Her Leading Man. Maggie Dallen
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Название: Her Leading Man

Автор: Maggie Dallen

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: A Reel Romance

isbn: 9781516101412



      Cover Copy

      Life’s not like the movies . . . or is it?

      An avid knitter and manager of a yarn store in New York City, Caitlyn finds herself at loose ends after getting dumped by her long-time, live-in boyfriend. What better way to move on then to find a man like the old-school movie stars that she dreams about? But her first attempt at online dating is a disaster. Especially when the date turns out to be the new renter of a room in her apartment.

      Wall Street powerhouse Ben needs a place to crash while his condo is being renovated. Love is the last thing on his mind since he’s just getting over a breakup. But he can’t resist a challenge, especially one like his prim and proper new roommate. A do-gooder with a heart of gold, Caitlyn is spearheading a fight to save an old theater, while Ben is working for the developer trying to tear it down. Sparks will fly, but they may not be enough to ignite big-screen romance . . .

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      Books by Maggie Dallen

      The Chance Series

      The Accidental Engagement

      The Accidental Boyfriend

      The Accidental Elopement

      Reel Romance Series

      Her Leading Man

      Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation

      Her Leading Man

      A Reel Romance

      Maggie Dallen



      Kensington Publishing Corp.



      Lyrical Press books are published by

      Kensington Publishing Corp. 119 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018

      Copyright © 2016 by Maggie Dallen

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      First Electronic Edition: February 2017

      eISBN-13: 978-1-5161-0141-2

      eISBN-10: 1-5161-0141-3

      First Print Edition: February 2017

      ISBN-13: 978-1-5161-0144-3

      ISBN-10: 1-5161-0144-8

      Printed in the United States of America

      Chapter 1

      Seeking Cary Grant, that’s what her online profile had read. The guy sitting across from her at the bar was attractive, had a British accent, and… Well, that was where the similarity ended.

      “So what do you really do then?” he asked with a mouth full of bread. They hadn’t ordered dinner but the waiter had kindly brought them a basket of warm bread, most likely in a vain attempt to sober up her obnoxious date, who stank of whisky.

      Caitlyn let out a weary sigh. She was way past caring if her disgust was obvious. This man had tested her patience from the moment he’d sat across from her.

      “What do you mean, what do I really do?” she repeated.

      She hated that question. Hated it.

      He shrugged and tossed back a large gulp of his beer. “So you just work at a yarn store then?”

      Caitlyn’s hands clenched together in her lap as she prayed for patience. So maybe managing and teaching at a yarn store wasn’t the career she’d dreamed of when she’d gotten her art degree in college, but she liked it there. “Isn’t that enough?”

      Her date shrugged again and leaned over the table so the smell of whisky was nearly overwhelming. “Not much of a career path, is it?”

      He let out a belch that nearly knocked her out with its gaseous fumes.

      “I like it.” She squelched the urge to qualify her life decisions. She certainly didn’t have to explain herself to this man, who wouldn’t know art or passion if it hit him upside the head. Being surrounded by gorgeous textures and fibers, and sharing her passion with others—it made her happy. She’d made a home for herself there over the last five years and she refused to apologize for it, especially not to this drunken jerk.

      “And what about you?” she asked, fruitlessly attempting to make eye contact with their waiter so she could pay the bill and get out of there. When that failed, she shoved her empty wineglass toward the end of the table so the waiter could see that they were done. One drink had never felt so interminably long.

      “I’m a venture capitalist.” Though with his drunken slur it came out more like vent captlish. “I build companies from the ground up.” He shoved a piece of bread into his mouth and leaned in even closer, lowering his voice as if sharing a state secret. “I make a lot of money.”

      Caitlyn actually flinched in the face of such a gauche remark. “Good for you.”

      He pointed a finger in her face. “You could learn something from me. I could help you.”

      Oh, wonderful. “I don’t need any help, thanks.”

      His eyes narrowed to the point where she suspected he might just fall asleep and land face first in the breadbasket. Part of СКАЧАТЬ