Call in the Feds. Gordon Landsborough
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Название: Call in the Feds

Автор: Gordon Landsborough

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика


isbn: 9781434447395


СКАЧАТЬ pass that message on to Boss Myrtle,” he said bitingly.

      It stung. The chief came leaping out of his chair, glaring.

      “By God, captain, I won’t stand for that sort of talk. Are you saying I’m in Myrtle’s pocket?”

      It was bluster, and both knew it. Lanny just growled a contemptuous, “You should know,” and went out.

      And now Sergeant Pedersen was telling him that the Myrtle Machine was after him—out to remove him because of that threat he had made to his chief.

      He got into his car. Pedersen lingered even then. And then, just as he was about to be driven away, Pedersen stooped and said, softly, “Captain, if there’s a jam, count on me. I’m sick to hell of this graft. And there’s a few boys I know you can depend on.”

      Lanny’s hard face relaxed into a grim smile. “Thanks, sergeant. That’s something to remember, I guess.”

      The radio was talking. They listened. “Captain Just to report immediately back to HQ. Captain Just to withdraw the Vigilance pickets right away.” The message was repeated.

      Pedersen gave a tight grin and said, “This is it, captain. Betcha that’s the squeeze starting right away.”

      He saluted and walked quickly away. Lanny nodded for the car to start. The radio was talking again.

      A Pontiac with shattered windows and a crumpled front had been found down by the pier head. A patrolman had found witnesses who had seen five men get out and walk quickly away. They gave pretty good descriptions, and these came over the air in a general broadcast to all cars.

      They were driving back to town as the news came over the air. Lanny at once started giving orders.

      All roadblocks should move in on the town, tightening the net. Vigilantes would also move up with the police, he ordered.

      His men looked quickly at him when he gave this latter order, but it went out all the same. The driver said, “HQ?”

      Lanny said. “No, we’re going into the old town, round the seafront. We’re gonna comb through the dives and doss-houses and see if we can drive these gunnies into the open.” Then he grinned. “I never heard that order, and maybe you’d like to forget you heard it, too.”

      The men just looked ahead and said nothing. Lanny thought: It’s hell, not being able to trust your own men.

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