The Pleasure Palace. Evangeline Anderson
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Название: The Pleasure Palace

Автор: Evangeline Anderson

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9780758283092


СКАЧАТЬ must be fabulously wealthy.

      And it also meant that he had ties to the Pleasure Planet and the slave trade that he wasn’t admitting. Shaina almost wished she had the symbiotes inside her right now so that she could discuss her speculations with Ty without being overheard. But looking across the room at his darkly handsome face pulled into a thoughtful scowl, she decided that she could wait after all.

      “Well,” Minister Waynos made a self-important little sound somewhere between a cough and a sniff and stood up. “If you have no further questions, then I would ask that you both present yourselves at gate three of the private sector of the port tomorrow morning at eight sharp. I realize that doesn’t give you much time to say good-bye to friends and family, but as I think I pointed out earlier, time is of the essence. Needless to say, please keep the details of this mission completely confidential. Oh, and I almost forgot the small matter of remuneration.”

      “Remuneration?” Shaina heard herself asking. She was still trying to work out how she could say good-bye to her mother without giving away the nature of her dangerous and somewhat kinky assignment. Her mom had never wanted her to be a Peace Control Officer in the first place. If she heard Shaina was off to the Pleasure Planet to play sex-mistress to her annoying if fascinating ex-partner’s pleasure slave, she might lose it altogether.

      “Yes my dear, compensation, payment for services rendered,” Waynos explained pompously. For the first time, Shaina began to dislike him a little.

      “Yes, we know what it means.” Ty’s impatient tone said that he had been disliking the dapper little man with the silver-plated facial hair for quite some time now. “Officer McCullough is just asking you to get on with it. If we’ve only got one night to get ready we need to move. Packing alone…”

      “Oh no, you needn’t pack, not so much as a sonic toothbrush,” the Minister interrupted him. “Clothing and toiletries are completely taken care of. Don’t even bother to pack a book to read or a vid to watch. I assure you that all your spare time is going to be wholly consumed with mastering the symbiotes and the customs of Syrus Six.”

      “Remuneration?” Ty reminded him, pointedly. “You brought it up, not me,” he reminded the offended-looking Minister.

      “Certainly,” the little man agreed stiffly. “When I came to your chief”—he nodded at Chief Hamilton who, apparently feeling that his part of the negotiations was done, sat at his glass-topped desk doing paperwork—“I told him I was only interested in officers who volunteered freely, but that when the volunteers were chosen I would discuss monetary matters with them. I have here”—he whipped out a small, sharkskin briefcase that Shaina had not previously noticed and produced two sets of legal-looking documents—“a contract for each of you to sign.” He handed them each a copy of the fat document.

      “This merely states that you will do your best to rescue the Chancellor’s son. If you try and fail you will still receive the tidy sum of twenty-five thousand credits apiece. If, however, and this is our sincere hope, you bring back Paul alive and hopefully unharmed, you will be given the sum of five million credits apiece, considerably more, as I’m sure you’ll note. News or capture of the heinous beast who perpetrated this travesty in the first place will double your fee in either case.

      “And now, Officers, Chief Hamilton, I must go. The Chancellor would like to see me once more before I see you off at the port. Just bring the completed documents along with you when you come. Remember, nothing else is necessary. Good-bye, good-bye, a pleasure, an absolute pleasure my dear.” He patted Shaina’s hand once more, pumped the Chief’s, and waved austerely at Tyson as he left by the office window. Stepping into a hovering, iridescent blue racer that was waiting for him outside, he roared away in a cloud of aesthetically pleasing pink dust.

      “Spread your legs, sweetheart. That’s it, a little wider. Let me in.” Shaina did as he asked, watching the molten gold eyes flaring above her in the semidarkness. Smooth golden-tan skin brushed against hers, making her aware of her nakedness and her defenseless position pinned beneath his masculine bulk.

      “Ty, we shouldn’t…I’ve never…” she gasped, but he didn’t let her finish. Bending over her, he took her mouth in a hungry kiss that left her breathless, unable to protest his assault on her senses. The warm scent of him filled her head and his mouth tasted like cinnamon.

      “Been wanting to do this for a long time, Shaina. Been wanting to fuck you,” he growled low in her ear and she gasped to feel the head of his heavy cock brushing along one inner thigh, searching for her center.

      “No…please…” she begged even as she spread her legs wider, trembling, feeling the pulsing heat and wetness between them as her sex prepared for his invasion.

      “Can’t stop now. Can’t wait to be inside you.” She felt the broad head find its target and part her slippery folds, nudging into her wet heat. Goddess, he was so big…She cried out in terror and need.

      “Please…” She didn’t know if she was begging him to stop or go on.

      “Gonna ride your sweet pussy hard tonight, Shaina. Gonna fuck you all night long,” he whispered as the thick shaft of his cock slid home inside her quivering, defenseless sex, taking her, making her his…

      Shaina woke up gasping and drenched in sweat. It took her a moment to assure herself that she was in her own room on her familiar gel mattress. Just a dream, it had been just a dream. But it had been so real that she could taste Ty’s mouth on hers, still feel the weight of his body on her…inside her.

      No, she thought. It won’t be like that. Just another undercover assignment, that’s all this mission is…

      An undercover assignment where she had to play Mistress to Brent Tyson’s sex slave…Goddess, what had she let herself in for?

      Shaina rolled over and tried to get back to sleep. The mission started tomorrow and she would need her rest. But the dream wouldn’t leave her mind and sleep was a long time coming.


      Tyson was right on time at Gate Three in the private sector of the space port, which was considerably cleaner and more luxurious than the port proper. The huge, arching white shield wall looming above him was meant to protect the privacy and safety of the ultra-rich and famous, the only people who could afford to own their own ships.

      Shaina was only five minutes late. She arrived a little out of breath from having run all the way from the main gate. She was carrying a small velour knapsack despite the Minister’s instructions. Tyson wasn’t surprised. Shaina always had about a hundred items she absolutely couldn’t do without and couldn’t possibly find in her purse at any given time.

      “Is it good?” She nodded at the sheaf of paperwork, the only item he had brought with him as per instructions. Tyson smiled a little. Of course Shaina knew him well enough to know that he would have spent his time getting the contract checked out. The only real family he had to say good-bye to was his younger brother, Brad, who was out on his own and doing well in university.

      She, on the other hand, had probably been placating her mother with wild lies and half-truths. Ty had met her mother once and he liked Mrs. McCullough immensely, mainly because she shared his views about keeping Shaina out of harm’s way.

      “It’s good.” He nodded confidently at the large contract. “You can sign it. Lawyer says it’s airtight but fair. The Chancellor must be really desperate to get his son back.”

      “Wouldn’t СКАЧАТЬ