The Paper Detective. E. Joan Sims
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Название: The Paper Detective

Автор: E. Joan Sims

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры

Серия: Paisley Sterling Mystery

isbn: 9781434449627


СКАЧАТЬ Creek and the replacement pump for the water treatment plant. And probably a half dozen other big ticket items the community needs just as bad.”

      He leaned back against the window ledge and faced me.

      “This is a little town, Paisley, with a small tax base. There’s only so much money to go around. For the last couple of years it’s been touch and go to make the county payroll each month. I turned down my regular pay raise twice just so I wouldn’t have to let one of my men off. I don’t know how long I can keep that up. Connie and the kids deserve to have some of the things they want.”

      I didn’t know what to say. The big shiny red fire truck I had so admired lost its luster. I remembered the lean years Cassie and I had spent after Rafe disappeared. It was tough to work hard and still not be able to provide enough for your children.

      “Enough of my grousing,” he said. “Did you come to town to see that shiny red monster, or me?”

      I smiled. “You, definitely, you. I was hoping you could help me with some information.”

      “Unless it’s got something to do with that incident at Bert Atkins’s cabin at the lake a couple of day’s ago, I’ll be glad to help.”

      My face said it all. He sat back in his flimsy chrome chair and laughed again.

      “Come on, Paisley, you know the drill. I can’t tell you anything until Chief Hall makes a statement. And from what I hear, that won’t be anytime soon. You know Danny Hall. Why don’t you ask him?”

      “I did. He won’t tell me anything. I was hoping you…”

      “You were hoping I would be unprofessional and spill the beans?”

      “Well, yes.” I gave him my sweetest and brightest smile. It didn’t work.

      He scowled at me and shook his head.

      “Danny Hall is a good man. A bit disappointed in love, I hear. But he’s a good man. And I’m every bit as good as he is. Maybe better, ’cause I’m older and more experienced. I will speculate that the motive was robbery. That’s obvious. Ever since Bert came into all that money and went to live in the woods alone, I’ve been expecting trouble.”

      “All that money? What money? Bert’s rich?”

      I was stunned.

      Andy seemed surprised that I didn’t know.

      “Yeah, Bert came into quite a large sum a year or so back. Right after he recovered from the gunshot wound. That’s when he announced he was taking early retirement.” Andy smiled ruefully. “I don’t blame him. I can’t say I wasn’t envious. Still am. Man, what a stroke of luck. Well, maybe I’ll win the lottery, and Connie and I can take the kids and go live in Florida.”

      “You would hate it, Andy. You’re as crazy about this little town as I am. You’ll never leave.” I stood up and buttoned my jacket. “But I do hope you win the Lotto.”

      “Say ‘hello’ to Miz Sterling for me.”

      “I will. And thanks.”

      “For nothing?”

      “Yeah, for that,” I forced a smile as I waved and stepped out into the cold blustery winter afternoon.

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