Just Want Somebody to Love. Keri Ford
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Название: Just Want Somebody to Love

Автор: Keri Ford

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Bella Warren

isbn: 9781616507503


СКАЧАТЬ five minutes to make it to that car.

      That seemed like a lifetime. Taking his sweet time about cupping her bra didn’t speed things. His fingertips eased along her skin. It was hot touch on burning skin, fenced off by cool satin. She shivered, but she wasn’t cold. He pushed his fingers under her bra, and with a touch to her nipple, a gasp left her.

      The hand on her ass curved between her legs, and he rubbed her in the best spot ever. His firm touch coupled with the stiffness of her jeans, and thank heavens for the tree holding her. Oh boy. Oh boy. If she could just get out of these clothes. Then get him out of his clothes. Then they’d be talking.

      He thrust with her touch and another raw growl slid out. This one sounded full of familiar frustration.

      Too many darn clothes. He lifted her shirt higher, and cold air snaked along her sweat dampened skin. Pneumonia would be worth it. Any man who could kiss like this would be worth a hospital stay, because if his kisses were this awesome, the rest was sure to be better.

      He moved her shirt higher, and in the process, forced her hand from his pants. She wrapped her arms around him and held him to her chest. “Oh God. I need more.”

      His length pressed against the very center and most sensitive part of her, and she couldn’t stop the gasp.

      Or the moan that came next.

      He pulled his mouth from her breast. “Hell.”

      “Worth it.”

      “If I don’t get these pants off you soon, I’ll die, and that’s where I’ll be going.”

      “My house.”

      “Yes.” They didn’t go anywhere. His mouth was on her neck. His hand pushing her shirt up the front. “My car is just so far away.”

      She needed to be able to grab and hold him somehow. Against this tree, she could hardly do a thing but enjoy what he wanted to do to her. Not at all something bad to have, but she didn’t want things just done to her. She wanted to rock his world too. “If you have a condom, I’m okay right here.”

      “Shit.” His head landed on the tree over her shoulder. The hungry touch of his hands died.

      She might cry. A grown woman and she might break down if he didn’t have protection. “Oh my God, I hope you have some, somewhere.”

      “In my wallet, that’s in my room in the bar. Don’t you have some at your house?”

      She laughed. “If I did, they’d be expired. Rusty, remember?”

      “I’ll have to run inside and grab my wallet.”

      “The Quick Stop around the corner used to have them for a quarter in the men’s bathroom.”

      He leaned back. The moonlight wasn’t bright, but it put off enough glow she could make out his parted lips and the way they curved. “I’m pretty sure that’s the hottest thing a woman has ever said to me, but my keys are inside too.”

      “We had poor planning.”

      He cupped her cheek and leaned in, pressing another kiss to her. “But we have a plan now.”

      She pulled herself against him. “Just as soon as you put me down.”

      “Right.” Back to kissing. His hand left her cheek and slid up her thighs. “It’ll take us thirty seconds to be back around the bar and add another minute for me to have my keys.”

      “Two to three minutes from here to my house.” Minutes and then they could return to this part. That didn’t sound bad. He kissed her again as he lowered her back to the ground.

      The slide of his zipper broke through the night. “You’ve got about five minutes to change your mind then.”

      She laughed, grabbed him by the hand, and led him back across the road. Yeah right. The only thing she had plans to change were her clothes. From what she wore to her birthday suit. The moment they got to her house, stripping would happen, and that was that. She headed to the front, but he tugged her around the side. “There’s a back door. It’ll be quicker that way.”

      “Back door it is.”

      He pulled her around the corner and stopped by a silver sports car. He kissed her once more, and her clothes had to be close to falling off.

      His breath was heavy. “Wait here.”

      “Waiting.” She reached in her pocket for her phone. She sent a quick text to Tasha and Kara. By the time she hit send, the backdoor opened, light slashed over the grounds, and he was back. He flicked the unlocks, and she didn’t wait a second. She grabbed the door and slid into the smooth as butter leather seats.

      The engine rolled over with an aggressive purr. Headlights brightened the brick in front of them. She was going to have sex. He eased the car in gear, and she glanced his way. Any worries that the thrill in the woods wouldn’t come back died.

      Plenty of things hummed under her skin. All those dull, flat lined feelings of nothingness gone to a distant memory. This was what she wanted. Going out and living? Ha, that was just the tip of the iceberg. As he pulled up to the road and glanced her way with those amazing eyes, she knew without a doubt this was what she’d been missing.

      She hadn’t met an interesting guy in months. Over Christmas, they’d been in south Texas visiting her mom. There’d been one guy at that sporting goods store, but it flat lined. Hard to plan for a hook up or a date or anything when you were standing in a mall a week before Christmas.

      Justin reached across the narrow console and put his hand on her thigh. Little bubbles raced through her blood and landed right in the center of her. “Left or right?”

      “Right.” No time for hesitation. “My driveway is about a mile up here on the left. There’s a wooden sign marking it.”


      Yes, as a matter of fact, he did have her. For the rest of the night. In the morning? Multiple times throughout? Her mouth dried as his fingers squeezed on her thigh. How about all the way into the afternoon until her mom arrived? His hand slid up her thigh.

      When did the drive home get so long? Narrow bucket seats kept her from scooting across his lap and ripping his shirt off. The buttons of his pants would get a look at next. Have that step taken care of before they even got inside.

      The thought worked all the way through her. Fine. Hands to herself until they were in the front door, and then all bets were off. She could have his pants off by the bottom of the stairs. Or he could strip for her in her bedroom.

      They went around a curve, and his headlight landed on the wooden sign. She pointed. “There.”

      His blinker came on, and he turned on the slender drive. “You’re quiet over there. Not changing your mind, are you?”

      A small laugh escaped her. “Trying to decide whether to get your clothes off as soon as we got in the front door or wait until I get you to my bedroom upstairs first.”

      He cleared his throat and slowed as he came up to the two houses СКАЧАТЬ