Dance of the Heart. Sibusiswe Dhuwe
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Название: Dance of the Heart

Автор: Sibusiswe Dhuwe

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9780795703799


СКАЧАТЬ A slim young woman approached her. “You’re new, aren’t you?”

      Nomvula nodded and the woman continued, “I’m Thuli Matheba. I take this class every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It’s always nice to see a new face. You must be Nomvula.”

      “Oh, Thuli, hi! I spoke to you on the phone?”

      The teacher nodded and asked, “Have you danced before?”

      “Ja, for six years, and then not at all for another ten or so years, so I’m pretty rusty,” said Nomvula ruefully.

      “Don’t worry about that. This class isn’t too advanced; you’ll catch up soon enough and you may even want to move on to a more advanced group.”

      “Oh, I think this will do me just fine for a while.”

      “Great. Let’s introduce you to everyone and then we can start. Please put your bag over there.”

      Thuli pointed to the furthest corner of the room, where there was an assortment of other bags strewn casually on the floor. The front of the room was lined with mirrors, and the side that ran along the outside corridor was clear glass, so that anyone passing by could see into the room.

      Only as she found herself a space on the floor did No­mvula notice the young man seated towards the back of the room. In front of him were two drums. Thuli signalled to him and he began a slow, simple beat.

      “Okay, we’ll start with breathing to the count of eight,” instructed Thuli. She caught up with the count and then began taking the class through a series of stretching exercises that gradually increased in pace and complexity.

      Nomvula remembered quite a few of the exercises, despite not having done them for ages. The routine, however, took some getting used to, but by the end of the class she could execute the moves quite competently.

      “You’re good,” Thuli complimented her afterwards. “It’s taken a couple of weeks for everyone to learn the routine and you almost got it on the first day.”

      “I think I may have overdone it a bit, though.” Nomvula grimaced as she felt a knot of tension in her back. “I’m going to be so stiff tomorrow.”

      “Go home and take a hot shower, or better yet, soak yourself in a tub with bath salts. And make sure you stretch again right afterwards. That should take care of it.”

      Thuli waved cheerily and walked off towards the cafeteria.

      Nomvula checked her watch; it was time to pick up Mpho.

      * * *

      While Nomvula settled into a new routine, Daniel’s schedule changed, picking up quite a frantic pace. He spent most of his time that week in the office, when he wasn’t cooped up at Parscope with Tshepo and their respective legal advisors.

      But eventually everything was back on track and Daniel could afford a little relaxation with his friend in Chez Max, a restaurant revered by businesspeople in all of Rivonia.

      “You’re getting the best out of this deal,” said Tshepo. “Do you realise that you probably never need to work again?”

      “Ja, but you know me.” Daniel smiled apologetically. “With all the ideas I have in my head, I need to keep grafting to stay sane.”

      “Well, you can tinker all you want now.” Tshepo changed the subject without warning. “So what happened to isimomondiya you brought to my party the other night?”

      Daniel burst into laughter. “The other night you’re referring to is two months ago, at the very least, and that cute young thing was simply that: a date and no more.”

      Tshepo’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Hey wena! You don’t mean to say you’re still doing the monk thing? It’s been three years since Alexa left, and . . .” Tshepo’s voice tailed off when he noticed the look on his friend’s face. He realised that once again he had started on a subject better left alone. But he wasn’t prepared to never talk about it, so he tried a different tack.

      “Are you never going to let another woman into your life because some vain bitch pulled a fast one on you?” Too late. He had started off well, but his tactlessness got the better of him.

      Tshepo saw Daniel’s lips compress into a grim line and tried again. “I mean, don’t you think it’s time to let it go?” He had managed to change his tone somewhat, and to his relief his question sounded more like concern than an attack.

      “I have let it go,” Daniel replied, relaxing somewhat. “Just because I don’t talk about it all the time, it doesn’t mean I’m not dating,” he defended his position.

      “Uh-huh.” Tshepo sipped his Perrier. “So who are you seeing then?”

      “Who are you seeing?”

      “Hey, I’ve been in hospital, what do you take me for?” At Daniel’s look Tshepo conceded, “All right, inkosazana enhle, known as uNomsa Sheba.”

      Daniel shook his head. “Is she a model? An air hostess?”

      “What if she is?” challenged Tshepo.

      “I rest my case.” Daniel threw his hands up into the air.

      “Ja, but I don’t rest mine,” Tshepo countered. “Who are you seeing? Come on, spit it out.”

      Daniel groaned inwardly. He should have just answered the question in the first instance; now Tshepo was never going to believe that he wasn’t hiding something.

      “No one, okay? I’m not seeing anyone.”

      Sure enough, Tshepo looked at him sceptically, but decided to let the matter rest.

      “I hear you’ve got a glamorous new nanny for Mpho.” Tshepo chewed his steak with an air of studied nonchalance. “I think I might pay you a visit soon.”

      “Please don’t.” Daniel didn’t even need to ask how Tshepo had heard about Nomvula. “Thabs?”

      “Couldn’t wait to tell me. So?”

      “So what?”

      “How old is she?”

      Daniel answered automatically, “Twenty-seven.”

      “You thinking of making a plan?”

      “Hey wena, Tshepo! Just give it a break.” Daniel stood up.

      Tshepo was genuinely baffled. “Why are you so touchy all of a sudden?”

      “Forget it! I’ll see you tomorrow.”

      Daniel put on his jacket and made his way back to the corporate offices of Modise Electronics with a picture of No­m­vula posted firmly in his mind.

      It was amazing. In a few short days she had become an integral part of his life. He actually looked forward to seeing her at the end of the day when he got home, and after Mpho had gone to bed he eagerly joined her in the lounge to СКАЧАТЬ