Diamond Legacy. Monica McCabe
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Название: Diamond Legacy

Автор: Monica McCabe

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: A Jewel Intrigue Novel

isbn: 9781616507077



      “Eating dinner, want to join me?” He held up his sandwich for her inspection. “I’ve got another ham and cheese if you’re hungry.”

      “Odd choice of dining locations, isn’t it?”

      “Not if you’re on a stakeout.” He took another bite and pointed the sandwich toward the garage. “Why are you here so late?”


      He swore he heard her stomach growl. “Anything I need to know about?”

      “One or two things.” She eyed his sandwich. “You got mustard on that ham and cheese?”

      “Of course.” He nodded with a grin. “A man always likes to spice things up. So what have you found?”

      She shook her head. “Food first, I’m starving.”

      “Fair enough.” Matt reached into the Rover and pulled out the small cooler, then waved his hand toward the back of the vehicle where a thick tree line skirted the parking area. “There’s a bench right through there.”

      He led the way. On the other side, a walking trail wound along a small manmade stream with park benches scattered about for resting. Best of all, no streetlights, only the dim glow of a half moon that had yet to be swallowed by storm clouds. Cozy and private with little chance of being seen, and he could still keep an eye on the buildings through a filter of trees.

      Matt chose the closest bench. “Is this dining spot more to your taste?”

      “Just lovely, thank you.”

      Miranda settled on one end of the small wooden bench and Matt claimed the other. He dropped the cooler on the ground between them, flipped back the lid, and grabbed a sandwich for her.

      “Sorry, it’s only meat and cheese,” he said. “If I’d known I’d be sharing, I might have slapped on a little lettuce and tomato.”

      “Don’t sweat it,” she said with a grateful smile. “I’m too hungry to worry about extras.” She promptly took a hearty bite.

      “Here, try this.” He opened a bottle of Tusker beer and passed it over.

      She accepted the offer and took an inquiring sip, then closed her eyes on a sigh of pleasure. “It’s pure delicious.”

      She followed her statement with a longer draft, and he soaked in the long, smooth length of her throat as she drank. His gaze lingered at her V-neck tank top until she set the bottle on the bench beside her and went back to her sandwich.

      “So,” he said as he pulled himself on track and dug what little remained of his ham and cheese from the baggie. “What did you find?”

      “I’ve never seen any place keep such detailed records.” She popped a mustard covered fingertip between her lips and slowly pulled it out.

      He shook his head and grabbed a paper napkin from the cooler to hand to her. “What kind of records?”

      “Thank you.” She stuffed the napkin between her knees and lifted her beer for another quick drink. “Everything’s documented. Animal origins, medical charts, delivery dates. It’s amazing, really.”

      The only amazing thing around here was her. He watched her nibble the Swiss cheese outside the sandwich’s edge, the tip of her pink tongue lapping at another drop of mustard. If she didn’t start eating the blasted thing, he wasn’t going to be responsible for his actions.

      “They even detail supply orders and distribution,” she continued saying. “Right down to the last paper clip.”

      He pushed to focus on her words. Supplies. Lists. He formed a reasonable response. “That makes sense. Every item taken out of the supply room must be logged. A bit extreme if you ask me.”

      She shrugged. “They obviously have strict cost control policies.”

      “What about patterns? Find any?”

      “A lot of animals seem to arrive or leave at the end of a month.”

      “Interesting.” He polished off the last of his Tusker and tossed the empty into the cooler. “Anything else?”

      She shot a sideways glance his way. “If you mean do they record diamond shipments? Nope.”

      Clever girl, but she’d have to dig deeper than that to trip him up. “Not necessarily diamonds. Smuggling comes in many forms.”

      “True enough.” She turned on the bench to face him. “Let’s face facts here, Matthew. We are in Botswana, diamond capital of the world. What else is small enough to flow through without notice and warrant a hundred grand deposit? You want my intel? Come clean.”

      The woman was as stubborn as she was distracting. Why couldn’t she leave well enough alone?

      “First of all, it’s Matt, not Matthew. And does anybody ever call you pushy?”

      “Just once can’t someone see that as a good thing?” She took the last bite of her sandwich and brushed the crumbs from her lap.

      “How do you figure?”

      “Without a strong sense of curiosity and determination to see it through, I wouldn’t be here today.”

      “Nice spin.” He watched her lift the beer to her lips for another long pull, then dangle the half empty bottle in her fingers. When his gaze roamed back to her face, he found her watching him with irritation.

      “How about you quit stalling and tell me what’s going on here?”

      Persistent, too smart for her own good, and driving him crazy with the urge to kiss her. It was all he could do not to lean over and nibble those lips like she did her Swiss cheese. Better yet, he wanted to slide his tongue into her mouth and his fingers through the dark silk of her hair. He wanted to…

      He gave himself a mental shake. “All right, you win. It’s diamonds. Happy now?”

      “Not completely.”

      “What more do you want?” He stuffed their empty baggies into the cooler.

      “How about telling me why you’re in this business.”

      The unexpected question shocked him back to his senses. “Too long a story—you don’t want to know.”

      “All right.” She took another drink of beer and tried again. “So how long have you lived in Africa?”

      “Why do you ask?”

      “Your accent is British, peppered with American slang. It’s an odd mix and I’m a curious sort of person.”

      He normally kept personal details off limits, but strangely, he felt inclined to respond. “I spent my childhood in Africa, my teen years in Arizona.”

      “Are you American?”
