The Mane Event. Shelly Laurenston
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Название: The Mane Event

Автор: Shelly Laurenston

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Исторические приключения


isbn: 9780758248800


СКАЧАТЬ the hell have you been?”

      “Aw, Mace. Gimme a break.” She tried to pull out of his arms, but he held fast. “Are you going to let me go?”

      “I’m comfortable. Answer my question.”

      “My family moved, Mace. To Queens. My sisters and I went to a different school. I assure you it was nothing personal.” He stared at her. “It wasn’t!”

      “Did you write me?”

      “No, Mace.”

      “Did you think about me?”

      “Oh, come on!”

      “What? It’s a valid question.”

      “You know, you come from one of the wealthiest families in New York. You could have tracked me down if you really wanted to see me that badly.”

      “I was in military school.”

      Dez tried not to laugh, but it was a sad, weak attempt. “Sorry. I guess I just have a hard time imagining you taking orders from…you know…anybody.”

      “What’s that supposed to mean?”

      “Come on, Mace. It’s me.”

      He gazed down into her face. “Yeah. It sure is you.” Their eyes locked and, for several moments, they did nothing but stare at each other.

      Dez shook her head. “Okay. Put me down.”



      He dropped her, forcing Dez to rock back on her heels. This, of course, forced him to grab her ass to steady her before she fell back.

      “Hands off, Llewellyn. Or I’m turning your nads into a necklace.”

      He smiled as he released her. “Well, you haven’t changed.”

      “Neither have you. I see Captain Ego still lives.”

      No other woman existed who he let get away with calling him that. He glanced down at himself. “I haven’t changed? Not even a little?”

      “I don’t mean physically, you idiot.” She punched him lightly on the shoulder, blinked in surprise, and suddenly felt the bicep under his leather jacket. “I definitely don’t mean physically.”

      He grinned at her, enjoying that his body seemed to have her so distracted. “You doing all right there, beautiful?”

      “Oh, shut up.”

      “At least tell me you missed me.”

      She nodded as her voice softened. “Yeah, Mace. I missed you. You were my best friend.”

      Best friend? He never wanted to be her best friend. He wanted to be her boyfriend. He wanted her parents to catch them on their couch making out. He wanted to buy her one of those tacky ID bracelets with his name on it. He wanted to tattoo “Property of Mace Llewellyn” on her forehead.

      “Stop frowning, Mace.” She reached up and ran her hand over his brow. A move she used to do a lot in school. Often the only thing that kept him calm back then. The only thing that kept him from tearing idiot jocks and rich assholes apart with his newly sprouted fangs. “It’s been over twenty years, Mace. Let it go, bonehead.” She ran her thumb down his nose, spreading her hand out so her fingers cupped his cheek. He leaned into her hand and she smiled that smile.

      Even after all these years, she knew just how to handle him. How to contain the beast within his heart without even trying. Oh yeah. This woman was destined to be his. And nothing would get in his way now.

      “What the hell do you think you are doing with my brother?”

      Mace growled and wondered how much prison time a man would do for tossing his sister into the East River.

      Mace’s body tensed against her hand. Then she heard that Mace growl. He only used that when something really pissed him off. Poor baby, seemed he still didn’t get along any better with his sisters than she did with her own.

      She looked over her shoulder at the beautiful Missy Llewellyn. Unlike Mace, Missy hadn’t changed much. Still lean, gold, and beautiful. Pretty much the exact opposite of Dez whose least-favorite uncle still referred to her as “the pudgy one.”

      “Well? Answer me.” And still mean as a snake.

      Oooh. A pissed Missy. Dez loved this. She could have been good. She should have been nice. But come on. The entire homicide department didn’t call her The Instigator for nothing.

      Dez turned to face Missy and leaned back into Mace’s chest. Then, for the hell of it, she grabbed his big arms and wrapped them around her waist. Initially, she surprised herself with her physical reaction to Mace. Throwing herself into the arms of a man she hadn’t seen in more than twenty years really wasn’t her style. But just the sight of him brought back that fourteen-year-old girl who could never get enough of Mace and his inherent weirdness. But now? Well, using Mace to torture his sister—just a Dez party.

      She smiled at Missy. “Your brother asked me to come with him to a hotel for some wild, dirty animal sex…and I said lead the way.”

      Oh yeah. If looks could kill, she’d be nothing more than a greasy spot on the woman’s carpet. Apparently, Missy still felt Dez didn’t deserve her brother. Which only made the whole thing that much more fun. Of course, Mace tightening his grip on her body and nuzzling her neck—that didn’t hurt either. She wasn’t surprised, though, when Mace played along. The two of them together had always been trouble. The nuns always separating them in class, giving them detention, calling them evil incarnate and condemning them to the fiery pits of hell. Ya know…whatever.

      Seemed some things never changed.

      “So, Mace, I get off work in a couple more hours.”

      He shook his head. “Baby, I can’t wait that long. Let’s go bang this out in my sister’s office. You know. To take the edge off.” Dez wrestled the part of her that wanted to take Mace up on that particular offer and kept the game going instead.

      “That is sooo romantic, Mace. I never knew you were so romantic.”

      “There’s a lot about me you don’t know yet. Besides, Missy’s desk is a nice, sturdy mahogany. We could go at it like wolves on that thing, and it wouldn’t budge.”

      Ah, the Mace she remembered. The smart-ass kid who tortured people on a daily basis for his own amusement, and his sister was no exception. Actually, Dez knew he went out of his way to torture his sister and that he enjoyed every minute of it.

      Yup. Her day just kept getting better and better.

      Could his day get any better? The woman of his dreams cuddled up in his arms and his sister in an almost violent rage. A few more minutes of this and he would start purring and not stop.

      “Mason,” his sister spit that out between clenched teeth. “I need to speak with СКАЧАТЬ