With Honor. Rhonda Lee Carver
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Название: With Honor

Автор: Rhonda Lee Carver

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9781616504809


СКАЧАТЬ in horror.

      “I’ll pay you double.”

      Her gasp echoed off the ceramic walls.

      Shrugging, he said, “Or triple, but that’s as high as I will go. Even a hot woman like you isn’t worth more than that, when all I plan to do is send you back where you came from with a goodbye and sincere good luck.”

      “How dare you! I came in here to talk to you.” Her palm ached to slap him senseless. He deserved it. Anger boiled her blood. Her teeth clenched until she heard a gritting noise warning she’d break a tooth if she didn’t relax.

      * * * *

      Looking down at the woman who stood glaring at him, he wasn’t sure what to think. She looked like she could pop a vein. Her lips were pinched and her steely green glower nailed him with the intensity of a gun. Shuffling through his brain, back and forth, up and down, he tried figuring out whether he knew her. Nope, he’d remember if he’d ever met her. A woman like her, with her long, dark hair, pretty green eyes, and petite curvy body, would be unforgettable–even if she seemed a bit loony. Maybe she’d tipped the bottle a little too much that evening. He could understand that, although he hadn’t been drunk in years. Once he’d hit his thirties he’d had no use for getting drunk. “Did you say ‘talk’?” he asked.

      “You’re lucky I don’t scream.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

      Without a doubt, this woman was crazy. He didn’t need drama. He’d had enough over the last few months. Instinct told him he needed to cool off the situation before it got out of hand.

      The strange woman’s face grew redder with each passing second. Did she mean him bodily harm? Not that he feared a five-foot, one hundred-pound woman, but he did wonder. In fact, he found it somewhat entertaining, although he didn’t dare laugh. Hell, he guessed she’d flip her lid and he didn’t want any part of that. “Can we please cut the drama? Can you just tell me what I’ve done, or said?”

      Pointing her finger into the middle of his chest, she said through tight lips, “You’re unbelievable.”

      “Okay.” Now he was totally lost.

      “Are you going to stand there and pretend that you don’t know me? What type of man are you? And you call yourself a soldier? I have a few words I can think of to describe you. You might think this is amusing, but I assure you there is nothing about this situation that you’ll find worthy of a smile.”

      Closing his wallet, he pushed the leather trifold back into the side pocket of his ABU pants. He sighed in growing irritation. If he found out his men had put this woman up to this as a joke, he’d kick their asses. “Look, lady–”

      “Lady? Lady?” She all but screeched the word.

      “Okay, sorry.” What piece of information was missing here?

      Her mouth fell open. Her eyes teared up. Would she cry?

      His heart sank. He could think of nothing worse than a woman in tears. Somehow he knew this wasn’t going to be a winning situation. Instinct told him he had just taken a front seat on a roller coaster of horror.

      “You slept with me. Remember? Jasmine Sinclaire? Do you understand? Apparently it’s true. Men think with their parts…” Her attention dropped to his zipper and then back up. “Not their brains.” Her jaw cocked. She looked like she would puke or release a pent-up demon. He didn’t want any part of either one.

      Confusion growing thicker, he leaned back against the sink, crossed his legs at the ankles and tucked his arms across his chest. “Jasmine…” Nice name. “That’s a flower, right?”

      “A flower and a name…my name,” she snapped.

      “A beautiful flower,” he murmured. Some of the tension released from her jaw and he got a better look at her. She was beautiful, no doubt. And because he felt a manly twitch in a lower part of his anatomy, he decided to roll with the conversation a bit longer. It’d been a while since he’d been with a woman. He’d only been back from Iraq for a short time and the opportunity for sex hadn’t presented itself. He’d been busy and not exactly in the right mind. If he’d had to choose between watching a pretty woman or listening to his buddies talk about cars, women and proving who had the biggest cajones, he’d choose the former each and every time without hesitation, even if that particular woman had lost her mind.

      “I’m at a little bit of a disadvantage here, Jasmine. I believe you’ve mistaken me for someone else.” He felt sorry for the poor soul she looked for, because the man would have rip marks from head to toe after this woman finished with him. He’d like to be witness to that. A man getting his balls busted was always entertaining as long as it wasn’t his jewels in a sling.

      “Sergeant Conner, right? Stationed here at Lackland, thirty-nine years old, served in Iraq and Afghanistan? A fighter pilot for the Air Force. Mother Jean, father Jarold.”

      Had she just read his obituary? The woman did mean him harm.

      How’d she know all that? Yeah, he had to admit, those stats caught him off guard. But then he realized that information was public record. Anyone with half a brain could look up those details. “Sorry, but those aren’t deep secrets.” He shrugged, ready to call it a finale.

      “You grew up in Ohio, on a farm, where you used to skinny dip in a fishing pond. When you were ten, a group of girls caught you buck naked, and I’m sure a little embarrassed. Considering it was chilly coming out of the water, and we know what cold does to certain sensitive parts, you were nicknamed Tiny.” Her gaze dropped with precision to his zipper before nailing him again. “After that, you swam only if you had shorts. And then people wondered if the name Tiny held any truth.” She laughed.

      Sadly, he knew the story…but it wasn’t his story.

      Oh fuck. Suspicion and concern mingled through his veins. He went on hyper alert. What else did she know? “For the last time, did my men put you up to this? I’m through with the games.”

      “Do your men know about your tattoo?”


      “The one on your ass.” She shook her head and her hair bounced around her shoulders.

      All oxygen left his lungs. Her accusations suddenly were coming together to form a big case of misunderstanding, one he didn’t need at this moment in his life. Saying the next words hurt. “A cross?”

      She nodded. Her eyes narrowed. “Do your men know about the cross, or is it possible I do know you? We slept together. As pissed as I am that you don’t remember me, I think I’m more pissed because I drove here and wasted my time. But since I’m here–”

      “There has been a mistake–”

      “You bet there’s been a mistake.” Her eyes were glossy and wide. “I lowered myself to sleep with a man who apparently is a big loser. I bet you’re a real charmer to all the women, aren’t you? I bet you stack them up and watch them fall like dominoes. I’ve seen your type.”

      “Where did I meet you?”

      Crossing her arms, she snorted. “You did the piece in Razor Hot Topic.” Her brow popped up in accusation. “Are you high? On drugs? СКАЧАТЬ