Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #3. Arthur Conan Doyle
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Название: Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #3

Автор: Arthur Conan Doyle

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Зарубежные детективы


isbn: 9781434437310


СКАЧАТЬ The Incredible Umbrella (Dell Books, 1980), a first edition paperback that collects his fine stories featuring the fantastical doings of Professor J. Adrian Fill­more (Gad, what a name!). The first two were written as separate stories and appeared in magazines in the 1970s. It is good to have them all collected in one volume.

      Kaye is also known for editing three outstanding anthologies of articles, pastiches, and short stories in the Holmes­ian genre. All three were originally published in hardcover by St. Martins Press and then reprinted by them in trade paperback.

      The first is The Game is Afoot (1994), a gem that collects an amazing array of classic and obscure parodies and pastiches together with newer works by popular authors.

      The Resurrected Holmes (1996) features all original stories, new cases for which each was ostensibly written by a classic author in that author’s style. Thus we have Paula Volsky’s “The Giant Rat of Sumatra” as if written by H.P. Lovecraft and Carole Buggé’s “The Madness of Colonel Warburton” as if written by Dashiell Hammett. You get the idea; this one is great fun.

      The Confidential Casebook of Sherlock Holmes (1998) once again offers original pastiches by major authors, this time presenting cases supposedly surpressed to avoid scandal…or worse. Now the truth can be told! In these three books Kaye and his contributors offer some of the most ingenious and enjoyable Holmesian pastiches.

      Carole Buggé, whose fine work appears in this magazine, has also written two excellent novels published by St. Martins Press: The Star of India (1998) and The Haunting of Torre Abbey (2000). In the former we have Holmes returning to London to discover his arch nemesis Moriarty still alive, while the latter has the Great Detective investigating strange hauntings in a 12th century monastery.

      One of the best kept secrets and least known of the newer pastiches is Sherlock Holmes on The Wild Frontier by Magda Jozsa (Book Surge, 2005), a print-on-demand trade paperback original from a talented Australian writer. Don’t let the American Wild West setting put you off; this is a fine pastiche and true to Holmes and Watson.

      While I’ve barely scratched the surface in this short article, and I’m sure we each have our own favorites, collecting Holmesian paperbacks is fascinating fun—and you never know what you might discover!


      * * * *

      Gary Lovisi is an MWA Edgar-nominated author for his own Sherlock Holmes pastiche “The Adventure of the Missing Detective.” His latest book is Sherlock Holmes: The Great Detective in Paperback & Pastiche, a survey, index and value guide with many rare and key covers shown in full color. This large-size, spiral-bound format book is available now for $50. + $5. postage from Gryphon Books, PO Box 209, Brooklyn, NY 11228. His website is:


      Readers (unknowingly) said goodbye to Sherlock Holmes in 1926’s “The Adventure of the Retired Colourman.” Only eight years later, a new detective who would not only evoke memories of the Holmes stories but also plough new ground arrived in the (oversized) form of Nero Wolfe. The seventy-four stories, written over forty-one years, would be collectively known as the Corpus, akin to the Holmesian Canon.

      For those unfamiliar with the stories, Nero Wolfe lives in a brownstone townhouse in New York City with Archie Good­win, Fritz Brenner, and Theodore Horstmann. This is a boy’s club: no girls allowed (although Archie’s romantic interest, Lily Rowan, holds a special status). Wolfe’s attitude towards females makes Holmes, by comparison, appear to be a “whole-souled admirer of the womankind.” Quiz: Can you identify the Holmes tale that phrase is from? Answer at the article’s end.

      They are a self-contained unit, with Wolfe and Archie solving crimes, Fritz cooking and taking care of the household chores, and Horstmann assisting Wolfe with his hobby, the cultivation of orchids in a rooftop greenhouse. Archie often comments on the beauty of the orchids, which is a far cry from the thoughts of General Sternwood in Raymond Chandler’s The Big Sleep: “Nasty things. Their flesh is too much like the flesh of men, and their perfume has the rotten sweetness of corruption.” Po-tay-toe, po-tah-toe, I guess.

      Because the characters do not age, the stories all have a comfortable familiarity about them. Also, they are set contemporary to their writing, so while in a Holmes tale it is “always 1895,” the Wolfe stories feel much more like modern mysteries, even though some are over seventy years old.

      The Wolfe adventures are great reads on their own merits, but the Holmesian, using those famous powers of observation, can detect elements of the Canon throughout the Corpus.

      No, You Mean My Brother

      Nero Wolfe bears a much stronger resemblance to Mycroft Holmes than to his more famous brother, Sherlock. Archie frequently tells us that Wolfe is lazy, and in fact his boss prefers to takes cases only when financial necessity dictates. Archie tells us that one of his most important jobs is to browbeat Wolfe into working, which is certainly indicative of the latter’s attitude towards accepting clients.

      Sherlock Holmes says that his brother would rather be considered wrong than to exert the necessary energy to prove himself correct. Wolfe may not quite take things that far, but he will do his utmost to avoid taking on a case. He once said, “I am not interested, not involved, and not curious.” Unless forced by circumstances, that pretty much sums up Wolfe’s attitude to work.

      Physically, Mycroft is described by Watson as “corpulent,” which means having a large, bulky body. Wolfe actually uses the word “gargantuan” to describe himself, and while his weight varies over the years, under normal circumstances it is in the neighborhood of 285 pounds. Both Wolfe and Mycroft are very large men, but with extremely agile minds. One thinks of Sidney Greenstreet’s “The Fat Man” in The Maltese Falcon. In fact, Greenstreet actually voiced Wolfe in a series of radio plays starting in 1950.

      In Fer de Lance, the very first story, Wolfe is unfamiliar with the sport of golf. He has some clubs brought to his office and asks the delivery boy to demonstrate them for him. After watching a powerful swing, Wolfe mutters “Ungovernable fury.” Only a man who detests unnecessary physical exertion would view a simple golf swing in that vein.

      Wolfe considered venturing outside the brownstone as some­thing to be avoided in the extreme, with only three events regularly drawing him forth: voting, dining at Rustermans, (the restaurant owned by his boyhood friend Marko Vukcik), and pursuing his orchid obsession. Other sallies forth were dictated by circumstances and universally disliked. Wolfe viewed riding in a car akin to a suicide mission. One wonders how he managed to board a plane and fly to Montana in Some Buried Caesar.

      Both Wolfe and Mycroft are men of habits. Six days a week, Wolfe takes breakfast in his room, dresses in exactly the same fashion, spends two hours in the morning and two more in the afternoon upstairs in the plant rooms, has lunch and dinner in the dining room at set times, and only deals with business matters in the office if he absolutely must. When Wolfe enters the office for the first time, he greets Archie with a “Good morning,” even if they have already spoken. Fritz must not open the beer bottles he brings to Wolfe, who does it himself, using a specific bottle opener each time. Few detectives follow as rigid a daily pattern as Wolfe.

      Mycroft “has his rails” and only frequents three places: his lodgings, his government office, and the Diogenes Club. Holmes wonders what upheaval could have unsettled My­croft’s habits so much to force a visit СКАЧАТЬ