Thane's Redemption. Nina Crespo
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Название: Thane's Redemption

Автор: Nina Crespo

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: The Song

isbn: 9781616506650


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      Cover Copy

      The one night she'll want to remember, she'll be forced to forget.

      It's been almost a year since Celine's fiancé's death and she's still struggling to move on. But when she meets Thane, the super hot lead singer of Thane’s Redemption, she finds her desire reawakening, and her heart opening. Soon one kiss leads them straight into a night of heated passion…

      Thane’s unexpected connection with Celine only leaves him wanting more of her—but his life makes it impossible. For Thane's Redemption is just a cover for a deeper secret: A former Army Ranger presumed dead, Thane is really a time-traveling, covert operative charged with saving the world from disaster. Each jump through time forces those around him to forget he ever existed—and Celine would be no exception. But can time work in their favor to give them a second chance at love? Or will a choice Thane makes in the future put Celine in mortal danger?...

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      Books by Nina Crespo

      The Song Series

      Thane’s Redemption

      Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation

      Thane’s Redemption

      The Song Series

      Nina Crespo



      Kensington Publishing Corp.


      Lyrical Press books are published by

      Kensington Publishing Corp. 119 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018

      Copyright © 2014 by Nina Crespo

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

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      First Electronic Edition: March 2015

      eISBN-13: 978-1-61650-665-0

      eISBN-10: 1-61650-665-2

      Printed in the United States of America


      To E.R.M. and L,B&I


      Thank you to my own superhero for listening to every word of this story. To Renee Rocco and Penny Barber at Lyrical Press/Kensington Publishing Corp – thank you for seeing my potential and for your guidance along the way. April, thanks for the pep talks, and Cil, I appreciate your insight into the details. Your friendship is invaluable. To "Team Nina" and everyone who's read my stories and given their support – as always, you're the best!

      Chapter 1

      “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday! This is Lima Alpha Six going down. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. This is Lima Alpha Six, and we are going down!”

      The military helicopter whipped and spun, all control lost to the laws of gravity. Team Sergeant Thane Eckert gripped his harness and took repeated bone-rattling hits against the fuselage.

      “Fucking son of a bitch.” Reid grunted.

      Curses from the other three members of the team and terse commands from the pilots in the cockpit joined vibrating metal, whining engines, and the chop of the blades. Helplessness bottomed out Thane’s stomach. His team, his brothers…He couldn’t save them.

      Time slowed, and memories flashed frame by frame. Graduating high school and going straight into basic training ten years ago. Working his ass off to become a Ranger in Regimental Recon. Shedding blood on parched sand, snake-ridden jungles, and the rubble of cities they’d fought to liberate. Sharing too many bottles of Jack. Chasing too many women. Finding redemption and numbing the pain in music. Few understood their bond, but it ran deep.

      The back of his head smacked against metal. Agony exploded through him. This is it. Black smoke filled the air, and he gave into the force soaring him into oblivion. His vision cleared. Sunlight but no heat. Sand beneath his boots but no wind to disturb it. No smells of baking earth, hot metal or burning fuel. No helicopter.

      “Where am I?” His question fell flat in the silence. Where was the team?

      The placid view rippled open and a man, with skin as brown as the desert materialized a few yards ahead. He wore high black boots and dark pants, and his long strides easily closed the space between them. Leather strips crisscrossed his bare chest. The grips of what looked like two swords stood out at his back. The set of the man’s muscular shoulders along with the hardness in his probing gaze spoke to one thing. Warrior.

      Thane reached for the pistol in his thigh holster and came up empty. His desert camouflage uniform remained intact, but he no longer had the weapons he’d carried into the mission. Shifting his stance for better balance, he watched and prepared. He’d taken down bigger bastards than this one. “Who are you and where’s the rest of my team?”

      The dark haired warrior’s brow rose with his indulgent expression. “I am Dalir.” Years of foreign-language training didn’t help in placing his accent. Dalir pointed. “You and your comrades are there.”

      The helicopter hung cockpit down, suspended in mid-crash. An innate sense of knowing the undeniable erased Thane’s disbelief. His body, severely injured and on the cusp of death, existed across the desert. His consciousness, perhaps his soul, hovered where he stood.

      “This is where fate and chance intersect.” Dalir looked to the impending crash. “Fate decided you will die, but chance has intervened. You and your brothers can die as honorable men. Heroes remembered and rewarded for bravery.” The warrior pointed to a swirling mist. “Or you can follow me there. You and your brothers will give up all you love for a life where no one will cherish your existence. You will sacrifice everything, but you СКАЧАТЬ