Still Invisible?. Elvin J. Dowling
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Название: Still Invisible?

Автор: Elvin J. Dowling

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Изобразительное искусство, фотография


isbn: 9781922309815


СКАЧАТЬ - 18.00%

       Black - 13.00%

       Asian - 5.00%

       White - 60.00%


       Jobs/Professional Services Represented

       Information Services and Data - 2.25%

       Retail - 1.75%

       Real Estate Rental or Leasing - 1.00%

       Legal Services - 2.00%

       Transportation and Warehousing - 2.25%

       Homemaker - 2.25%

       Science or Technical Services - 1.00%

       Unemployed - 24.50%

       Telecommunications - 0.75%

       Software - 4.75%

       Arts, Entertainment or Recreation - 4.00%

       Education - 5.00%

       Retired - 1.25%

       Hotel and Food Services - 5.50%

       Manufacturing, Computer and Electronics - 3.25%

       Military - 0.25%

       Finance and Insurance - 4.75%

       Manufacturing (Other) - 3.00%

       Other - 14.25%

       Construction - 4.00%

       Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing or Hunting - 0.50%

       Healthcare and Social Assistance - 7.00%

       Student - 1.00%

       Information (Other) - 0.25%

       Government and Public Administration - 2.25%

       Wholesale - 1.25%


       Highest Academic Level Completed

       High School - 30.25%

       Middle School - 1.50%

       Elementary School - 0.08%

       Post Graduate - 12.28%

       Vocational Technical College - 7.77%

       University - 48.12%


       Annual Income of Respondents

       High I (Between $100,000 - $124,999) - 4.75%

       High II (Between $125,000 - $149,999) - 5.75%

       High III ($150,000 and More) - 3.50%

       Prefer Not to Say - 5.75%

       Lower Level II (Between $25,000 - $49,999) - 30.75%

       Middle I (Between $50,000 - $74,999) - 16.00%

       Middle II (Between $75,000 - $99,999) - 8.75%

       Lower Level I (Under $25,000) - 24.75%

       Employment Status

       Source of Respondent's Income

       Student - 6.25%

       Self-Employed - 11.25%

       Unemployed Not Looking - 1.75%

       Homemaker - 7.75%

       Employed for Wages - 48.50%

       Retired - 8.00%

       Unable to Work - 5.75%

       Unemployed but Looking - 8.50%

       Other - 1.75%

       Military - 0.50%

       Marital Status

       Relationship Status of Respondents

       Separated - 1.50%

       Prefer Not to Say - 1.25%

       Single - 38.25%

       Living with Partner - 10.25%

       Divorced - 6.25%

       Married - 41.00%

       Widowed - 1.50%

       Parental Status

       Respondent's Number of Children

       Two - 16.00%

       Six or More - 1.50%

       Four - 4.50%

       Zero - 48.75%

       Three - 9.25%

       Prefer Not to Say - 0.25%

       Five - 1.75%

       One - 18.00%

      *All survey results displayed above are represented by the overall percentage of survey respondents. To review raw СКАЧАТЬ