Being Emerald. Sylvia Ryan
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Название: Being Emerald

Автор: Sylvia Ryan

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: New Atlanta

isbn: 9781616506216


СКАЧАТЬ long has it been?”

      She avoided the question by turning over so they lay face to face. His hard bicep was her pillow. Embarrassed, she shook her head.

      One side of his mouth quirked up. “Come on. Out with it.”


      The silence filling the inches between their faces was deafening.

      “Jesus, Laila.”

      She smiled. “We could be benefriends.” Immediately tensing, she prayed for the response she wanted. Putting herself out there wasn’t her style, especially when she was unsure if the interest was mutual. She’d felt his desire once, when he’d allowed his mind to wander. It had made him upset. She didn’t understand why, yet. “Don’t be scared, I won’t bite.” She snapped her teeth and laughed.

      He hooked the nape of her neck and pulled her head closer to his. They were nose to nose. His eyes glittered “You’re the one who should be scared, because I do.”

      He seemed surprised she didn’t try to get out of his grip. Her empathic gift flared as he channeled his pent-up sexual desire.

      “Trust me, baby, you don’t want anything to do with my twisted version of sex.”

      She wasn’t intimidated by his warning. She was intrigued.

      He shook his head slightly. “No. No benefriends.” Between his grip on her neck, that dark sexy voice, and the fire burning so hot inside him her panties were damp, she’d almost missed his rejection. She waited for more of an explanation, but that was all she got.

      He closed his eyes, shutting her out. He was done talking.

      She stuck out her bottom lip and poked the hard spot at his sternum. “You’re not very nice. In fact, I’m starting to think you’re kind of mean.”

      When he focused on her again, he’d donned a mask of cool indifference. “Baby, I never claimed to be nice.”

      “Good, because sometimes I don’t want nice,” she whispered. His clean scent filled her nostrils. His touch nourished her, rebuilt a part that had been broken. The air was charged with her anticipation and his lust. His cock was hard and wedged between them, pressing against her belly.

      On impulse, she clutched both sides of his face and kissed him.

      Chapter 8

      A rough, playful action, the kiss took Rock by surprise, and before he had the chance to react, it was over. She carelessly poked a stick at the beast he’d chained, with no idea what was inside. Even Amber women found his proclivity for extreme sex more kinky than they desired. He relished the challenge presented by this impulsive and unpredictable woman who zigged when he expected her to zag.

      The lone fixture burning in the kitchen provided enough shadowy light to see the lovely sight before him. He focused his attention, seeking to read what wasn’t said with words. In a flash, he flipped them until Laila was on the couch beneath him.

      She gasped. Her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes danced. She was playing with him.

      “Yeah, I’m mean.” The gravel in his voice was as menacing as he could make it. “And depraved.”

      Her breaths came faster.


      Her pupils dilated.


      The pulse at the side of her neck quickened underneath his index finger. She hung on every syllable, unblinking.

      He leaned in closer. “Domineering.”

      Her lush lips parted, and displayed the barest peek of her sweet tongue.

      “And strict.”

      Her pupils swallowed up the deep brown of her irises, and her peaked nipples hardened against his chest. He shifted slightly, positioning his lips next to her ear, and whispered, “I’m the kind of man your mama told you to stay away from.”

      He finished the sentence, and she’d stopped breathing. Their faces were mere inches apart again. “Breathe,” he whispered.

      Wide-eyed, she inhaled a hearty gulp of air.

      Breathing heavily himself, Rock was a hair trigger away from unleashing his lust. “Now, I’m tired. Didn’t sleep well last night. Let’s go to bed.” He sat, bringing her with him.

      She squealed.

      “To sleep.”

      She frowned and pouted. He lifted her until they were chest to chest. She wrapped her legs around him, and cupping her cute little bottom, he carried her up the stairs.

      He set her on her feet next to the bed and took a knee in front of her. Hooking his fingers at the waistband of her shorts, he slid the material down and lifted each of her feet to free her of the garment. “Lie down.” He turned away from her while he folded her shorts and placed them in one of the dresser drawers he’d emptied that afternoon. He removed his T-shirt and jeans, stowed those away as well.

      Laila spread out under the top sheet.

      He shut off the light and slid in next to her. Covering the ache in the middle of his chest with his palm, he allowed himself to feel more in that moment than he had in a year. His defenses were gone, with this Amber woman, and he was about as wide open to an onslaught of emotions as he’d ever been. He’d always known someday he wouldn’t be able to contain them any longer. He’d expected he’d end up murdering someone when they broke free, but this was bearable.

      Laila scooted close, burrowing into his side until he turned toward her and completely surrounded her with himself. Her slow, regular breathing followed, and didn’t it just figure, he was wide fucking awake.

      She’d surprised him today. He didn’t surprise easily or often. He prided himself on that. Her courage with Morgan, her reactions to his words—breathtaking.

      She needed more than benefriends.

      So did he.

      The possibility she might be able to give all of herself to him, hand everything over completely and trust, made anticipation thrum through him.

      Rock hovered on the threshold of sleep, his thoughts roaming in a lucid dream while his consciousness was completely aware of the woman who slept next to him.

      He dozed for a few hours but was fully awake earlier than normal. Above him, high windows displayed the slight fade from black to navy blue in the eastern sky. He’d be generous and call it five thirty in the morning, but just barely.

      Laila was beside him, her hair partially covering her face. Her light breaths fanned his chest. Their legs were entwined, his dick hard and demanding attention. Throwing an arm over his eyes, he groaned. He was screwed.

      Rock gingerly slid out of bed and padded downstairs. The house hadn’t cooled much overnight, and it was going to be another hot one today. Not ideal for Laila’s first СКАЧАТЬ