The Player. Akhona Bota
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Название: The Player

Автор: Akhona Bota

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9780795703737


СКАЧАТЬ you’ll be fine,” Sizwe whispered in her ear.

      She felt dizzy; the ground was so far below. Sizwe tightened his grasp on her, but she still felt petrified.

      The gigantic elephant began to walk, slowly treading forward. Hlobo didn’t know how to describe what she was feeling as Khanyisa continued to move. Her eyes were shut tightly as she held her breath. But gradually she found out there was nothing to be afraid of. The elephant simply carried them forward step by step.

      Hlobo started to relax more and more. It felt like walking on clouds. She was actually beginning to enjoy this.

      Sizwe tossed the game ranger the camera. He took a perfect photo of the couple on the elephant, capturing a very special moment of togetherness.

      * * *

      That evening the lodge had a feast. A huge fire was roaring outside and everyone was out there except for Hlobo and Sizwe. They were still in their room.

      “Hurry up, we’re missing out already,” Sizwe said, tugging on his jeans in a hurry. He had just taken a shower and now it was her turn.

      Hlobo emerged from the bathroom with a small towel wrapped around her. She went pink when he stopped and stared at her. His eyes were filled with wickedness as they scanned every inch of her slender feminine body. Her long legs were completely exposed, since the towel only covered the essentials.

      “I thought you said we should hurry,” she said, smirking at him.

      For a moment he didn’t move his eyes from hers, as if challenging her. But then he zipped up his jeans.

      “Yes, we’re late already,” he said. “Now hurry.”

      Hlobo didn’t take as long as Sizwe had anticipated. She slipped on a simple flowery dress, perfect for the warm summer evening.

      They arrived outside and joined in the celebration. People were standing in a circle around a big bonfire and young Zulu girls were doing a traditional dance. Everyone was clapping their hands to the rhythm of the drum.

      “You didn’t bring your camera,” Hlobo whispered when she noticed someone else taking photos.

      “Don’t worry about that. I have a feeling this will be a memorable night anyway,” he replied with a smile.

      Hlobo’s suspicions returned. He was definitely hiding something from her. “What do you mean?” she asked, fishing for the truth.

      Sizwe didn’t say anything. He just went back to clapping his hands for the dancing Zulu girls.

      “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our feast,” said the lodge’s manager when the dancing stopped. She was holding a microphone. “It’s always good to come out into the night and inhale the cool air. That’s why every month we have this feast here at Ekhaya Lodge. So please enjoy!”

      Everyone applauded.

      “Tonight is a very special night,” continued the manager. “Where’s Sizwe Bala?” Her eyes looked around before they found him.

      Hlobo frowned and looked at Sizwe. What would the manager want with him?

      He seemed thrilled, though, and not a bit surprised as he flashed his engaging smile.

      “Come on,” Sizwe said, tugging her by the hand. They went over to the manager near the fire and all eyes were on them.

      Hlobo looked around a little shyly. She adjusted her glasses while wishing the earth would open up and swallow her. She hoped Sizwe wasn’t going to do something to embarrass her.

      “For those of you who don’t know, this is the rugby player Sizwe Bala, a valued member of the Bulls,” the manager explained to the crowd. She seemed as thrilled as he was. Hlobo got the feeling that whatever Sizwe was about to do, they were in cahoots. This frustrated her. Not knowing what was going on always annoyed her. Who liked to be in the dark and be the last one to know things?

      During the time she had been with Sizwe, she had noticed that he enjoyed being the centre of attention. After all, he was a celebrity, something she had never aspired to. The idea of having your private life made public all the time just didn’t sit well with her. Already, tabloids had snapped pictures of her and Sizwe out on a date and published them with headlines like:

      Rugby player Sizwe’s new girlfriend! Sexy Sizwe dates an accountant!

      Fortunately nothing major had been published about their relationship yet.

      “Here with Sizwe is his girlfriend, Hlobo Sondlo,” continued the manager.

      At the mention of her name Hlobo squeezed Sizwe’s hand.

      “And now, everyone, our rugby star has an announcement to make.”

      Hlobo was getting really annoyed. What would Sizwe be announcing? Her head couldn’t find any answers, so she just stood there like any other woman would in her position. She watched as Sizwe let go of her hand, leaving her alone with everyone’s eyes on her. She felt her chest heaving heavily and there was an acidic feeling in her stomach.

      He took the microphone from Ekhaya’s manager, who backed away, leaving only the couple in the spotlight.

      “What is going on?” Hlobo whispered, her heart beating faster and faster.

      “You’ll soon see,” Sizwe said.

      She held her breath as he took a small box from his pocket. It looked like a ring box, and sure enough, it was!

      Sizwe went down on one knee, opening the box. The most dazzling diamond ring Hlobo had ever seen sparkled under the silver moonlight. It outshone even the brilliant stars spread across the dark sky.

      “Hlobo, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?” Sizwe asked in a hoarse voice.

      Oh, this moment was so perfect. She wouldn’t change anything about it. The longing in his face melted her heart. She couldn’t hold back her tears. The moment completely blotted out her surroundings. The people encircling them no longer existed. It was just the two of them: Hlobo and Sizwe. How could she refuse his offer?

      As Sizwe held out the ring towards Hlobo, he was praying to God that she would accept it. He might be dubbed South Africa’s sexiest man, but he still feared that she might turn him down. Hlobo was quite unlike any other woman he had ever met. She had a mind of her own and she loved him for who he was. Her beauty had held him spellbound from the minute he met her and the way she made his blood rush rapidly had convinced him that this was true love.

      “Yes,” she breathed, barely audible.

      “Huh?” he enquired, turning his head to hear.

      This time Hlobo raised her voice. “Yes, I will be your wife!”

      Sizwe slipped the beautiful ring on her finger. Ululations erupted and the Zulu girls danced to the rhythm of the drum. Everyone applauded.

      After splashing a kiss that felt hot as fire on Hlobo’s mouth, Sizwe said, “Thank you.”

      It СКАЧАТЬ