After She Said Yes. Kaya Gravitter
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Название: After She Said Yes

Автор: Kaya Gravitter

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9781925939415


СКАЧАТЬ ignoring what Gannon had said completely: “Gannon, why are you here?”

      Tiffany knocked on the door and cracked it open. “Is everything okay, Mrs. Tousey?”

      “She is fine,” he said, as he always said when someone suspected her of being abused, upset, or depressed. Aurora’s eyes grew wide at Tiffany. Then she flashed a fake smile at Tiffany through the crack of the door.

      “Here.” Aurora grabbed the flowers from her desk. “I got you some flowers for being such a great assistant.”

      “Thank you!” Tiffany said as she smiled, staring at the roses.

      Then Aurora closed the door.

      Gannon began to pout and stepped towards Aurora. “I came to apologize.” He tried to grab her hand, but she slapped it away.

      "You know I'm at work,” Aurora said. “I like to keep my personal life outside of work. Can you please leave?”

      Looking frustrated, Gannon said, “Well, I guess so, but I….”

      “I said ‘please,’ Gannon. Don’t make me ask again and call security. I don’t want to see you.” She clenched her jaw and ground her teeth. “And those flowers mean nothing to me.”

      “Aurora, I am not giving up that easily.” Gannon looked deep into Aurora’s eyes. “It isn’t my fault for what happened.”

      “Then whose is it?” Before Gannon got a word in, Aurora continued, “It must be my fault, huh? Just like when you... When you abuse me? That’s my fault, too.”


      “Then Shazzy’s? Honestly, Gannon, get out of my office.” Aurora started to breathe heavily. “Get out of my life!”

      Gannon stepped in to try to hug her. She pushed away.

      “Get out before I call security or maybe even the police.”

      “But Aur…” Gannon pleaded.

      Aurora pushed him out of her office and shut the door. She put her back against the wall and took a deep breath.

      She went to her desk, grabbed their wedding picture, and threw it in the trash.

      Chapter 4

      The following day, Aurora went to meet with her best friend, Tessa. Aurora had texted her that morning about meeting up, telling her friend that it was important. Tessa was in her senior year of dental school. Aurora stood on the lawn next to the brick building where Tessa’s class was. She leaned against an oak tree that seemed to tower over her small frame. She looked up as she heard a gust of wind ruffle the colorful leaves.

      After ten minutes of Aurora waiting and kicking around leaves, Tessa came out of the building.

       I am so nervous. What if she yells at me for just blacklisting her?

      “Hey, Tessa,” Aurora said as she lowered her head.

      “Aurora?” Tessa said. “Is everything okay? We haven't talked in forever. I thought Gannon didn’t want you to see me anymore.”

      Tessa was blonde and walked with spunk in her step because she was a jock and ran track in high school. During their undergrad, Tessa always tried to get Aurora to run with her, but Aurora would always quit ten minutes in. Aurora preferred to bike if anything.

      “I am sorry. I know we haven’t seen each other or talked in a while, but I...” Aurora started to choke on tears.

      “I know you are not here to just tell me sorry,” Tessa said as she pulled Aurora in for a hug. “What’s wrong?”

      “Gannon cheated on me,” Aurora said as she took a deep breath and wiped the tears from her face. “I caught Gannon with a woman the other night.”

      “Oh, Rora,” Tessa said.

      “I was wondering. Before you say I told you so…” Aurora said.

      “I won’t say that.”

      “Well, you know I hate asking for help. I paid for all of my college and expenses on my own and covered the expenses of my life with Gannon and never asked anyone for a dime.”

      “Really?” Tessa said. “He paid nothing? That lazy ba – ”

      “Tessa,” Aurora said. “I know I was so stupid to ever pay for anything for him. I am just asking you… Asking for your help.”

      “Of course! What can I do?”

      “I just need a place to stay. I can pay for rent. I will even stay on your couch. I just don’t know who to talk to about what happened. I can’t tell my family or any of my friends.”

      “But you can tell your best friend,” Tessa said.

      “Yes,” Aurora laughed as she shed happy tears. “My best friend…. I guess I have been so distant lately. Gannon just got so bad that I felt like I was in a hole I could not get out of.”

      “It’s fine. I get it.” Does she really get it? I guess I won’t get into that now, Aurora thought.

      “So, do you still live in the suburbs?”

      “Yes,” Tessa said. “I still live an hour away, like I mentioned the last time we bumped into each other. I am working for a dentist now.”

      “That’s a long commute, but that’s fine,” Aurora said. “I have been staying in a hotel the last few nights. You know, since I left my place. I just cannot stand to be alone anymore. I haven’t eaten anything in three days.”

      “No problem,” Tessa said. “I would love to have you stay with me. It will be just like college again.”

      When Aurora and Tessa met in college, they lived across the hall from one other. Aurora had needed help setting up her Wi-Fi. She asked Tessa for help in her own awkward way, but she usually tried to avoid small talk or introduce herself to people she didn’t know. Aurora could tell by Tessa’s mannerisms that she was the same way. They became friends after that, and would do everything together, like going to parties, eating, and studying.

      “Thank you,” Aurora said.

      “It’s okay. Pretend you never asked, and that I asked you.” Tessa said. “Is that all you wanted to say?”

      “Well,” Aurora said in a silent voice. “No. Gannon was abusing me.”

      “He was what?” Tessa stammered. Her voice began to attract the attention of onlookers.

      “Such a horrible human being. Remember the summer of freshman year when I took a trip with you and Gannon to Chicago?” Tessa continued.

      “Yes. I remember.” Aurora was standing stiff and tense.

      “Well, I saw how Gannon was always poking fun at you or making you feel stupid. I hated that. That СКАЧАТЬ