Lessons From A Younger Lover. Zuri Day
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Название: Lessons From A Younger Lover

Автор: Zuri Day

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9780758257451


СКАЧАТЬ tell her everything about Ransom she wanted to know, and then promptly turn around and tell him she’d asked. One question to her about Ransom, and not only he but half the town would know about it. She needed someone closer to her own age, or at the very least, closer to what was happening in twenty-first-century Sienna.

      Which is why she’d finally decided to take Joanna up on her lunch date offer. Chantay was her closest connection to Sienna, but she lived in Los Angeles, and aside from her mother, hadn’t been a real part of the community either. She doubted the constantly flirting Adam would appreciate an inquiry regarding another man, and although a conversation with Mrs. Summers had uncovered a variety of people and interests they had in common, Gwen wasn’t quite ready to call a senior citizen her sistah-girl confidante.

      Not that she was interested in Ransom. I’m a married woman, she reminded herself…again. Plus, he looked like trouble waiting to happen, with those enchanting eyes and hair so straight it looked like a weave. Could it be? No, she concluded, there’s no way a man that manly would don fake hair. No, she wasn’t interested in Ransom from a personal perspective but from one of a concerned resident wanting to know more about the man kind enough to track down troublesome squirrels for Miss Mary.

      Gwen eased into the coffee shop parking lot and parked next to a Jeep that seemed more suited for the desert than a sedate town of ten thousand. Still, there was something about the ruggedness and strength that struck her as thoughtful. In a world where everything was about the bling-bling, like Adam’s sporty Porsche or Chantay’s champagne wardrobe on a beer budget, this display of restraint was welcomed.

      The twinkling of the door chimes to Kristy’s Coffee Shop welcomed Gwen into the establishment and provided a strange comfort. Since leaving Joe, or vice versa, and the news about her mother’s deteriorating mental state, her life had been anything but routine. Coming here almost every day gave the place a familiar feel. In the few weeks left until the first day of school, Gwen was determined to find the peace and predictability she once took for granted.

      Gwen stepped into the cool confines and tantalizing smells of the eclectically decorated establishment. Again she noticed the homey, personal touches Kristy had used to make her business feel as if one were sitting in someone’s home. Cozy, overstuffed chairs in deep mustards and burgundies vied for space with two colorfully striped love seats that anchored each wall. Two tall, worn bookcases held the latest newspapers, gossip rags, and a variety of used books. The ledge under a game table housed chess, checkers, Scrabble, and a couple decks of cards. Four round wooden table and chair sets lined the back wall. Local artists added their creative flair to the salmon-colored walls with prices for the artwork discreetly displayed on wooden blocks beneath each piece. The overhead lighting was subdued, with lamps strategically placed throughout to give the readers additional illumination if needed. The low-playing music had a world beat sound that lent an organic quality to the overall vibe.

      “Hey, Gwen.”

      “Hey, Kristy. You know, I’ve been meaning to tell you that I love the decor here. Is it your design?”

      “Design may be a bit lofty a description. Basically I scoured estate sales and flea markets for whatever I couldn’t steal out of my parents’ basement.”

      “You gotta appreciate a woman who can improvise.”

      “That’s what I say. Your favorite double-Dutch chocolate today?”

      “Actually, I think I’ll wait to decide. I’m meeting someone.”

      “No problem. I’ll just finish up this order. Let me know when you’re ready.”

      As Gwen studied the menu on the wall, a man came up behind her.

      “There’s my butterfly. How long have you been waiting for me?”

      Gwen jumped at the husky sounding voice perilously close behind her. Knowing the man behind the voice, she closed her eyes and swallowed before stepping out of his reach and turning around.

      “Hi, Ransom,” she said in her best professional, nonchalant, you-don’t-affect-me-at-all Mrs. Smith voice.

      Ransom took a step toward Gwen. Gwen took another step away from him.

      “Why do you keep running from me?”

      “I’m not running from you. I just like my personal space, that’s all.”

      Ransom narrowed his eyes and nodded slowly. “Is that so?”

      “Yes, that’s so.”

      “Well, I like it too. Although I am respectful. I wouldn’t want to step on your wedding vows and whatnot, try and take something that doesn’t belong to me. Is that why you’re unavailable, because you’re married?”

      Tell him, Gwen. Just say yes! But she could not. While technically true, she felt that to say this would be lying. But to say she was separated would invite questions about Joe, the last person she wanted to discuss. And while she wouldn’t dare admit it, a part of her wanted very much to be available to the man in front of her. So she danced around his question.

      “I didn’t say I was unavailable. I said I was uninterested. There’s a difference.”

      “So then you’re gay.”

      “Ha! Hardly, though I’m sure you believe a woman who isn’t interested in you must be gay.”

      “No, but I think a woman who is hiding her true feelings must have a reason.”

      Before Gwen could think of a sassy retort, Kristy spoke.

      “Your order’s ready, Ransom.”

      Ransom placed a credit card on the counter without taking his eyes off Gwen. “Add whatever the lady is having,” he said to Kristy.

      “She hasn’t ordered yet.”

      “Add an extra twenty and tab whatever’s left.”

      Kristy’s eyes sparkled as she looked from Ransom’s predatory gaze to Gwen’s deer-in-headlights one. “Wow, Gwen. You’ve got Ransom peeling off the big bucks. You go, girl.”

      “That’s quite all right, Kristy,” Gwen replied. “I’ll be glad to take care of my purchase.”

      Kristy looked from Gwen to Ransom.

      Ransom gave Kristy an authoritative look. She simply nodded and rang up his purchase, plus twenty dollars.

      He turned impatient eyes on Gwen and took another step toward her, gently grabbing her arm before she could retreat again.

      “I see we’re going to have to establish early on who’s the boss around here,” he whispered, his breath dangerously warm on her temple.

      Gwen resisted the urge to shiver and instead steeled herself with resolve. “Kindly take your hand off me.”

      “Don’t make a scene,” Ransom continued in a near whisper. “Just give me your number.”

      “Give you my…what?” Gwen struggled again to break free from Ransom’s grasp. His grip was deceptively light but firm. There was no way she could move without the two customers who’d just come in knowing there was a disagreement happening. Gwen hated СКАЧАТЬ