they’d contrived ways to help Dylan, he’d been exposed to the side of Tracy he’d fallen head over heels for when they were thirteen–her inner beauty, her tenacity, her compassion.

      Qualities she bestowed on him, even though he’d given her a nickname she’d never outgrown: Olive Oyl.

      Zack’s mind returned to her skimpy dress and the way it showed off her body. He’d always loved her long legs. He sucked in a breath at the image of the low-cut dress that made her breasts seem bigger.

      Tracy had been self-conscious of how small she was back when they’d dated. However, once he’d discovered how sensitive her nipples were, he couldn’t get enough of them. He’d never known a woman who could almost orgasm with just having her breasts stimulated. Had Jake, or the man she’d left Jake for, been able to push her over the edge?

      “Damn.” He shook the question from his head and re-entered the bedroom. СКАЧАТЬ