English for Life Reader Grade 7 Home Language. Elaine Ridge
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Название: English for Life Reader Grade 7 Home Language

Автор: Elaine Ridge

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Языкознание

Серия: English for Life

isbn: 9781775891055


СКАЧАТЬ on the sandy shores,

      So quiet, so quiet, he scarcely snores.


      gnaw – biting away at something hard

      dune – a hill on the beach made of sand

3.The poet describes the sea as a dog throughout this poem. He does not say that the sea is like a dog, (a simile) he says the sea IS a dog. What is this kind of comparison called? How effective do you think this is?
4.The poet makes extensive use of onomatopoeia (the sound of the words echo the meaning/sound like what they mean).
a)Which words describing the sea make it sound like a hungry dog?
b)Which word suggests the gentle sound of the sea?
5.Which stanza do you like best? Explain your choice.
1.In Africa, the first real event is a welcome event. Can you explain why?


      Patrick Cullinan

      When the rain, the first real rain of the year

      Flashes on our black tin roof, we smile across

      The room and know, surer than the calendar

      Twelve months have passed: yet there is no loss.

      We only remember how small we grow

      At this sound: how a child is warm in bed

      And hears the same rain heard a year ago.

      The air is warm. The green days lie ahead.

2.What time of the year does the first thunderstorm come? Quote from the poem to support your answer.
3.What does the word “flashes” suggest about the rain?
4.The speaker does not expect us to believe that we literally grow small when we hear the sound of the rain. What does he mean by “how small we grow”?
5. a)The last line is in a stanza of its own. Suggest a reason for this.
b)The poet describes the days that are coming as “green” days? What is the speaker referring to?
The poem is told through the voice of a San hunter. Their language uses many click sounds and the words and sounds in the poem try to show this. Read the poem aloud to enjoy its sounds. Please note that Sydney Clouts wrote this poem in 1966 before the word “Bushman” was generally replaced by the word “San”.
During reading
1.Jot down in point form what happens during the poem


      Sydney Clouts

      Kalahari Bushman fires flowing

      in the hollows of the desert

      click all night

      stick stuck upright



      of starlight


      toes of the eland

      thk thk big raindrops

      tk tk tk the sandgrains



      sparks of honey


      we who dance

      around the circle

      around the circle

      spoor him

      find him.

      my arrow clings to the thick thick

      grunt of darkness

      my arrow sings through fire.

      we who dance we find



      of the fire.

2.There are only two punctuation marks in this poem. Why did the poet use the exclamation mark?
3. a)Which of the senses does this poem appeal to most? Quote from the poem to support your answer.
b)What other sense does the poem appeal to? Quote words from the poem to support your answer.
4. a)What do you think the words “sandgrains drinking” mean?
b)What visual image is created by the words “sparks of honey”?
5.What do you think a “firebowl” is? Suggest another title for the poem.
1.When do people usually sleep beneath the stars?
During reading
2.What is the name of this shanty town (township)?



      High on the veld upon that plain

      And far from streets and lights and cars

      And bare of trees, and bare of grass,

      Jabavu sleeps beneath the stars.

      Jabavu sleeps.

      The children cough.

      Cold creeps up, the hard night cold,

      The earth is tight within its grasp,

      The Highveld cold without soft rain,

      Dry as the sand, rough as a rasp

      The frost rimmed night invades the shacks.

      Through dusty ground

      Through rocky ground

      Through freezing ground, the night cold creeps.

      In cotton blankets, rags and sacks

      Beneath the stars Jabavu sleeps.

      One day Jabavu will awake

      To greet a new and shining day:

      The sound of coughing will become