Three Alarm Tenant. Christa Maurice
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Название: Three Alarm Tenant

Автор: Christa Maurice

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Сказки

Серия: Arden Fd

isbn: 9780982417072


СКАЧАТЬ bargain, or was he desperate to move? He climbed out, pushing something back inside, and closed the door. Immediately, a dog’s head poked out of the open driver’s side window.

      Archer. At least that’s what she thought the name was.

      He was big and black. Exactly the kind of dog a guy like Jack would have. And exactly the kind she’d always wanted to play with and have patrolling the backyard.

      The sharp knock at the door startled her, even though she'd expected it. Katherine took a deep breath. A gorgeous man with a great dog, and he wanted to rent her first floor so much he’d returned the application before the ink was dry. Perfect, right? There had to be a catch. This was her life. There was always a catch. She answered the door trying to appear calm.


      He stood holding the paperwork out. “I filled this out. I thought I’d see if you were home.”

      Katherine took it without looking, her heart fighting up her throat. “Thank you. Is that your dog?”

      Jack glanced at the truck. “That’s Archer. You want to meet him?”

      “Sure.” Katherine tried not to sound eager, but failed.

      Jack led the way down the steps. Archer’s face swiveled from one to the other, his long pink tongue lolling out of his mouth. Jack scratched his ears and the dog closed his eyes, leaning into Jack’s hand. “Archer, this is Ms. Pelham. Ms. Pelham, this is Archer.”

      “Call me Katherine.” She clasped her hands behind her back, afraid of what they might do given the opportunity. He was wearing the blue fleece jacket again. She wanted to pet him as much as she wanted to pet his dog. Maybe more.

      “Katherine.” He grinned, leaning against the side of the truck with his hands in his pockets. “You can pet him. He doesn’t bite.”

      She reached out to the dog cautiously. She’d been bitten before, but this dog didn’t look as if he would. As the tips of her fingers touched his head, he twisted and licked her hand with his sloppy tongue.

      “Oh, thanks.” She wiped her hand on her jeans before trying again. This time Archer allowed her to stroke the top of his head. His short fur felt smooth and slick under her fingers. “He’s very pretty. Did you say you just got him?”

      “A friend of mine had a kid. They were afraid to have a big dog around a baby.”

      Katherine rubbed Archer’s ears. “I’m sure he’d be fine. He looks so gentle. He’d be like Carl in the picture books.” As if to emphasize the point, Archer pressed his cheek against her hand and whimpered. Katherine laughed.

      “My friend’s wife wasn’t so sure, so I said I’d take him. My landlord isn’t as happy about the arrangement. I have until the end of the month to get rid of Archer or find a new apartment.”

      “So little time?”

      Jack shrugged. “He doesn’t want the dog in the building.” He fished his keys out of his coat pocket. “Well, we shouldn’t keep you. You probably have Valentine’s plans.”

      Katherine pursed her lips. “Not me.” Although walking up to the grocery store and buying a quart of ice cream for dinner sounded like a great idea.

      “Really? I’m not doing anything either. You want to grab dinner? Nothing fancy, Wendy’s or something.”

      “Are you serious?” Katherine warmed at the idea of seeing Jack again today. She didn’t know the appropriate words to describe how much she wanted to have dinner with him, fast food wrappers and all.

      “Sure.” Jack shrugged. “Us singles should stick together.”

      “I don’t know. We just met.” Katherine reined herself in. What was going on here? Did he want the place that much?

      “I don’t bite, either. I can’t stand to see a beautiful woman alone on Valentine’s Day.” Jack glanced at his watch. “Listen, I have to take Archer to the park, but I’ll drop him home by about five and pick you up around six.”

      Katherine looked up at him. His expression didn’t give her any real hints. This morning he hadn’t known she existed and now, based on two short conversations about an apartment, he was asking her to dinner. What if he didn’t need to move? What if he did think she was beautiful? And if he didn’t think she was beautiful and wanted the apartment, did it matter? She didn’t want to spend this holiday with Ben and Jerry’s again. She scratched behind Archer’s ear. “Okay. I’ll be ready at six. We’ll go Dutch.”

      “Dutch? What does that mean? It’s not something rotten in the state of Denmark, is it?”

      “Each pay our own way.” Katherine stifled the urge to giggle. He couldn’t possibly know a Shakespeare joke would win her over.

      “If that’s what you want. I’ll see you then.”

      Katherine stepped back so he could climb into his truck. While she waited, she skimmed his application. When she got to the employer line, air vanished from the atmosphere. “You work for the fire department?”

      “Yeah.” He pulled the door closed. “I work up at nine.”

      “You’re a fireman.” She said, hoping he wasn’t, but pretty sure it didn’t matter. He was one of the brotherhood. They were all heroes, or wanted to be.

      “Firefighter,” he corrected.

      “What?” She looked up from the traitorous application, blinking.

      “Firefighter.” He smiled. “I’m not actually on fire, and I do my best to stay that way.”

      “Oh. Firefighter. Right around the corner, you say.”

      “Up on Garfield Street where Worcester dead ends.”

      She nodded, but her head didn't feel attached to her neck. Naturally. The moment she saw him, she'd hit it in the head. The reason he looked as if he'd stepped out of an action adventure movie was because he had. His whole life was an action adventure movie. Cue soundtrack. Would this be the sweeping hero's theme or the ominous danger variation? Perhaps the comedy music. “I know where it is.” Drawing a deep breath, she pursed her lips. “Well, I guess I'll expect you at six.”

      “I’ll be back at six. See ya then.”

      “Yes.” She stepped back until her shoe bumped the bottom step. A firefighter. Even better than chasing armed bad guys, he ran into burning buildings. She must have a tattoo on her forehead, Heroes Only—normal guys need not apply. Wasn’t there one normal, intelligent guy in the entire city who would cross her path long enough to make an impression? Jack backed his truck down the driveway, pausing at the bottom long enough to wave before driving off. Katherine waved back. A firefighter. They were probably worse than cops.

      Still, he might be a good tenant. He made enough money, judging by Gary’s city salary. If he was noisy, he’d be at work for long shifts. And he had a great dog. Who said they couldn’t be friends? Maybe he had friends who weren’t firemen—firefighters.

      Katherine snorted at the likelihood and turned back to the house. СКАЧАТЬ