Red Light Wives. Mary Monroe
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Название: Red Light Wives

Автор: Mary Monroe

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9780758262707


СКАЧАТЬ whatever I had to do to keep some distance between myself and that jungle.

      Now that I was “escorting” lonely men who Clyde Brooks had set me up with, I needed Helen more than ever.

      Just a few dates. Just until I get my bills caught up. I’d told myself that at least a dozen times since my meeting with Clyde at that Fisherman’s Wharf restaurant a week ago. But what I said and what I did were two different things.

      It would take more than a few dates to get me out of the hole that Joe had left me in. I’d been hiding my Honda two blocks and one street over from my house, because I was three payments behind. And a damn repo man had already come banging on my door, twice in one week. I didn’t know how long I could hold him off with the lie about my brother taking the car to L.A.

      Right after Joe’s disappearance, I’d applied for welfare, planning to stay on it only until I found a job. But anybody who knows anything about welfare knows that money is not enough to live on and live the way you should. It covered my rent, and we got food stamps, but I couldn’t handle other necessary expenses like utilities, clothing, gas, and maintenance for my three-year-old Honda. Without a decent job, or a generous man in my life, my only other option was to move back to that run-down ghetto that I’d married Joe to get away from! My welfare check could cover me and my three kids there, but living in the rough areas meant other necessary expenses. That included things like bullet-proofing and putting bars on your windows, replacing items in your house that some bold thief had helped himself to, and worst of all, unexpected funeral expenses. I hoped that life was behind me for good.

      Tonight’s date, Mr. Bob, lived in Marin County. It was my second date in two days. My first date, with a nervous little man from Philly, had only involved dinner and a little fondling on the bed in his hotel room. After admitting that he was slightly impotent and had just wanted some female company, that trick had dismissed me after stuffing three hundred dollars into my bra.

      “Mr. Bob’s an older man, so you’ll be out of there in ten minutes if you treat him real good. I been hookin’ him up for years. He’s one of my best clients,” Clyde told me over the telephone. Clyde was a very “private” person or so he claimed. He only dealt with his “business associates” in person when he had to. The regular clients would call him up and put in an order for a woman, just like they would for a pizza. Like a secretary, Clyde called up a woman and rattled off a list of instructions. After each date, he’d meet the woman in a designated spot to collect his fee.

      Clyde went on with relish. “And my girls just love Mr. Bob. He’ll want a few drinks before anything else. And if you get him good and drunk, that’s all you’ll have to put up with. You behave yourself now. Don’t steal nothin’ from his house, flush your condoms down the toilet, and don’t leave no other mess—like rank panties or cum-soaked tissue. If you do, I’ll hear about it,” Clyde informed me, talking in a fast, eager voice. I felt like a teenager being groomed for my first date.

      It was the easiest money I ever made in my life. I had no trouble getting Mr. Bob to drink three shots of bourbon to my one. Within an hour of my arrival, he was so drunk he couldn’t even stand or sit up, let alone do much of anything physical with me. He passed out on top of me. When he came to, I told him how great he’d been and how much I’d enjoyed his lovemaking, and how sorry I was to have to charge him for my services. My lies backfired. Mr. Bob wanted me to stay a little longer so that he could make me feel even better.

      After it was over the second time, while sitting on Mr. Bob’s living room couch with his head on my shoulder, I did something I should not have done: I told him all about Joe running out on me and the kids, draining our bank accounts, and leaving me with a ton of bills. After a few more drinks, he felt so sorry for me, he gave me an extra three hundred dollars.

      “This is just to show you how much I appreciate you gals,” Mr. Bob croaked. His limp gray hair slapped against the side of my face and his hot, foul breath almost melted my ear. Somehow I was still able to smile through the entire ordeal.

      I didn’t know what kind of arrangements the other women who worked for Clyde had with him. As a matter of fact, I hadn’t even met any of them in person yet. When I’d returned a call to Clyde’s apartment to get the details for my first date last night, a woman with a young, high-pitched voice named Ester answered the telephone. She introduced herself, with a Spanish accent, as Clyde’s “first wife.” She didn’t explain her role any more than that, and I didn’t ask her. And when I tried to pry more information about Ester out of Clyde, he told me the same thing that this Ester woman had told me, “She’s my first wife.”

      Since I didn’t plan to be involved with Clyde and his shadowy business too long, his relationships with the other women he dealt with didn’t mean a thing to me. The main thing on my agenda was getting paid.

      When I got home from my date with Mr. Bob, Clyde was sitting in his shiny black Range Rover in front of my house. I crawled into the passenger seat and handed him a hundred dollars, a third of what he’d told me that Mr. Bob was good for. For every date Clyde arranged for me, I agreed to give him a third of everything I earned.

      “How’d it go?” he asked, giving me a mysterious look, a toothpick dangling from his lip, a baseball cap turned sideways on his head. He looked nothing like he did when I’d first met him. His GQ look was gone. He had on a denim jacket and denim pants, and a T-shirt. I could smell marijuana smoke on his breath, despite the huge wad of gum on which he was chewing.

      “Just like you said it would. I didn’t have to do much of anything after he got drunk.” I looked toward my house, annoyed to see my ten-year-old daughter, Juliet, and my babysitter peeping out the window.

      “See there. I told you. On a dull night, all he’ll ever want to do is lick your pussy.”

      “Well, tonight was a dull night,” I said, sighing.

      “Why that old dog.” Clyde laughed, making a slurping noise with his tongue. “That old peckerwood ain’t got no shame.”

      It embarrassed me to think about what Mr. Bob had done to me. For five minutes I’d sat splayed on a plush red sofa, watching his head bob up and down between my legs. “Yeah, that was all he did,” I mumbled, my face burning. My husband, Joe, was the only other man who had ever touched me in such an intimate way on such an intimate part of my body. I couldn’t help thinking about him while I was with Mr. Bob. As hard as it was for me to believe, I missed Joe. If he had returned to me that night, I would have accepted him with open arms. And open legs, too, for that matter.

      Clyde leaned back and narrowed his eyes. “Now where’s the rest of my money?” he asked, cracking his gum.

      “I thought we agreed on you getting a third?” I wailed, my eyes still on my house.

      “We did. What you gave me ain’t no third of what Mr. Bob gave you,” Clyde grumbled, his lips snapping brutally over each word.

      I turned to face Clyde. The angry look on his face made me nervous. “How do you know what Mr. Bob gave me?”

      Clyde removed his cap and scratched the side of his face and shook his head. I didn’t have to ask to know that he’d spoken to Mr. Bob after I’d left Mr. Bob’s house.

      “If you think for one minute you goin’ to play me, you better get out of this business right now. You came to me, girl, I didn’t come to you.”

      I handed Clyde another hundred dollar bill.

      My date tonight was with a grumpy old man in Pacific Heights. According to Clyde, this old goat СКАЧАТЬ