Being Emerald. Sylvia Ryan
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Название: Being Emerald

Автор: Sylvia Ryan

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: New Atlanta

isbn: 9781616506216


СКАЧАТЬ if he sneered whenever he spoke. “Fucking hell,” she said under her breath. She had a difficult time staying in the same room with the man for too long. His evil overwhelmed her.

      Laila took a deep breath and locked her defenses into place. She strode into the room and sat in one of the rolling, black leather chairs surrounding the dark-wood conference table.

      Someone called for everyone to take their seats.

      She was not the only woman present. Sydney Parr, an Amazon—tall, leggy and muscular—would be riding in the other truck with Garret during the mission. She was a legend in her own right because of her rank and reputation in one of the Onyx Zone Recovery Teams. Recently, she’d received the distinction of being the first woman accepted into Morgan’s National Guard.

      She sat across the table from Laila, next to Rock. She was close to him. Laila scrutinized them, the distance between them, the general air of formality. They didn’t seem to have any kind of relationship. She was relieved. The first time she’d met Sydney, the woman had spared her a disinterested glance before returning to converse with someone else. She seemed like a bitch, and Laila had steered clear of her since.

      General Conrad Morgan rounded the table and sat on Laila’s right.

      She tensed, and her anxiety spiked.

      He nodded. “Miss Lewis.”

      She returned his nod with a well-practiced smile. “General.”

      They focused on Garret, National Guardsman, mission head, and navigator in charge of getting the four of them to Washington DC. He was tall, like Rock, but his coloring was Sapphire all the way, with sandy hair and green eyes. He had a clean-cut boy-next-door kind of look. He appeared to be the polar opposite of tall, dark and hostile directly across from her.

      While Garret ran down the list of significant dangers they would face during the trip, General Morgan slid his finger over Laila’s thigh. Her stomach twisted. She steeled her expression, hiding the cringe she so much wanted to be there, and shored up her barriers.

      Morgan’s energy, slimy and demented, slithered like a snake over her skin.

      Adrenaline raced through her veins. She moved only her eyes and looked at his profile. His good side. During meetings, he’d always seated her to his left so his disfigurement was hidden.

      Morgan glanced across the table.

      Rock’s singular gaze zeroed in on the spot Morgan touched her.

      Putting on a show, the general made sure Rock saw what seemed like casual affection.

      Rock scowled fiercely at General Morgan. Her new bodyguard took his life into his hands with open hostility pointed at the general. Rock’s gaze rested on her face before leisurely sliding down her body.

      When he turned his attention back to Garret’s description of the route they’d take north, Laila could not do the same. Seemingly of its own accord, her interest lingered on the hulking, intimidating man across the table. This mountain’s job was to keep her alive. He was an Emerald, like her.

      She rubbed the newly tattooed emerald green band around her wrist. Garret had revealed Rock grew up in Amber, like she had. Rock didn’t look like the type of person raised in the accepting Amber environment. But, what a person presented to the world was not necessarily what lay beneath the surface.

      When Laila tuned into a person’s energy, she was able to get a sense of the person and their feelings. She closed her eyes and blocked out the drone of Garret’s voice. Relaxing, she exhaled, reached out with her senses and collided with an impervious barrier. He was totally closed off.

      Opening herself a little more, she tried to sense the man behind the leave-me-alone-façade. At first, she got nothing. With some concentrated effort, her energy brushed past his defenses and mingled with his.

      Her empathic gift was sensitive, and with so many people in the small room, the likelihood she’d feel only him if she opened herself up more was iffy at best. In a room full of people, there was never a guarantee she sensed the person she thought she was. She pretended to read the compad on the table in front of her, took in another deep breath, and opened herself a bit more.

      An initial sensation of being under immense pressure morphed into a storm of torment and anger. His hell felt deep and tragic. It overwhelmed her.

      She opened her eyes, and their gazes clashed. His eyes blazed as if he’d sensed her attempt to feel him. But that was impossible.

      She tried to break the connection, but couldn’t fend off the unbearable tsunami of his pent-up emotions. They pelted her, embedded in her soul like buckshot in soft flesh.

      Despite repeatedly trying to push the emotions away, they only disappeared when he returned his attention to Garret’s presentation.

      By the time she’d rid herself of his feelings completely, she was shaken and nauseated. The connection had been less than a minute, but the vast, nuclear bomb-like intensity of what lay inside him had her heartbeat racing and adrenaline pumping. It was the first time her empathic connection had been so intense she’d had trouble breaking it.

      Her chair scraped loudly against the floor as she excused herself. She hurried down the main corridor, into the mercifully unoccupied ladies room.

      Breathing hard and assessing whether she was going to vomit, she steadied herself with a hand on the wall next to the sink. Her hands shook as she cupped them under the faucet. She gulped in several mouthfuls of water before cutting it off.

      “Are you okay?”

      Laila jumped and swung around.

      Rock stood behind her in the doorway.

      Not wanting anyone to see her like this, especially him, she turned away quickly. She took a couple more hitching breaths and lifted her gaze to his reflection in the mirror, nodded. “Yeah. I’m…good.”

      Gazes locked, they stood in silence, forming a personal connection. For the next few months, they were a duo in a team of four. She was sure those seconds were an allowance of time and attention Rock didn’t give just anyone.

      “Don’t worry. I’ll keep you safe. You’ll be prepared to defend yourself if you need to.” The tone of his deep voice was gentler than she’d heard him use with other people, making it easier to school her expression into some semblance of composure.

      “Okay.” Her voice quavered. She was completely unraveled. Too many strong energies in such an enclosed space.

      “Come on. They’re waiting for us.”

      She gave her stomach a few more seconds to settle, and then preceded him out the door. They walked side by side down the hall, the quick snap of her heels on the tile in sync with his combat boots.

      Impulsively, she slipped her hand into his, and he didn’t blink at the touch. Almost to the door of the meeting room, his steps faltered. He slowed, looked down at their joined hands, and up until their gazes connected for an endless second. His expression revealed he’d not known she’d grown up Amber.

      Laila crooked a finger, a request for him to come closer. He brought his head near hers.

      “Thank you,” she СКАЧАТЬ