About A Dragon. G.A. Aiken
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Название: About A Dragon

Автор: G.A. Aiken

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Зарубежная фантастика

Серия: Dragon Kin

isbn: 9781420144802


СКАЧАТЬ logical mind.

      And he didn’t like it one damn bit.

      Talaith stood at the mouth of the alcove and stared. “This is amazing,” she murmured.

      “Dragons like water. One of my brothers has a lake in his den.”

      She nodded as she examined the steaming hot springs. There were eight in varying sizes, replenished from an outside water supply according to Gwenvael. He’d bragged about them all through the delicious lamb dinner Éibhear made. The more he talked about it, the more she wanted to try them out. She hadn’t had a bath since the dragon dunked her in the lake after she’d vomited.

      “You going to get in or just stand there with your mouth open…drool coming out.”

      She glared at him. “Very funny.” Talaith stepped inside, letting the light fragrant steam wrap around her. It was warm but not uncomfortably hot. Crouching down, she tested the water with her finger, relieved to discover it was hot but not searing—with dragons you could never be too sure, their idea of uncomfortably hot differing from most. With renewed eagerness, her fingers went to the ribbon tying her bodice together, quickly undoing it. But as she started to strip off her dress, Talaith realized Briec leaned back against the wall and watched her.

      “Could you excuse me?” she asked.

      “No,” he answered.

      “Will you not let me enjoy anything?”

      “That’s a bit unfair.” He grinned. “I merely thought we could enjoy it together.”

      “Well, you thought wrong.”

      Briec sighed. “Do you really dislike me that much, little witch?”

      “It isn’t that I dislike you so much, big, fat dragon. It’s that I don’t like you enough.”

      “You’re cruel.” And she knew he teased.

      “Aye. So I’ve been told. Too cruel for you.” She put her hands on his chest and tried her best to shove the big ox from the chamber. “Find yourself a willing woman. A dragoness perhaps. Someone who actually finds you charming.”

      He took hold of her hand and brought it to his lips. “I’ll leave you, little witch.”

      “Thank you—”

      “For now.”

      Talaith bit her lip as Briec slipped her index finger into his mouth. His tongue swirled around the tip before gently sucking. His eyes stayed on Talaith’s, unwilling to let her go.

      Her sex went dripping wet, her strong legs went weak. Another minute of this exquisite torture and she’d be flat on her back without another word.

      All I wanted to do was take a bath. Now all she wanted to do was wrap herself around Briec the Arrogant like a jungle snake.

      Using the same control she possessed to slow her heart rate and calm her breathing, Talaith pulled away from the dragon. “Well, that was…interesting.” She took a step back. “Now if you’ll excuse me.”

      Briec nodded, turned, and began to walk away. Stopped abruptly. Sniffed the air. Looked back at her with a grin. Then he walked off.

      She glared at his retreating form and thought about all the wonderful ways she could eviscerate the beast.

      Moving silently so as not to wake the sleeping Talaith, Briec lay down outside the cavern Gwenvael gave her for a room. It had an enormous bed. A table and chairs of the finest wood. A pitfire built right into one wall. It was nice and he’d give almost anything to share that bed with Talaith. But she still resisted him. He had no idea why. She wanted him. He knew it. She knew it.

      They could be spending the entire night making each other very happy until they both passed out from the pleasure of it. Instead, she fought him. Fought him and herself as far as he was concerned.

      Yet what truly baffled him? What would most likely keep him up for the entire night…why he cared? And why he enjoyed her fight so very much?

      She sighed in her sleep and he crossed his eyes at the images that were inhabiting his delirious brain. Of her under him, sighing like that when he made her come, and come…

      Stop, Briec. You’re only torturing yourself. Painfully so.

      Briec rested his dragon head on his arms and prayed for dawn. Dawn would bring the suns and his way out of this nightmare. Because, he knew, once he got his lovely, sweet Talaith back to his den, she’d be all his.

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