Charms, Spells, and Curses. V. J. Banis
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Название: Charms, Spells, and Curses

Автор: V. J. Banis

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Руководства


isbn: 9781434447982


СКАЧАТЬ of the earth.

      Incantation of the powerful, powerful, powerful God.


      An Akkadian incantation against ulcers:

      That which does not go away,

      That which is not propitious,

      That which grows up,

      Ulcers of a bad kind,

      Poignant ulcers, enlarged ulcers, excoriated ulcers, ulcers,

      Ulcers which spread, malignant ulcers,

      Spirit of the heavens, conjure it!

      Spirit of the earth, conjure it!

      An Akkadian conjuration against disease:

      The seven gods of the vast heavens,

      The seven gods of the great earth,

      The seven gods of the igneous spheres,

      These are the seven gods,

      The seven malevolent gods,

      The seven malevolent phantoms.

      Spirit of the heavens, conjure it!

      Spirit of the earth, conjure it!

      An Assyrian healing spell:

      The man of Ea am I,

      The man of Damkina am I,

      The messenger of Marduk am I.

      My spell is the spell of Ea,

      My incantation is the incantation of Marduk,

      The circle of Ea is in my hand,

      The Tamarisk, the powerful weapon of Anu,

      In my hand I hold,

      The death spathe, mighty in decision,

      In my hand I hold.

      A Chaldean magic formula against headache:

      Knot on the right and arrange flat in regular bands, on the left a woman’s diadem:

      Divide it twice in seven little bands;

      Gird the head of the invalid with it:

      Gird the seat of life with it:

      Gird his hands and his feet:

      Seat him on his bed:

      Pour on him enchanted waters.

      An Egyptian spell for poison or one suffering from any venomous bite:

      Fashion a hawk with two feathers on the head; this should be made of ivy wood and painted. Recite the spell below over it; open its mouth and offer it bread and beer and incense; then place it on the face of the victim. It will quickly repel the poison. This is the spell to be chanted:

      “Flow out, thou poison, come forth upon the ground. Horus conjures thee, he cuts thee off, he spits thee out, and thou risest not up but fallest down. Thou art weak and not strong, a coward and dost not fight, blind and dost not see. Thou liftest not thy face. Thou art turned back and findest not thy way. Thou mournest and dost not rejoice. Thou creepest away and dost not appear. So speaketh Horus, efficacious of magic! The poison which was rejoicing, the hearts of multitudes grieve for it; Horus has slain it by his magic. He who mourned is in joy. Stand up, thou who wast prostrate. Horus has restored thee to life. He who came as one carried is gone forth of himself; Horus has overcome his bites. All men, when they behold Re, praise the son of Osiris. Turn back, thou snake, conjured is thy poison which was in any limb of _____, the son of _____. Behold, the magic of Horus is powerful against thee. Flow out, thou poison, come forth upon the ground.”

      A Roman spell to banish pain:

      Hang around the neck these words on a paper:

      An ant has no blood nor bile:

      Flee, uvula, lest a crab eat you.

      A Roman incantation for dislocated bone:

      Huat hanat huat

      Ista pista sista

      Comiabo damnaustra.

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