Divine Visits. Josie Varga
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Название: Divine Visits

Автор: Josie Varga

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780876047781



       In Yeshua Shem Kodesh

       Jesus Holy Name, Amen.

      After reciting the above prayer, Ruthie used some holy oil imported from Jerusalem to make the sign of the cross on Toni's forehead. Immediately afterward, Toni began to feel hot and told her friend how she was feeling. To this Ruthie excitedly replied, “That usually doesn't happen, Toni. You are healed.”

      A week later, Toni went in for the surgery and spent a long time recuperating. After two months, she had an appointment with her oncologist to be rechecked to see where she stood with the cancer. The tests would determine, for instance, if removal of the tumor had in fact removed the caner or if the disease was still progressing. While they were waiting for the results, she told the doctor that she wanted to thank the people who had helped her in the hospital and asked for the name of one particular doctor. Here's what happened:

      Toni's picture of Jesus in her home

      She was in her hospital room recovering and remembers being woken up. She then opened her eyes and remembers thinking: I must be dead and closed her eyes again. She was awoken a second time and again reasoned she was dead and closed her eyes. The third time she felt a warm tap on her shoulder and woke up. Before her, she said, was a man who looked like he was wearing a white doctor's coat. She looked at him and said she immediately thought he resembled Jesus in a picture she has hanging in her home. At this point, for some reason, she asked him what nationality he was. His response was, “I am Israeli Jew.” To this, Toni replied, “You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.”

      The man then bent down and kissed her twice on the forehead saying, “You are healed.” This is all that she can remember.

      So this day at the oncologist's office, she wanted the name of the man with the beautiful eyes so that she could thank him. Totally unprepared for the response, Toni was told that there was no such doctor. There was no “Israeli Jew” that fit her description. Toni was absolutely stunned. What's more? The tests results came back, and Toni was told that there was no sign of cancer. Her astonished doctor remarked, “Go home and pretend you never had cancer.”

      When Toni called me to tell me what had happened, I was ecstatic and shocked all at the same time. I felt almost like I had experienced it myself in some way as happy tears filled my eyes. A week later I was scheduled to speak during a conference in Virginia Beach at the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.). I asked Toni if she would mind if I shared her beautiful story with the audience.

      My point in telling Toni's story was for the audience to understand the definite power of prayer. As I relayed the story, I noticed a woman who seemed to be listening to me intently. When my speech concluded, people lined up to have me sign copies of my books. It was then that I noticed the attentive woman purposely standing in the back. When the line died down, she slowly walked up to me. She started to say something, but her eyes soon welled up with tears. I immediately walked from behind the table and gave her a hug asking her to tell me what was wrong.

      “Josie,” she told me, “You know that story you told before about the woman with cancer?” I nodded that I did indeed remember. “I feel like that was a sign for me,” she explained, “I was just diagnosed with breast cancer, and your story has given me hope.” Tears filled my own eyes as I hugged her again. We just never know how our actions will affect others. It was then that I knew that this story was meant to be told and realized if I could help this woman, then I could surely help others. Hence, this book was born.

Beyond Words

      As I often say, there are no coincidences in life; there are only “Godincidences.” Nearing the completion of this book, I experienced my own profound divine visit. As I write these words, I am overcome with emotion just thinking about it. And although the experience is beyond words, I will do my best to describe what happened.

      In March 2012 I had an appointment for my annual mammogram. Shortly after I was told that I needed to go back for another scan. Typically this does not alarm me as I have dense breasts and, therefore, very often have to go back for a second mammogram or ultrasound. This time, however, they needed to take another look at the left side of my breasts.

      Since I was traveling, I could not make an appointment until two weeks later which brought me back for a screening on Monday, April 9th—a day that I will remember vividly for the rest of my life. When I arrived, I was first given another mammogram by one of the x-ray technicians on staff. Afterwards I was told that the doctor wanted me to have an ultrasound. At this point I must admit I was concerned but not alarmed.

      As the second technician scanned my breasts, I noticed that she paid special attention to one area on the left side. After she spent several minutes examining the scans of my breasts, she looked at me and said, “I'll be right back. I have to go talk to the doctor.” As she left the room leaving me alone with my thoughts, I sensed that I was in trouble. My body literally began to shake from head to toe.

      Not knowing what else to do, I decided to ask God if everything was going to be okay. I was hoping that my gut instincts were wrong so I asked telepathically, Is everything okay? Unexpectedly and shockingly, I clearly heard a voice in my mind say, No! You can just imagine how shocked I was. At this point I thought maybe I had imagined it and asked again, Is everything okay? Again I unmistakably heard back, No!

      Honestly, I wanted to run out of that room. I was startled, confused, scared, etc. There I was lying on a table, topless in a dimly lit room alone. Not knowing what else to do, I cried out to God for help. I was so distraught that I cannot remember my exact words, but they went something like this: Well, God, if it's not okay, you have to fix this. I can't leave yet. I'm doing so much right now. I need to finish my book. Lord, I want to be there for my children. Then holding back tears, I thought of my Godmother Lucy. Let me pause here and give you a little description of my beautiful, wonderful godmother Lucy LoBrace.

      Lucy was the type of person who always put everyone before herself. She did everything she could to help everyone else and never thought much about her own needs. She never married and worked as a seamstress for several years at a company in Elizabeth, New Jersey. Since she had no children, I was her self-proclaimed daughter, and I proudly called her my second mom. We passed many hours together as I grew up, going shopping downtown, having sleepovers, or just passing time lounging on her big Victorian porch. As we both grew older, the bond we shared grew stronger, and I cherished the times I got to spend with Lucy.

      I could go on and on talking about what a wonderful person she was, but what's important here is that she had more faith in God than anyone I have ever known. Despite many hardships in her life and through the untimely death of many of her close family members, she held on to her faith. She strongly believed in the power of prayer and kept a shrine of saint medallions in her room: St. Jude, St. Joseph, and St. Theresa. She had them all. She also faithfully said many daily novenas to various saints and when she was physically able, always attended mass on Sundays.

      Through the years I would always tell her, “Lucy, if there's anyone who is going to get to heaven, it's you. Put in a good word for me when you get there.” She would always just smile at me and chuckle. I would also tell her to make sure that she gave me a sign to let me know that everything was okay when she crossed over. Lucy unexpectedly passed on February 22, 2010 from an apparent heart attack. Although I was shocked and saddened by the news, I had no doubt whatsoever that she was in a much better place and was now happy to be with her loved ones once again. In fact, СКАЧАТЬ