Hiking Trails of Southwestern Colorado, Fifth Edition. John Peel
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Название: Hiking Trails of Southwestern Colorado, Fifth Edition

Автор: John Peel

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Книги о Путешествиях


isbn: 9781513262987


СКАЧАТЬ were reintroduced to Southwest Colorado in the mid-1990s. They’re common around Silverton, and at least one has ventured near Durango.

      The following is a miniature survival guide, offering advice on dealing with conditions and elements you’ll encounter on the trails. Use these tips to prepare for your hikes and so you’ll know what to do when things go wrong.


      You will bump into other animals on the trails that aren’t like you. Some, like dogs and horses, will be cheating by walking on four legs. Others will travel using two wheels, and some of those will be powered, either by gas engines or even electricity.

      Do your best to get along with all of them. Be nice and smile, because mutual respect among all users goes a long way. (See Ethics on page 229.)

      Dogs are great trail companions, be they yours or someone else’s. If dogs are part of your group, be mindful of what they’re doing. Don’t let them harass and chase wildlife. In certain places, you could be fined. The legal precedent is a bit cloudy here, but ranchers can even go as far as to shoot your dog if it is endangering their livestock (cattle or sheep, for example).

      Horses have the right of way, so look for a good spot to pull well off the trail and let them by, in the meantime talking to the rider (or horse) in a calm voice. And make absolutely sure that your dog does not get near that unpredictable horse’s hooves.

      Mountain bikers are usually very considerate, but they have their bad apples like any user group. As a hiker you technically have the right of way with bikers, but if it’s easier for you just to step out of the way for a second to let the cyclist ride past, do it. Note to mountain bikers (including me): What irks hikers more than anything is when you don’t even act like you’re thinking of slowing down. If you’re going downhill, it’s easier for you to apply the brakes and pull over than it is for a hiker to dodge you.

      Motorbikes are only allowed on a handful of trails in this book. Hikers, as much as the noise might bother you, it doesn’t last too long. Let them by. It’s generally pretty difficult for a motorbike rider to pull off the trail; that’s a heavy, unwieldy beast they’ve got.

      E-bikes are part bicycle, part machine, and their classification is unclear. However, they’re becoming increasingly popular; look for them to show up soon on a trail or two near you.


      Hikers in higher altitudes in the Rockies must always be aware of the weather. It can change from beautiful to dangerous very quickly. This is especially true from early July to early September, when afternoon thunderstorms are frequent—the monsoon season. During this period, it is best to plan to reach the highest altitude in your hike by noon. These storms can be severe, even if they are short lived. They can bring wind, cold, rain, small hail, or all of the above. The greatest hazard, however, is lightning. This high-voltage static electricity can kill or maim in a split second. High points where the charged cloud is closest are the strike zones. This makes high or isolated peaks and ridges especially vulnerable.

      Any dark cloud nearby in the summer should be considered suspect, even if it is small. There are additional signs of an imminent lightning flash. If you are on or near a high point and hear a buzzing in the rocks, or if the hair on your arms or legs or even your head begins to stand up, you’re in prime territory; get down to lower levels as fast as possible—not so fast, however, that you trip and fall, which is a much more likely way to get hurt than a lightning strike. Also, if you seek shelter from rain under a tree, make it a tree that is lower than others nearby.

      Lightning is the worst danger from storms, but it’s not the only one. Rocks that call for scrambling can be very slick when they get wet. Lichens on them increase this problem. Paul Pixler related this story: “Once on El Diente, it began drizzling just after our party started down from the top; the rocks are near vertical and are very irregular in this area. I slipped on one that would have held easily when dry. Though I fell only 3 feet, that led to an edge where there was another drop, followed by another and another. Fortunately, two companions were at the edge of the first one and stopped me before I could go to the next drop. Though embarrassing, it served as a reminder to me to become more cautious, but it could have been disastrous.”

      Another danger from rainstorms is hypothermia. This is a condition in which the core body temperature begins to drop below normal. Cold fingers and toes are uncomfortable, but a cold body core is highly dangerous. Soaked clothes and some wind can bring this on quickly at high altitudes, even in July. If you begin to shiver violently, hypothermia is starting. Companions must come to the rescue and furnish heat immediately, because the victim soon becomes disoriented and may not recognize the danger. Extra clothing will help, as will a faster pace if possible. However, in more severe cases, skin-to-skin body heat transfer is likely to be the only answer. (Hopefully the victim is someone you like.)

      High altitude is an unseen hazard, particularly to visitors from low elevations. Air at higher altitudes contains less oxygen; therefore, your heart and lungs work harder to oxygenate and circulate the blood. People with a history of heart problems or high blood pressure should probably consider only the easier and lower hikes.

      Acclimatization to high altitude seems to basically involve an increase in red blood cell count, which makes for a more efficient use of the available oxygen in the thinner air. Different theories abound on how long this acclimatization takes.


      Sometimes, snow blocks the road and thwarts early-season hiking plans. Usually you could drive from Silverton to Animas Forks by late May, but in 2019 it wasn’t possible until August because of a huge avalanche from Grouse Gulch.

      Altitude sickness brings on lightheadedness or headaches. Often symptoms will subside with a quick rest and slower pace. If these symptoms become severe, the way to recover is to hike to a lower altitude. Remember to stay hydrated; sometimes headaches are simply caused by not drinking enough water.

      Snowfields and scree fields (loose dirt that you can basically slide down on your hiking boots) can help speed you down a mountainside or land you in deep trouble. Particularly with snow, the risk should be obvious: Get going too fast or out of control, and suddenly you’re speeding down a steep slope on your butt. The landing is a rocky runout below—or worse. Broken legs and heads can result. Bring an ice axe and know how to use it if you’re going to glissade down a snowfield. Know the runout zone. Be smart. Scree fields are generally a little safer. The problem comes when scree suddenly disappears and you find yourself on hard dirt, but you can’t stop so easily, if at all. Be careful and think ahead.

      It won’t keep you from making bad decisions and getting hurt, but it’s a good idea to have a Colorado Outdoor Recreation Search & Rescue (CORSAR) card. The fund it creates helps defray counties’ costs for search and rescue expenses. Without it, those search and rescue teams you rely on may not be able to respond as quickly, or as well, to your emergency. The cards are available at many outdoor gear and fishing/hunting stores. La Plata and San Juan counties, by the way, have two of the finest search and rescue squads in the country.


      In addition to decent hiking boots, a day pack with adequate water and food for the day, and an extra clothing layer or two (depending on the altitude), there are a few pieces of gear that you should seriously consider packing. Some of these items will only be necessary in an emergency. СКАЧАТЬ