Jillian's Story. Robin Benoit
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Название: Jillian's Story

Автор: Robin Benoit

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9781612548111


СКАЧАТЬ of Jillian’s eyes and asked her to read the letters on the chart, which she did with no problem. Then the nurse slid the covering over the other eye.

      Jillian instantly threw her hands up in front of her and started calling out for me. “Mommy, Mommy, help me!” I was standing right next to her—within arms reach of her right shoulder. I spoke softly to her, telling her I was right there and she looked in my direction as if searching for me. I grabbed her hand and started to cry.

      The doctor looked completely shocked. His face was suddenly about as white as the eye chart. He said, “Jillian, can you see the eye chart on the wall?” She moved her head all around as if searching the sky and ground and everywhere in between for it. Our doctor then said, “Jillian, can you see me?” She stood very still and softly murmured, “I hear you.”

      I remember the doctor putting us back in the examination room and saying he was going to make a call to get her into the Children’s Hospital immediately. I was terrified. What was wrong with my baby girl? Had she always been blind in one eye? If so, how did we miss that? If not, why was she not able to see out of one eye all of sudden? Was it a brain tumor or something horrible? What were we going to do?

      As we waited in the examination room and my mind went racing through a myriad of worst-case scenarios, I somehow managed to read to her from her favorite book, The Lion King. The doctor was probably only gone for five or ten minutes, but it seemed like hours.

      He came back into the room and told me he had called the Children’s Hospital and that an ophthalmologist would see Jillian in a week. Had he not called, it could have been weeks or months before we got an appointment. He patted me on the back and told me everything would be OK, but I felt like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. Jillian and I headed home, where I knew I could have a good cry and talk to my husband, who would no doubt handle all of this much better than me.

      I married the greatest of men, the perfect match for me—a man who is always calm in the face of adversity. He seems to have this innate or military-trained ability to handle everything rationally. Not that he isn’t emotional or caring—quite the opposite. Although he was just as worried and upset about Jillian, he was strong and solid that first evening while I, on the other hand, was a wreck. I’m very good at bouncing back and going forward with a great attitude, but I really needed to cry first.

      The day finally came for Jillian to see the specialist at the Children’s Hospital. He struck me as being extremely intelligent and well-educated. He seemed older, which gave me confidence that he was well-versed and experienced in helping children with vision problems. We were in his office for at least two hours. Eye drops were put in Jillian’s eyes to dilate them so that he could get a good initial screening. He had electronic puppets that Jillian thought were so cute. The penguin would dance and the puppy would bark and, as she watched them, he studied her eyes. After a thorough evaluation, he met with Jillian and me and told us that she had amblyopia.

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