Lessons From A Younger Lover. Zuri Day
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Название: Lessons From A Younger Lover

Автор: Zuri Day

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9780758257451


СКАЧАТЬ possessed, kept the smile in place, and approached Adam with hand outstretched.

      “Aw, girl, what’s with the handshake?” Adam asked as he walked over, brushed aside her hand, and enveloped her in a big hug. “We’re friends from back in the day.” He hugged her again, in a way that questioned propriety, and then stepped back to roam greedy eyes from head to toe before crushing her to him yet again. “You’re a sight for sore eyes, girl. And better-looking than I remember!”

      Gwen tried to catch her breath and process his words at the same time. Where was the fine bar of Hershey’s chocolate, Adam Johnson, and who was this bowl of Jell-O pudding with the beer gut and receding hairline standing in his stead? She searched the face and found remnants of familiarity: yes, those were the same lips, and the mole was still on the right side just under his nose…as she’d remembered. But where was his hair? A flash of memory went back to the long, beautiful Jheri curl Adam sported in the late eighties. And where did his waist go? she wondered, as she discreetly scanned the huge belly that lounged between them.

      She forced herself to look back into his eyes. They were the same dark brown orbs that had separated many a woman from her virginity, but the deep bags under them took away from their mysticism and therefore their magnetism. And again, Gwen wondered, where is his hair?

      “It’s, uh, it’s so nice to see you, Adam,” she managed finally.

      “Yeah, that feeling’s mutual for sure, for sure,” Adam said, unapologetically undressing Gwen with his eyes. “Baby girl, you’ve sure changed since the days of the Sienna Spartans. I’d give you the game ball now!”

      The memories of how dismissive Adam used to be of her settled the shock of his unexpected appearance. She stepped back, putting more distance between them. “Time surely changes things, huh?”

      Adam’s eyes narrowed a bit as he pondered whether her comment was a jab or simply an observation. He didn’t want to start a fight and decided on the latter. After all, even with a few more pounds and a few less strands of hair, his was still the “rod with the longest prod” in Sienna.

      “Have a seat, make yourself comfortable.” Adam gestured to one of two seats sitting in front of his massive, paper-strewn desk, as he made his way behind it. He sat in a large, black leather chair and instantly assumed the position of one who held an applicant’s future in his hands. He moved a few papers and picked up a folder, leaned back in his chair as he studied the contents, and occasionally glanced at Gwen to make sure she recognized his importance.

      Gwen forced herself not to fidget. She knew that one, she was qualified for the job; two, she was probably only one of a handful who’d applied; and three, she was probably the only African-American. She’d done her homework, and knew that aside from three Hispanics and one Asian, there were no other minorities besides Adam on the staff at Sienna Elementary. That, along with her credentials, would have to heavily favor her getting the job. The only potential obstacle, at this point, seemed to be sitting in front of her.

      “So tell me,” Adam drawled, “why do you think we should hire you over all the other qualified candidate’s résumés we’ve received in the past few months?”

      Later, Gwen would congratulate herself on not rolling her eyes. She sat straighter in her chair and answered in a professional and confident voice. “I believe my credentials and references speak for themselves. I formulated lesson plans for the Chicago School District that were not only adopted by our city, but instituted in other states as well. I’ve received commendations each of the past four years, and have a dedication to the improvement of education within the inner cities that rivals that of Marva Collins and other groundbreakers in the educational institution. Additionally, as you know, I am a product of this town, with a personal as well as professional stake in its future success. I know what it’s like to be counted out, to be considered a loser before the race begins, to wonder if big success can come out of a small town. I want to make a difference in these children’s lives. And I believe I can.”

      “Well, well,” Adam said, leaning forward in his chair and placing a chubby chin on the steeple shape of his fingers. “It looks like you’ve brought some other things back to Sienna from the windy city of Chicago…like passion.” He licked his lips, so as to leave no doubt what type of passion he meant.

      “It’s true. I’m not the same quiet girl who graduated years ago. And I’m not that naive girl either. I’m here for two reasons: to take care of my mother and to provide an excellent educational foundation for the students of Sienna Elementary. Those are the only things I plan to focus on in the near future.”

      Adam chuckled. “Gwendolyn Andrews. Oops, my bad. Gwendolyn Smith. I can’t imagine who would have been fool enough to let you go. Are you sure there’s no chance for a reconciliation?” Adam asked this question as a formality; he had no plans of letting ex-anybody come between him and what he was sure was his next sexual conquest.

      “My divorce plans are final,” Gwen said, now wondering if telling him this part of her personal life during their phone conversation had been a mistake. “But, Adam, regardless of our shared childhood, I’d like to keep my personal life personal, and have this conversation stay focused on what matters. As I said the first time we talked about my coming here, I need this job. My mother is moving into an assisted living complex at the end of the month. And while I’m sure if push came to shove I could find a job in Lancaster, or even LA, and make the commute, that is obviously not what I’d prefer. I appreciate anything you can do to help me get hired here locally.”

      Adam licked his lips again. I have her just where I want her…needing me. “You know there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a former classmate,” he said as he rose from his seat.

      “Where are you going?” Gwen asked, confused by Adam’s sudden rising.

      “Not where I’m going…where we’re going. I’m getting ready to make those high school dreams of yours come true, girl. I’m taking you out.”


      Gwen settled into the soft leather of the fiery red Porsche 911 Carrera. His choice of cars did not surprise her—Adam had always liked living life in the fast lane. She pulled the seat belt over her midsection and brushed the straight auburn locks away from her face. Adam’s middle-aged transformation had surprised her, but maybe they could be friends after all.

      “Nice car,” she said, once Adam had moved from opening her car door to getting in on the driver’s side.

      “Ah, it’s no big deal.”

      “It suits you. You were always fast: on the field, on the courts, with the ladies….”

      Adam laughed as he purposely brushed his hand against Gwen’s thigh while shifting into reverse. “That was a long time ago,” he said as he put the car in first gear and brushed her thigh again. “I’m much more selective now.”

      Gwen shifted her legs away from the gear shaft and tried to relax. Even though he wasn’t the fine hunk he once was, this was still the Adam Johnson, known for his smooth lines and sexual prowess. More than one classmate had bragged about his powerfully thick…Gwen willed her thoughts away from their strayed course and struggled for safe conversation.

      “This city sure has changed,” she ventured.

      “Yeah, the more things change, the more they stay the same.”

      “How’s that?”

      Adam СКАЧАТЬ