Forget Me Not. Crystal B. Bright
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Название: Forget Me Not

Автор: Crystal B. Bright

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mama'S Boys

isbn: 9781616507138


СКАЧАТЬ dripped from every word Gideon uttered. “I’ll talk to you later. Love you, man.”

      “Yeah, later.” Thane disconnected the call.

      Even at Thane’s age, Gideon didn’t remember being that self-centered. He had bigger things to worry about now. If his mother read in some magazine or saw on TV that he may be hurt, it wouldn’t take long for his coaches to say something to him. It also meant he had to watch his back out on the field. The opposing team would love to take him out of the game, preferably on a stretcher.

      Time. Gideon had to play in this one game. Then he could heal and move on with more training. Today, he would have to be faster against the other team. They’d probably be gunning for his leg to take him out of the sport, not only the game.

      As he turned to go back into the main locker room, he ran into Dennis, the receiver who’d tried getting Gideon’s attention earlier. Dennis had become like a third brother to Gideon. They had gone to University of North Carolina together. They’d been drafted together. They had even ended up on the same NFL team.

      The big man with dreadlocks that went down to his shoulders smiled wide enough to express his happiness and the team’s. “Come on, man. You ready?” He held up his hand to Gideon.

      Gideon slapped his hand against Dennis’s and pulled him in for a half hug. “We got this. Like back in the day as a Tar Heel.”

      “Were you talking to your mama?” Dennis paced as Gideon strolled to the main locker-room area.

      Gideon nodded.

      Dennis smiled harder and shook his head as he let out a low whistle. “Your fine-ass mama needs me in her life.”

      Gideon laughed. “Hey, watch your mouth when you talk about her.”

      “I hear you. I hear you.” Dennis chuckled. “When we first met back in college, I used to think it was weird for a white dude to have a black mama. After meeting her, I wanted to marry that woman.” He pounded Gideon on his shoulder with his fist. “I’d even let you call me Daddy.”

      Gideon pushed his friend’s shoulder. “Oh, you have jokes, right?” He shook his head. “Sorry. Mom doesn’t go for young men. She said they remind her too much of her sons.”

      “Fine. Be sure to tell her I said hi.” Dennis lowered his head to Gideon and in a hushed tone asked, “I know this is part of the QB duty, but can I do the rally speech?”

      The electric current that had been flowing through Gideon’s body defused with Dennis’s request. Long before the first hair had sprouted on his upper lip or down below his belt, he’d dreamed of being the quarterback in the Super Bowl and being able to bring his team to a win. Part of that dream included giving the speech to his team that would inspire them to annihilate the opposing team. He couldn’t give up any part of his dream, even to his friend, even if that friend had played as quarterback in college.

      He stared at Dennis for a moment. “It’s the Super Bowl, Den. It’s my first one.”

      “Yeah, mine too.” He leaned in and lowered his voice. “Remember back in the day, you and I would do this kind of thing together all the time.”

      Gideon nodded. “I remember. And I know you want to make MVP. I get it.” He pointed to himself with his thumb. “I’m responsible for this team.”

      “That’s cool.” Disappointment laced Dennis’s statement. “Make sure you keep throwing me the ball, okay? I’ll make sure to get it in the end zone every time.” In Dennis’s dramatic fashion, he took a big step to the side to illustrate his point.

      “Maybe for the new season we can share the motivation duties. The guys are already hyped up. We need to go into this game in control.” Gideon wanted to set a tone for his team. Acting out of control would kill their synergy.

      Dennis’s smile softened. Gideon saw his shoulders slump under the shoulder pads.

      Gideon turned away from his disappointed friend and glanced into the bustling locker room. Dennis didn’t understand the importance of leading a team in the Super Bowl, not merely playing in the game. Gideon had to be the puppet master. If a play failed, it would be on him. He couldn’t let his team down, not today.

      “Sure. You’re the boss.” Dennis offered his neon smile again.

      “I promise I won’t let you all down.” Gideon wrapped his arm around Dennis’s shoulders as they headed toward the team.

      “Hey, now that you and Hil are over and this is our last game of the season, are you going to try and hit up that cheerleader?” Dennis winked and licked his lips.

      Gideon didn't have to guess which cheerleader his friend wanted him to hit up as he called it. Brittany or Tiffany or Brandy. Something with an E sound at the end of her name. The bouncy, bubbly brunette had made it known she wanted Gideon. At practices where cheerleaders weren’t needed, she popped up and managed to run into him. When he worked out at the team gym, she would be waiting for him outside. One time after practice, as he’d soaked in an ice bath, she’d shown up in her bikini ready to join him.

      Gideon had never liked a desperate woman. This cheerleader reeked of neediness.

      “Man, I don’t want any part of her.” Gideon shook his head. “For one, it’s against the rules. Players can’t date the She-Wolves.”

      “During the season.” Dennis pounded his fist on Gideon’s shoulder. “After the season…”

      “I still don’t want her.” Gideon shook his head. “But you, you have at her. Be sure you treat her right.” No matter what Gideon did, his mama’s words always crept into his mind and out of his mouth.

      “She only has eyes for you, brother. Bet you five big ones that when you come out of the tunnel, she’ll run into you.”

      Gideon snickered. “No way. The cheerleaders know not to interfere with our entrances, especially for this game.”

      Dennis held up his large hand with his long digits splayed. “Five big ones.”

      Gideon nodded. “You’re on.” He glanced at the team. “Hey, everyone! Listen up!” He waited until the team members stopped their actions and moved around him and Dennis.

      He couldn’t keep his mind on what he would have to do in these next few hours while he knew his mother would have to have heart surgery soon. The phone call home to talk to his mother and his brothers hadn’t calmed his nerves. His team didn’t need to know about his worry.

      “Friends,” Gideon began, “we didn’t get to this position by luck.” He strolled around the locker room, making sure to look each one of his teammates in their eyes. “We got here with heart. We got here because we’re all dedicated. We trained our asses off. We ran drills until we dropped. Hell, I think even Thumper put on a clean jock one time.” He pointed to the large lineman standing behind the group.

      “Nope!” Thumper responded and moved in closer to the group to share his stench.

      “Damn, dude! Get the hell back.” Stephen, a running back, covered his nose and waved his hand in front of his face. “Offensive lineman is right. Your smell is brutal.”

      Gideon СКАЧАТЬ