God Still Don't Like Ugly. Mary Monroe
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Название: God Still Don't Like Ugly

Автор: Mary Monroe

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: GOD

isbn: 9780758251374


СКАЧАТЬ on her hands, Rhoda married a handsome Jamaican and moved to Florida to help him run his family’s orange groves. Pee Wee joined the army a few weeks later. At first, I didn’t know what to do with myself. Since Mr. Boatwright was no longer standing in my way, I decided that it was time for me to move on, too.

      Rhoda called me up a lot, regaling me with details of her new life and how happy she was with her first child on the way. She ended each phone call by telling me, “Put all of that Buttwright mess out of your mind and get on with your life, girl.” Knowing that I was the only person who knew about her killing Mr. Boatwright, I now felt like I was in a different type of bondage and Rhoda was calling all the shots.

      Desperate to move out on my own so that Muh’Dear would never know just how miserable I was, I took advantage of my relationship with Scary Mary. For a few weeks I stole a few of her customers to raise the money I needed to leave home with. As much as I hated what I had become, a prostitute, my biggest fear was somebody finding out and telling my mother. I knew that my own mother had done “what she had to do” with a few of Scary Mary’s customers during some trying times to keep us off the streets. But I didn’t want her to know that I, too, had stooped that low. However, I didn’t think about all that until after I had turned my first trick.

      “Ooh, girl. You such a nice, juicy, young thing.” The trick paused long enough to lick his lips. “I wouldn’t mind seein’ you again,” he added with a wink. I cringed and couldn’t wait to get away from the man who had just paid for my body. He was one of the most disgusting men I submitted to. His vile body had slid on me, in me, and off of me, all within a matter of minutes. One date with the same man was all I would allow myself. Giving up my body in hellish places like cheap motels, up against brick walls in dim alleys next to garbage bins, and on the backseats of cars was bad enough. But one time I even went to one man’s job with him and allowed him to fuck me from behind while I leaned over his desk. He was a short, squat man with light skin and moles all over his chin. He worked as a night watchman at a downtown office building, but he claimed to have all kinds of money in the bank from selling some property somewhere.

      Afterward, while he was peeing in an empty Styrofoam coffee cup, he asked, “You would do anything for money, huh?”

      “What do you mean?” I asked, rearranging my clothes. He had ripped my panties to shreds trying to remove them so fast. It didn’t make any sense for me to put them back on. I slid the panties into my purse along with the fifty dollars he had just handed me.

      The trick slapped his hairy hands on his hips and gave me a critical look, screwing up his face like he didn’t like what he saw. “I can’t get none of them other gals to come to me, I have to go to them. And they particular about what motels I carry them to. I got a heap of money in the bank and a wife that won’t let me touch her with a stick. I thought I was gwine to have to beat my meat. I guess you’ll have to do for tonight. You just don’t care about nothin’,” he remarked. Waving his hand dramatically, he looked me up and down with a fierce scowl on his plain face. “No shame, no rules, no nothin’ long as you get paid. Like a Gypsy. I guess you ain’t got them highfalutin standards, huh?”

      “I guess not,” I said sadly. I promised myself right then and there that he would be the last one. I couldn’t stand to degrade myself any longer for any amount of money. It was already difficult for me to look at myself in the mirror; this had just made it that much harder. Especially after the verbal beating I had just received.

      With the money I had saved from a brief job working as a switchboard operator for the telephone company and the money from the men, I made plans to relocate to Erie, Pennsylvania. I had never been to Erie and I didn’t know anybody there, but Pee Wee was from Erie. He had me convinced that it was a small city filled with “good peoples.”

      It sounded like the perfect place to start a new life.

      CHAPTER 16

      I was apprehensive about leaving Muh’Dear alone after all we had been through together. Even though she had a lot of friends now, there was no special man in her life. And there hadn’t been since Daddy’s departure, fourteen years earlier.

      Before I could finalize my plans to flee Richland, Muh’Dear got involved with a new man, a lonely old widower named Albert King. Not one of the horny old geezers that Scary Mary had tried to dump off on her, but a dignified man that everybody loved and respected. However, a big red flag went up in my mind right away, because Mr. Boatwright had been the same way at first. As pessimistic as I was, I didn’t believe that lightning could strike twice in the same place.

      However, I still approached Muh’Dear’s new man with extreme caution. Especially since she had met Mr. King through Reverend Snipes, the same meddlesome old preacher who had cursed us with Mr. Boatwright! That alone was enough to make me keep my distance.

      Mr. King was nothing like Mr. Boatwright. He wasn’t some one-legged old man with nowhere to go, like Mr. Boatwright. Mr. King was the owner of the Buttercup restaurant and he had enough money to live a comfortable life. He owned his own home, so I didn’t have to worry about him moving in with us. He didn’t have any family left, but he had a lot of friends. He had severed a two-year relationship with another woman so he could be with my mother. I avoided being alone with Mr. King. When he came to the house while Muh’Dear was out, I hid behind the curtains and refused to open the door. When I couldn’t avoid being alone with him, I remained distant and suspicious.

      Mr. King had called the house for Muh’Dear one day and I’d been sharp with him. I had hollered at him the way I did those annoying people who called up on the telephone trying to sell something or asking nosy questions for a survey.

      “Annette, you don’t like me, do you?” he asked in a whiny voice. He was breathing through his mouth, groaning, hissing and making low whistling noises that I knew he couldn’t help. As annoyed as I was, I felt sorry for this old man.

      I waited for Mr. King’s breathing to return to normal. Then I sucked in my breath, hoping I didn’t sound like I belonged in a barnyard myself like he sounded. “I don’t know you well enough to hate you,” I told him coldly. “I’ll tell Muh’Dear you called,” I added with impatience. I wondered what made Muh’Dear take up with a man who had obviously started falling apart. With all his wheezing and breathing difficulties, it seemed like he was one step away from his grave.

      With a low, weak voice he said, “Well, I hope you do get to know me soon. I love your mama and I think she loves me. Me and Gussie Mae get along real good, so I’m gwine to be comin’ around yonder to see your mama whether you like it or not. So you can stop all your foolishness right now!” Mr. King stunned me by being so direct.

      But I didn’t back down. “What you and my mother do is none of my business,” I snapped. “If my mama wants to make a fool of herself, I can’t stop her.”

      I heard him gasp and suck on his teeth. “One thing your mama ain’t, is a fool.”

      “Well, I’m not, either. Now if you don’t mind, I’m watching American Bandstand right now.”

      He sighed and mumbled something unintelligible before he spoke again. “Look, girl. I would never do nothin’ to harm you.” He paused and steadied his voice. “I cut my teeth on God.”

      “So did Satan,” I reminded.

      “What you say?”

      “Nothing,” I muttered. I rarely sassed old people and I wasn’t proud of myself for doing it now. I cleared my throat and softened my voice. “Uh…I’ll tell Muh’Dear you called,” I said sheepishly.