English for Life Reader Grade 6 Home Language. Lynne Southey
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Название: English for Life Reader Grade 6 Home Language

Автор: Lynne Southey

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература

Серия: English for Life

isbn: 9781775892489


СКАЧАТЬ lives in the ocean.

      He can swim, crawl or propel himself

      With a jerky jet-like motion

      His suction cups taste what they touch

      He’s gloomily shaped like a shroud

      He has no bones and his mouth is a beak

      He changes colour and squirts ink clouds

      Eight arms, two gills and three hearts

      What an unbelievably strange thing

      The octopus, that gliding sea creature

      Who has blue blood like a king.


      Building a skyscraper

      J.S. Tippett

      They’re building a skyscraper

      Near our street

      Its height will be nearly

      One thousand feet.

      It covers completely

      A city block.

      They drilled its foundation

      Through solid rock.

      They made its framework

      Of great steel beams

      With riveted joints

      And welded seams.

      A swarm of workmen

      Strain and strive

      Like busy bees

      In a honeyed hive

      Building the skyscraper

      Into the air

      While crowds of people

      Stand and stare

      Higher and higher

      The tall towers rise

      Like Jacob’s ladder

      Into the skies.



      W. Mubonwa

      See him every morning,

      Sitting in the sunshine,

      Puffing the old pipe,

      Humming an old tune,

      Waiting for his breakfast.

      He loves everything old.

      He says he had his time.

      Claims to be wise.

      Is prepared to give advice.

      He talks of past wars.

      Compares past and present culture.

      His enemy is a bath.

      His companion is his pipe.

      When it is mid-day,

      He takes a pinch of snuff,

      And his best friend, beer.

      A few minutes later he snores.

      Till next morning.


      The cruel boy


      There was cruel naughty boy,

      Who sat upon the shore,

      A-catching little fishes by

      The dozen and the score.

      And as they squirmed and wriggled there,

      He shouted out with glee,

      ‘You surely cannot want to live,

      You’re little-er than me.’

      Just then with a malicious leer,

      And a capacious smile,

      Before him from the water deep

      There rose a crocodile.

      He eyed the little naughty boy,

      Then heaved a blubbering sigh,

      And said, ‘You cannot want to live,

      You’re little-er than I.’

      The fishes squirm and wriggle still,

      Beside that sandy shore,

      The cruel little naughty boy,

      Was never heard of more.

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