Blueprint for Holistic Healing. C. Norman Shealy
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Название: Blueprint for Holistic Healing

Автор: C. Norman Shealy

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780876048108


СКАЧАТЬ best known vitamin A comes from fish liver oil, most commonly cod liver. However, larger doses of vitamin A, even 10,000 units daily, can lead to severe brain swelling. You actually need no vitamin A, but you do need the family of carotenoids, the best known being beta carotene. This family includes beta carotene, astaxanthin, and lycopene. All are precursors to vitamin A and are safe at very high doses. I prefer 25,000 units of beta carotene and 4 to 10 mg of astaxanthin daily. Lycopene and lutein are other members of the family and are, interestingly, increased in availability by cooking the most common source—tomatoes.

      CoQ10 (Ubiquinone)—one of the major immune supporters. I prefer a minimum of 100 mg daily.

      Flavonoids—another fruit/vegetable family of antioxidants

      Polyphenols—the final fruit/vegetable antioxidants

       Essential Vitamins

      Vitamin A—See above

       The B Vitamins

      B vitamins are essential for metabolism in general as well as production of energy and most importantly for brain and heart function. Despite the rather miniscule RDA’s suggestion, in today’s stressful environment, I think adults will be healthier if they take an average of 25 mg of the major ones.

      B1, Thiamine—deficiency of B1 leads to beriberi, optic nerve damage, Korsakoff’s syndrome, peripheral neuropathy, and heart failure. Up to 1000 mg daily is safe. Thiamine is absolutely required for metabolism of carbohydrates and alcohol, excess of which lead to beriberi. Up to 400 mg daily is safe.

      B2, Riboflavin—B2 deficiency leads to inflammation of skin, mouth, tongue, and lips and anemia.

      B3, Niacin—B3 deficiency leads to pellagra, which was rather common in the early twentieth century, again because of excess carbohydrate intake. This deficiency has a broader neurological/mental harm than virtually any other B vitamin. However, even 100 mg may cause significant flushing and a burning feeling in the skin. Another form of niacin, nicotinaminde or niacinamide, is safe up to 1500 mg daily and may help arthritis symptoms and some schizophrenics.

      B4—was once thought to be a vitamin, but it is “just” a critical component of DNA and RNA.

      B5, Pantothenic acid—Pantothenic acid is primarily essential for energy, including proper metabolism of fat, carbohydrate, and protein In general, it is quite safe up to 25 mg daily.

      B6, Pyridoxine is one of the most commonly deficient B vitamins, even those who take the so-called RDA. Carpal tunnel syndrome, menstrual problems, and coronary artery disease are all major diseases of B6 deficiency It is safe up to 100 mg daily.

      B7, Biotin—B7 deficiency results from a really crummy diet and affects all aspects of mind and energy.

      B8, Inositol is critical for function of brain, mind, and immune system. Up to 100 mg is safe.

      B9, Folate (folic acid)—This is one of the most critical vitamins for function of mind, brain, and the integrity of the arteries. The RDA is ridiculously low, and it is safe up to 100 mg daily. Inadequate folic acid is a major contributor to homocysteinemia, a major cause of coronary disease, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer, as well as malformations of babies. Blood levels above 7.5 are increasingly dangerous, and most labs ridiculously consider up to 14 “normal.”

      B10, PABA (Para amino benzoic acid)—B10 deficiency leads to many autoimmune diseases ranging from those affecting the skin, collagen system, and even the penis! It is safe up to 2000 mg twice a day and can help prevent sunburn.

      B11, Salicylic acid—In general B 11 can be manufactured by the body if you have adequate intake of phenylalanine, an essential amino acid. It is essential for the entire DNA system.

      B12, Cobalamine (also Methylcobalamine)—B12 deficiency is best known as the cause of pernicious anemia, which leads not only to anemia but also to damage to the spinal cord and brain. It is found only in animal protein! Vegans will inevitably develop B12 deficiency unless they take it as a supplement, and I like to remind them that it is still made by an animal—at the very least by yeast! Up to 5000 micrograms daily is quite safe.

      Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)—Vitamin C is as critical as Vitamin D in supporting immune health. The RDA of 60 mg is insanely low, and I believe adults with less than 1000 mg daily are at great risk.

      Vitamin D3—80% of Americans are deficient in D3, largely because of the ridiculous advice of dermatologists to avoid sun and to use sun blocker. If you take no other advice from this book, take at least 5000 units of D 3 daily if you are an adult over 135 pounds. Children should take at least 50,000 units once a month after age 2.

      Vitamin E, (Tocopherols and, more importantly, Tocotrienols)—One of the most basic antioxidant vitamins, working synergistically with A and C. 100 mg daily of gamma/delta Tocotrienols are essential for virtually every essential body function.


      Carbohydrates are the broad field of sugars and starches. Essentially we do not need any carbs as we can make them out of fats or proteins. Naturally occurring carbohydrates, in general, are good, but “refined” and “enriched” carbohydrates are junk food! Table sugar, white flour, and fructose are plain rubbish, and they are major contributors to diabetes, heart disease, depression, ADHD, and cancer.

      Honey is a blend of natural glucose and fructose and is much superior to sugar, since it is sweeter and contains some amino acids and vitamins. Used in moderation by all except diabetics, it is the only sweetener I recommend.


      In general, naturally occurring fats in healthy meats, seeds, and nuts are good for you. Artificially hydrogenated or “hardened” fats are seriously dangerous, poisonous junk.

      Omega-3—Omega-3s are alpha Linolenic acid (ALA), Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). They are the essential fats. Deficiencies lead to inflammation and every known disease! Best sources are wild salmon and grass fed beef and poultry.

      Omega 6—The only healthy sources are nut oils, evening primrose, and black currant oils. Other vegetable sources such as corn oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, cottonseed, peanut, and soy oil are to be avoided!!

      Omega-9—These monounsaturated fats are not essential but in general are healthy, with the very best being from virgin olive oil and avocados.

       Essential Amino Acids

      There are nine really essential amino acids and one “conditionally” essential.

      Histidine is needed to make histamine, as well as to stabilize hemoglobin and inhibit carbon monoxide. Those with allergies may be deficient.