The Second House. V. J. Banis
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Название: The Second House

Автор: V. J. Banis

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9781434448224


СКАЧАТЬ the intra-family relationships of this clan. Perhaps this was merely the way they did things, personal animosity notwithstanding. And, lest I forget it, it was really none of my business.

      “I’ve made arrangements for us to return tomorrow,” Guy went on. “I assume that is satisfactory?”

      “Yes,” Jeffrey said. “In that case, I have some business I want to take care of this evening. With Mr. Lescott, as a matter of fact. You see, I haven’t been entirely without results, notwithstanding my distractions.” He gave me a nod.

      “Then you’ve interested Lescott in joining Forrest Silver?” Guy asked.

      “I think so. He was to let me know in the morning, but it can’t harm anything to see him this evening. He may have made up his mind already.”

      “Shall I join you?”

      Jeffrey gave his cousin a cold look. “I don’t think that will be necessary,” he said.

      “I am the firm’s general manager,” Guy said, apparently unperturbed by Jeffrey’s coolness.

      “And my father is still the principal owner,” Jeffrey replied. “And I am here at his instructions to carry out a specific task. If you will pardon me, I will finish it myself.”

      Guy shrugged and said, “As you wish.”

      Jeffrey turned to me. “You’ll come with me, won’t you?” he asked.

      “If you like,” I said, standing. I thought it actually pointless, since I could do nothing to help him in his business efforts; but I felt that inviting me was an act of defiance directed toward Mr. Delane, and being none too happy with that gentleman’s manner, I was only too happy to go along with Jeffrey’s wishes.

      I gave Mr. Delane my hand again. “It’s been most pleasant,” I said.

      “A singular experience,” he murmured.

      As we left I felt Mr. Delane’s eyes upon me; they were not, I was certain, approving.

      I dismissed the incident from my mind. I will probably never see him again, I told myself.

      All in all, that was a silly notion.

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